And in Ler there is so much torment and suffering that souls cannot rest. Instead they return. And the fire is never quenched.
Using Tarot Cards for the Five Planets:
1= What came down from you on (one of the five planets)
2= You in relation with (one of the five planets)
3= What (one of the five planets) sent unto you
4=The recent past of (one of the five planets)
5= Also you and relation with the five planet 6= What is in the near future for one of the 5 planets.
Adding dice to that
Each time you draw a card for each of the six cards roll a dice.
If “1” then leave that card as is.
If “2’ then place card number two down (the 2nd card slot) then, or else put a new card down on area 2.
If “3,” then add a slot (put down a 7th card) this card means you’ve been asked a question.
If either “4,” or “5” do nothing.
But if at any time you roll a “6” that means you must start all over.
Preparing your fingers:
1-If for Orion cards are being drawn, dip your fingers in salt water.
2-If for Sefra, dip them in sugar water
3-If Link, then regular water
4-If Pippy, any colored fluid, especially if dark
5-And if is for Ler, then dip your fingers in blood.
Granted blood not easily come by, but rules are rules!
After the cards are laid face down, then roll over them a crystal ball, before they are turned over. And if you have crystal dice, all the better!
The Greater Instructions
Incorporating outside material
I have found under deliberate disclosure that the most diabolical fantasy books of any time were the Del Rey ones from the 1980s. These would do well spinning tales about Ler.
Take an old book with letters from a language dead and gone. Use them as symbols and sounds put together in a way that proves magic can be worked through it.
Visualize to instrumental music. Fuel your imagination through it as you drift from and into the five planets.
When you have done the things if this book for long enough you will have very detailed worlds before your eyes and they can be made into a movie. In as well that human kind has made his dreams real, more, more and more, someday humans can make fantasy a tangible reality. So document your thoughts.
A magazine could be offered as Church material. One for each of the five planets, that is. Whether you solely produce it, or with help. This is a religion. And as of yet it as an organized religion hasn’t been discussed yet, it will be.
And so each member if this religion will have a large book after practicing for some time. Similarities should be looked for. Because where there are similarities, especially unlikely ones, there is true vision.
Our Religious Practices, and the nature of our religion:
Obviously our religion is largely based on imagination. But there are two primary things making that imagination a reality. The first is that fantasy becomes increasingly a reality as man becomes more and more godlike. Then there is a scientific theory that suggests with space being without boundaries that somewhere our thoughts must be a reality.
We shall have to keep an open mind with each other, we must let each other practice this religion as we each see fit- as we most enjoy it. That means respecting each others approach, which at times may be plain childish.
Together we emit magic, as collectively we magically infuse life in the five places. And the goals of the Church are:
That in any way possible we make our imaginations if the planet a reality &
That we bring to us those that dwell there &
We document and preserve as much as we can the nature of each of the five planets &
We strive to increase our numbers, as the more of us there are the more powerful the magic worked in making our dreams a reality!
**Prayer and Thought Gestures**
Just as Catholics have a hand gesture or two, so do we.
Interconnecting the Five Planets:
That there is a connection between every worshipper of the five planets each of them are given a set of things that typify them. This means it is much more likely similar thought are given to each of the five planets from person to person in our religion. These act as “natural connectivity.” So when thinking of the same planet let our thoughts more the same using the below list:
Orion- The number 4, The color blue, Water, Regeneration, Circle shapes, Ruby Stones, The Vowel “A” ;Seeds, Vodka
Link- The number 5, The color green, Warrior, Triangular Shapes, The Flute, Wind, Blue Quartz, The Vowel “E’ ;Paper, Tea, Beer
Pippy- The number 3, The color black, Ghost, Witch, Diamond Shapes, Rose Quartz, The Vowel “I” ;Haloween, Rum, Juices
Sefra- The number 2, The color pink, Spirit, Alcohol, Candy, Celebration, Rhombas Shapes, Topaz Stones, The Vowel “U” ;Easter, Soda, any mixed drink
Ler- The number 6, The color red, Death, Tombstone, The Grave, Trapezoidal Shapes, Tentagrams, Obsidian Stones, White Gold, The Vowel “O.” ;Midnight, Whiskey, Coffee.
As much as we need to be likeminded in our thoughts of the five planets here is a list of symbols for the five planets. Look long unto these symbols. See them in everything. It will bring the five planets closer down upon reality. They are each in two kinds: Positive & Negative. “Positive” means good thought and conditions, negative, bad thought and conditions
See these in everyday life and your thoughts will be appropriated toward the five planets. They may also be called upon with sticks, as the sticks fall into particular pictures resembling a planets symbols.
And as well as those uses of the ten symbols they may be used in other magical ways. They can be drawn upon the palm of a hand while you clench your fist and think of them (one of the five planets, positive symbol on left hand, negative on left.