This book has been in the making a long time. It comes from thoughts and ideas of my early childhood—very early, age 5. It was about that time that I started imaging a separate world out there. I would think about it often. And I named this place “Orion.” I had a lot of details regarding it. I wrote about it on paper, often. And every time I played the SNES game Sim City I would name my city “Orion.”
I theorized: with as much space is out there.. In fact the word “much” doesn’t apply, because it isn’t a number measurable in distance. So how far space goes, which it goes on forever, then by all odds everything I think exists somewhere. Later in life I found that other scientists had the same basic theory. They added to that saying since matter can only be rearranged a certain amount of times then not only one world is out there but many. In fact.. Very, very strangely, an infinite amount of any imaginable world fills space. As for myself, I had thought the same.
But it wasn’t until I was in my early thirties that I came to think of worlds other than Orion. These were four added to it: First Link, then Pippy, Ler, then Sefra (which I used to call “Sefrain.”
Creating a religion around these came quite naturally. And it is a good form of worship, like one never before it. So in reading this book keep in mind, it is a religion. It isn’t be that teaches right and wrong. It is not one with the aim of dwelling in a heavenly abode. And it isn’t one where there is a mighty God quabling about tour missteps, guiding you.
Rather it is a religion based on bringing imagination into life. As we collectively believe, we together bring to life The Five Planets in seemingly magic ways. If it is true that our there exists any imaginable place, then faith is a necessary component of knowing them and being known of them. Because if you don’t really believe it is true, it not really is, then.
This book is highly visual. That is the way it was naturally developed. Most of my books use space minimally. But this book came out to be very visual and I didn’t want it to be a complicated read but rather a simple and easily digested one. But as such I could have many more the same. This is not the last book of its kind. And knowing that I’m sure that a lot of information will come out of it, with book after book.
This book is in public domain. Free use of it is encouraged. I hope this turns out to be a very appealing religion for you. And thanks for reading.
Sefra, The Candy Land
Sefra is a world of fun, one of pleasure, elated mood, and indulgence. It very well resembles a world where a bubble gum pop lifestyle exists- as you would see it resembled here on earth like by the band Aqua, or you could say the show Lazy Town.
Candy and toys are the most two important things to a Sefran. In fact most of their stores provide those two things. The streets are littered with glitter, candy, and board game pieces. The walls are covered in stickers- sometimes of many layers.The architecture is sometimes edible—and sweet. The Sefrans are a very happy race of
Orion, The Large Space Description:
The Orion’s would be a childish, simple minded race if they weren’t so intelligent, particularly by conceiving things abstract as well as they do. They love entertainment, but they are very well endowed mentally. As a result, they don’t need to be intelligent—because they just are. Intelligence isn’t something they develop. It's just something they already have, and lots of it.
The area of Orion comprises innumerable planets. They expand forward and backward, but not leftward and rightward. Each are connected with flowing water. And in the center the largest planet of them all—Orion One.
They have a defense system unmatched anywhere in the universe: it is known as Stix, which are rods of any size, from the size of a needle, to that of a massive column. Forming together, they can create any shape, even spheres.
Link, The Past- Keepers Description:
Those of Link are decidedly old fashioned. It is kept in ways former, permanently. A great war waged ages before that was field by the most destructive of science.
Science also corrupted and dumbed their race during that time. So they set to an unbreakable rule to “live in the past, instead.”
And it has its own rewards as they well know. Who wouldn’t want a fire place over electrically provided heat, any way? And who wouldn’t refer fresh meat and live entertainment? They even fly in hot air balloons on long, peaceful voyages. And all that they have is lovingly hand made—and the people have skill not found in
“developed” worlds.
“developed” worlds.
Pippy, a Mysterious Place Description:
Pippy is a strange place. It is one part witchcraft to two parts fantasy. It is one part beasts to two part fables. What it is, is mostly things of witchery, a Gothic and somber place, as well as a place where stories like Hansel and Gretel, or Beowulf, are true.
Pippy is linked with Link. They are very near each other. From time to time they get closer and Link is on guard when it does, though some sorcerers of Link invite Pippy in.
World Five Ler, The Final Hell Description:
Ler is an evil place. It is the end of the road for the evil. It is the substance of our thoughts, the darkest things we cannot see, and so there we cover them, hiding them there.
Lerians have their own good life, one where all they really sense indulgence, and if there is anything that makes them good it is that they just don’t have the time or reason to be evil, preferring pleasure.
A demon of Ler had a towering trapezoidal structure made in his honor. Using slaves and applying all sorts of brutal force he claimed the top and proclaimed his name—Ler, from whose story the planet is named.
The Prayers to The Five Planets:
One: Sefra— I pray for each of you the best of lives. In your jubilation may your joy spread to us down here. May we never find life troublesome, like you. And may your love of life be as it here. I pray for a life of joy like yours. I pray my heart find gratification with the sweetest things, and that all of everything sour leave us as we make our lives as good for us as it is there. Hales.
Two: Orion—Your intelligence is never lacking. Your lives could not be better equipped, through science. I recognize the importance of great minds and seek to think as you. Oh Orion, may I follow your way and others along with me. Only then may we end any and all suffering on Earth. Hales.
Three: Link—I should fear abuse of science like each of you do on your planet, Link. I have forsaken a good life and many good things for the sake of the new. The new for newness sake is our sin. May I find comfort in ideas of you, of the good simple existence you each and all have. And in so doing, be lead by you into a life better, one of former days.
And may I find myself on Pippy, through you Link, from time to time. Hales.
Four: Pippy—What strange things you bring to mind, Pippy. What a strange world can be. And when I am practicing magic, at least let me know there you are truth. Tell me stories, ones that fascinate. Broaden my imagination. Bring unto my own world a piece of fantasy that you bare. For with us is only logic, and no unusual things are. Our reality is ordinary and ruley, so let me think of you, instead. Hales.
Five: Ler—If even for a moment my heart was black and blue
I would take a piece, a piece of you. Rather I find things more sublime, that they be intertwined, as a snake, which around my enemies wind. If NY chalice is full of blood I think I would have to travel far and wide before it tastes sweet, and yet for you its taste is bland. And you never knew remorse. And you never knew guilt. I see you here in but small corners, all of which are very well hidden, but exist. Hales.
And I look up unto the stars. And I can only know what is beyond and so far. Though I don’t see it, yet I know it is there. Where, I only know direction, but not circumference. And I said to space this place and this place. And somewhere, it then is, for I had faith. Then exists it, as it was willed to be.. Somewhere in that massive space I willed it, and so it was.
And let us proceed to call them here. But first we must know them well. When we know them well, and then keep them as company, breathing life into an imagination that shows us things and to things are shown.
Meditation of the Five Planets—These are focused on in order to increase your focus toward the five planets and thereby enter into their presence. To go to the five planets, first focus and meditate on their images.
The Image of Orion:
The Image of Link:
The Image of Pippy:
The Image of Sefra:
& The Image of Ler:
Coming Through the Doors—The Visionels
The practice of us each and all visualizing specific images to enter into the 5 planet spaces will result in our power combined. And the power of which when combined will open doorways.
Doorway 1: Orion.
See before your eyes circular shapes and a breadth of space unimaginable- one of extraordinary mass. See before your eyes a child like race of people to which you are Mother. See them as children marching childishly. Know that they are in your defense. And know that they follow your order. That they sense you—make it sure.
Doorway 2: Pippy
Imagine triangles for both Pippy and Link. See an evil looking home. Listen for music. Do you hear its sound. Listen in further. See a mist, a haze, purple. And pierce through it. Listen carefully to the music. And then look inside the home. There is a person in there playing music. Look at him playing. He will turn his head to you, a bolt of lightning will flash before your eyes and you will be in Pippy.
Doorway 3: Link
Imagine Pan playing on a flute and there is much dancing going in. Imagine a marriage between you and the Devil. Imagine cake, cookies. And while you do eat: cakes, cookies, or sweets. Imagine a crown coming down to your head. Look now at Pan who plays his flute. See before you celebration. There being energy to pull you in, accept it, and go forth.
Doorway Four: Ler
Think of things evil. Think of Trapazoids and slaves. Little demons, ones you feed. A great pyramid being built and climbing to the top. You proclaim “Ler,” and in a boing! Gid:’s mad eye is seen, one all seeing. Down to you comes smug, indivine angels, from a ladder, as you sit at a table, drinking blood. Doorway Five: Sefra
There is a party there.
Taste good, sweet things while thinking of Sefra. Think of celebration. Of dancing. Of being made to do nothing at the moment, but celebrate, be jubilant. And in the meantime doing so to enter the space of Sefra. And imagine the loss of all inhibition, because in Sefra, inhibition has no meaning.
Of all good things think. With all faith, too, knowing that what you see is real. As much as you are needed there and as much as you want to be there, so you are. Seek for its better and you will be of need. Need will create you there—as a thing that must exist.
But doubt be an enemy, a deterrent. Too much focus, too, as with other things unnatural. See through the looking glass and like any image you see, or else leave. Sometimes a time of imagination. Sometimes a time of celebration. And a time for every time., each being its own time, as you are lead.