Biblical Truths About: Invisible Spiritual Forces by Aaron Robinson Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter 1 – The Invisible Spiritual World


 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

(2 Corinthians 4:18)

Now, let's begin by this study by first examining the 'Invisible Spiritual World' or (spirit realm), the place where these beings are said to live or come from... That place we cannot reach as humans, or sense with our five senses. Ok, I know at one time or another, a lot of people have wondered if there really are such things as invisible spiritual forces... If so, then where are they coming from? 2). Is there actually an invisible spirit world? 3). Maybe you are someone who is really convinced in your heart or through personal experience of the existence of a spirit world? Well, I can answer that by saying that nearly 9 out of 10 people in the United States alone say they believe in Heaven, according to a recent news poll… And in addition to this, most also believe that ‘Heaven’ is the place where God’s ‘Throne’ is located. It is also the place where 'Angelic Beings' reside, to serve and worship God (Psalm 103:20; Revelation 4:8). Moreover, the Holy Scriptures tell us that ‘Heaven’ is a place where people who have obeyed the Gospel message and developed a relationship with God through His Son Yehoshua/Jesus, are eternally rewarded.

Now, that being said, on the other side of coin, the Holy Scriptures also tells us there is another part of the spirit realm known as 'Hell'. You see, just like 'Heaven', Hell is a 'literal place' and not a figment of our imagination as some would have us to believe (Jude 1:7. 23; Matt 5:22, 10:28, 24:51; Mark 9:43, 48, 49; Luke 16:23). In fact, according to recent polls, 58% of U.S. adults say they also believe in ‘Hell’. Moreover, the scriptures tell us that 'Hell' is the place where those who have led bad lives, rejected the 'Gospel message’ and 'God's Son' Yehoshua/Jesus; and ‘die’ without 'repenting' and being 'born-again' are eternally punished (Romans 5:8-10; Revelation 21:8). But, in spite of this, other than what we read in the scriptures, little is actually known about this spiritual dimension of reality.

This is due in part, because of the mystery of the spiritual realm itself, and the fact that it is a realm intangible to the five senses of the Human body, and beyond the reach of scientific instruments. So lacking any scientific methods, most of modern science limits its scientific investigation to the physical world only, and pays little heed to anything that exists in the spiritual realm. Well, whether you want to believe it or not, I can assure you that according to the Holy Scriptures, there really exists a spiritual world and spirit beings (Col 1:16) as you are about to discover in this guide. As a matter of fact, throughout history all religions have preached about the existence of a ‘spirit world’ (Ephesians 3:10), with their doctrine and goal being to secure eternal life there (Revelation 21:4). Additionally, the scriptures tell us that the ‘Throne of Grace’ is located there (Revelation 22:1). And, because of Christ, believers now have free access to God's throne and His favour. Incidentally, the Holy Scriptures does recognize the visible reality of the physical world and invisible reality of the spiritual world, as shown in the messages of the following scriptures (Col 1: 15 – 17; Ro 1: 20; I Tim 1:17; 2 Cor 4:18).

Moreover, the scriptures also teach that physical world, which is known to human beings through their five physical senses, is complemented by this invisible spiritual world, or simply spirit world. Not only that, but we also learn from the scriptures that the 'visible universe' is actually being held together by a reality that is invisible: That invisible reality as we are told in the Holy Scriptures is also ‘Heaven’ or the ‘Kingdom of God’, and is the parent and governing world of the physical world. Consequently, in both the physical and the spiritual realms, the principle forces acting in these realities are invisible... With the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as being the 'invisible fundamental beings' in the spiritual world and they are the ones who 'sustain' the eternal spiritual reality (Is 45:7; La 3:37, 38). In addition to this, God (Yahweh) is the governing power of the universe.

You see, uniquely from within the spiritual realm the invisible God interacts with His visible people through His Son Yehoshua, who for the most part is not visible, but we are taught in the scriptures how He was visible in human form for a short time that we might see Him, and in Him see part of the nature of God (Col. 1:15). So, as the Holy Scriptures also teaches us, because the physical world is filled with sin, it is through this 'supernatural' exchange that Holy God interacts with us; and likewise, through Him (Yehoshua/Jesus) we can interact with God. For it is 'only' in the name of God’s Son, ‘Yehoshua’ that we can communicate to God (1 Timothy 2:5). Or you can use the name ‘Yeshua’ or ‘Jesus’ if you prefer to. In other words, the Christian’s spiritual life is ‘held together’ by our Lord and Saviour Yehoshua. Moreover, the Scriptures clearly declares that which a lot of Christians have failed to see; all energy, power and life come into the physical world from the unseen spiritual world through Yehoshua Christ, with God as the source (John 1:3, 14:6; Php 4:19). For instance, the ways in which God operates invisibly but discernibly in human beings are described in the Holy Scriptures.

By the same token, and as shown above, there is another 'Invisible Spiritual Realm' called ‘Hell’, which for the most part, is said to be the place where 'bad' spiritual entities (Devils and Demons) reside and come from; though this theory is not 'specifically' mentioned in the bible... But, the scriptures do make it clear that 'Devils' and 'Demons' do exist and their 'base of operation' is actually here 'on earth' in the lives of people everyday (1 Peter 5:8)... Did you know that there are other studies that show that 59 percent of Americans believe in ‘hell’ while 68 percent believe ‘demons’ are active in the world today? Now, with all that being said, next we'll see how the scriptures tells us to keep our mind and heart free from the influences of all these 'bad' invisible spiritual forces that are not so friendly, and do not have our best interest in mind...

So now, you can see the importance of learning about the spiritual world, it's spiritual beings and as you are about to discover next, the Invisible Spiritual Battles that's going on in the lives of people everyday