Biblical Manhood by Ryan M Marks - HTML preview

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Lesson 3, A Man’s Battles

A Man’s Battle, Money

Money is something that we all like to have; but sometimes we like it so much that we put it before God and it becomes an idol.

Yet, at other times, our heart is the right place and we give generously to different causes or ministries. But often, we have to admit, that many of us are pretty lost about how we should handle our money.

( You will complete a worksheet this week on this topic, so we  won’t spend much time on it in here. [Unless that is God will and  direction for the class])

A Man’s Battle, Leadership

Leadership is more than just taking the initiative or commanding others. It is acknowledging when you are wrong and authentically repenting.

Do you agree? _____________________

Your notes on the subject:


Assignment for Leadership:

TO learn about spiritual leadership, you are assigned to lead one Bible study for your family before the next class. Have fun with it. Do not be afraid. Seek God and ask Him to give you a Word, the anointing to teach it, as well as the amazing gift and privilege of His presence.


A Man’s Battle, Responsibility

As I get older, I am continually either being given or taking on more responsibility. I have more stuff to take care of, more school, more this and definitely more that. I can choose to be responsible and d o my best at the tasks that I have to do or I can complain and worry about them, which is sin. We need to handle our responsibilities correctly, that is, as Jesus tells us to.

What responsibilities do you have? How does the Bible say you should do them?


Your Notes on the Subject:



A Young Man’s Battle, Strength

You like to be known for your strength (Prov. 20:29, check it out). As a result, you have some battle choices to make. You will either build up your pride or deny yourself and submit to your Master, Jesus. You can either use your physical strength and talents to serve others like Christ would or you can hold them in reserve for opportunities when others will praise you for them.

A Different Take:

You need to examine yourself to see what your motive is for using your strength. If you are using your strength just to get praise or showing off, the motive (or spirit) is wrong. If you use your strength to simply help others, serve God, and earn a living then your motive is right. Think about the following passage and listen to your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, as you read it.

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Matthew 5:27-28 KJV

What we see here is that since the motive was wrong, the person was guilty of sin. He didn’t have to do anything, just lustfully think, dwell, meditate, fantasize, desire it. What have you been guilty of sinning about when you didn’t do anything?

Not only do you need to be cautious of how you use your strength, but your motive. Is your motive prideful or humble and submissive to the Master? Also, I want to clarify something: I am not giving you a self-centered building plan here for your Christian life. What I am writing will be of no use to you if you just apply it without the Holy Spirit’s blessing and help. To follow the Lord truly, you must live a life guided by the Spirit, not just memorizing Scripture and putting it into practice in your own mental or physical strength. Doing that can be prideful, not humble! WE CANNOT USE THE BIBLE AS A SELF-HELP MANUAL, BUT AS A LIFE MANUAL; AND WE MUST HAVE A LIVING RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST (KNOWING HIM) TO MAKE IT TO HEAVEN. SALVATION IS A GIFT, BUT WE MUST RETAIN IT.

Your notes on the subject:


A Man’s Battle, Trusting God to Provide for His needs


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt. 6:33 KJV

Do you like to be in control? ____________________

There is this cool concept in the Bible and it says that God is in control. Now think about that for a minute – God is in control of everything. This is confirmed in Matthew 6:33, which teaches that if we seek God first then everything else we need will be given to us from His abundant stores. All our needs will be provided for! Wow! God is a good God! HE knows when a sparrow dies; and if He watches over a single bird, how much more will HE look after you and me?!

Let God have the control, He will provide for you. And, yes, you do have a part to play sometimes. At other times, you may have to humble yourself and receive the blessings from your Lord and Savior through the hand of another.

Your notes on the subject:


A Man’s Battle, Work and Family – Where is the Balance?


“Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.” Proverbs 24:27 KJV

It is hard to find a balance between work and family, but I think this verse offers us an application of balance. Read the verse above again. You finish your work and then build your house. To me that building your house can mean spiritually and relationally building up your household when you’re a father and husband. Now I am neither of those yet, so I struggle sometimes with how I should balance my time with my family (parents and siblings) and work. I know that relationships with my siblings and parents are important, but they will always be different than the relationship that I have with my wife and children in my own home one day. Nonetheless, I think that this Scripture offers us the insight of finishing up our work and then spending time with our family. Please note that your work is meant to have an end and that once your work is done you spend time with your family.

Your notes on the subject:



A Man’s Battle, The Curse of Sweat is Still True – I sweat when I  write real hard


“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Genesis 3:19 KJV

I have seen the sweating part proved true over and over again. Just get the farming picture out of your mind in regards to work. When I work really hard, I mean give a message, write for a while, or haul the garbage to the cub, I sweat. My desire is to write and minister full time one day and I believe that the curse of sweat applies no matter what the job is. How does the sweat apply to you?

Cleaning the house?

Wrestling with your little brother?

Racing against a friend?

The possibilities of sweating are endless.

Your notes on the subject:



A Man’s Battle, Real Men must Forgive


“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” Matt. 6:13-14 KJV   (underlining added)

Are you living a forgiving life? If not do you really believe this verse which says that you will not be forgiven by God if you choose not to forgive? Repent, and pray that you will truly forgive the other person(s) and then move on. Bless that person when offense arises in your heart. “You cannot stay mad at somebody you are blessing.”—Pastor Ed Shirrell


Your notes on the subject:



A Man’s Battle, His Speech

“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Matthew 12:36-37 KJV

Our speech should be reflecting Christ – this one really gets me at times because I have a really big mouth. How about you?

How’s your speech?


Your notes on the subject:



A Man’s Battle, Openness

We don’t always like to tell people how we are feeling, instead we often think that sharing feelings is girly and talking about life is boring. We want the thrills, fun, facts and action. . . . or at least many of us. No matter how open you already are, here are a few areas that we need openness in:

#1 In our Family

#2 With another (or more) Christian for accountability

#3 With a Mentor (Paul figure) to learn

Your notes on the subject:



A Man’s Battle, Humility


“(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)” Numbers 12:3 KJV

 “The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” Psalm 25:9 KJV

True humility is acknowledging that you deserve nothing, you are lower than low because of sin, you don’t deserve anything, yet for some reason God loves you and tells you that you matter to Him and His body. True humility is placing your trust in God and what He says, and paying no attention to your natural, selfish inclinations. Humility is tough. (REF. HUMILITY JC notes)


Your notes on the subject:



Closing Scripture for contemplation:

Are you waging this type of battle, with Christ as your General?

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 KJV


Work (personal assignment) For Growth

  • Rom. 5: 12-21  ~ We enter into Death because of Adam and Freedom and Life! because of Christ
  • Rom. 8  ~ Living with the Holy Spirit as our Guide; Our Eternal Future; and Our identity as Conquering Warriors through Jesus Christ
  •  Rom. 13 ~ We are to Submit, just like Christ Submits to God the Father
  •  Heb. 11 ~ Examples of Faith
  •  1 Cor. 1:10-31 ~ We need unity in the Universal and Local Church, and we personally have role to play
  •  1 Cor. 6:1-11 ~ The Bible tells us in this passage about how lawsuits between the body of Christ should be handled (a.k.a. They shouldn’t take place)
  •  1 Cor. 10:1-13 ~ Temptation
  •  1 Cor. 13 ~ True Love * Also, read the Love definition located after your worksheet as part of your assignment.

You might need a parents’ help to understand this definition.