Biblical Manhood by Ryan M Marks - HTML preview

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Lesson 7, A Boy’s War Manual & Our Growth Can Lead To Better Leadership

Standing for what is right – Jack

Several years ago . . . .

This guy who I’ll call Jack for the sake of protecting his identity, had a crush on my sister. He was constantly trying to sit by her, talk to her, or touch her. He kept on bugging her, and trying to get closer to her. I knew that his actions were not right and voiced my opinion. In addition, I kept my eyes on him like a hawk. I was so consumed with watching this guy’s actions that I did not even feel like I could go to the restroom because I did not know what he would do when I was gone.

After voicing my opinion by basically saying KNOCK IT OFF, this guy kept on and on not respecting my sister. He was not getting the message of GO AWAY, so I stepped in another way to defend my sister’s honor. . . . Around this time in his life, Jack had had ingrown toenails and they had recently been removed. When he got out of hand, I simply stomped on his foot. This would hurt him for a few moments and then the pain lessened enough that he kept on doing what he had been doing. The “fight” never got huge, but the defense and honor of my sister was at stake. It is one thing to like a girl, but it is a whole different thing to lack respect for her.

You can learn from this story that there comes a time when peacefully voicing your petition is not enough and you have to physically fight. Now, please do not misunderstand, you never should just go around beating up anybody who likes your sister or annoys you, but if a kid is getting beaten up across the way, what will you do? Will you step in? Will you risk your own safety to help someone else? Would Jesus?

Think about It:

Would Jesus fight to defend the kid that was being attacked by bullies? What about a “guy” that was messing with his sister?

My Answer: I believe He would.

Your notes on the subject:


Spiritual Leadership – Prayer

As we have previously looked at, spiritual leadership involves many things from making decisions to personally maintaining and continuing our own spiritual growth, but another vital part of leadership is prayer. Do you pray for those under your care? What about for your friends? Your family? Do you lift up others needs before your Father, who is rich in everything beyond our comprehension?


Prayer is not about using big words or fancy speech. It is simply talking to God like He is there—and He is, so why be afraid?

Your notes on the subject:


Boldness with Humility

When you are humble you can still be bold. In Scripture, Moses is declared the most humble man (Numbers 12:3). Take a moment and think about what you know of Moses; then try to grasp what true humility is. By looking at how he (Moses) progressed in boldness we learn a valuable key to humility: Moses grew bolder because his relationship with God grew deeper. His humility was always rooted and fed by his God. Do you remember our first lesson, Our Foundation? Moses’ foundation in Jehovah was the key for his humility and it can be for us as well.

Likewise, what was Jesus like, was He humble? Yes, he was. But we again see that he was bold in many instances. Jesus refused to conform to the world and did what was right because God said it was right. Jesus did what God told Him to do without compromising. When you are truly humble, God’s opinion and standards will be the only thing that you base your actions, responses, and life on.



Your notes on the subject:



Proverbs – A Boy’s War Manual

The book of Proverbs is the book of wisdom. Young men and old men, you need wisdom and Proverbs is the book that will give you that. In fact, you can learn wisdom there that applies to every area of life. Here’s a few of the categories contained in it: women, business, the mouth, moms and dads, humility, honesty (the most important factor of business), working hard, hate, and pride. Pick up the book of Proverbs. It’s for your benefit.

Your notes on the subject:



Balance – A Time for Everything

“Where Your Focus Goes the Power Flows” – Vincent Newfield,

a quote from his father

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Your life contains a range of activities such as school, play, chores, and work. The difficulty is that you can spend too much time playing and not enough time working or so much time working that you don’t have time to play; and what about a Sabbath rest?

How do you balance it all so that you get just the right amount? The answer is asking God, reading what His Word has to say about it, and actually putting forth the effort to change what you know that you need to.

Is your life fairly balanced right now?


Your notes on the subject:


Final Recommendations for Biblical Manhood Study:

Continue Bible study on your own and with other men.

Proverbs and Psalms are an excellent place to start, and the letters from Paul, specifically 1 & 2 Corinthians, James, Titus, Colossians, Galatians, 1 & 2 Timothy, and 1 & 2 Peter are great places to continue. Also remember to respond to the Holy Spirit’s conviction and direction!

Also, feel free to use this book again. When we are engaged in life, sometimes we need to refresh our minds about things, such as, work or the importance of how we use our time.