Book One of the Five Planets by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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In imagining the nature of a cat and serpent together, to find such a balance between the two is to make a connection to Orion through its god, Leslin. On Leslin's altar place much imagery. Use a blue candle. And think of Orion often before it.

The God of Pippy, the “Little Puppet


Beware not to speak to it with a name, or as though it had a name. This is a god of possession whom you have enter into you. And once in you it reveals great things of Pippy.. And Link, too.

The altar should have a red candle with items of divination, such as a crystal ball. After the once tight squeeze of this god comes in you and it becomes more easily done, then divination tools will be easy to use before its altar.

The God of Link, The Sharing King

It uses not an altar at all but a table at which you feast. As you feast regard the planet Link and look into your hear for purpose The King would have you do.Use many white or yellow candles.

The God of Sefra, The Game Master

Jaid likes to be in places of sweets and tots and can be summoned through childish things—like playing with dolls of his name.

And now.. The Ritual of the Five

Planets. A very easy ritual. Place on an altar or table five different candles, each a different color. In front of them five marbles. In front of those five drinks and in front of those five pieces of food or candy. The food and candy Is your choice. With all of this set up, first draw on a mirror as instructed below, and after that take a bite from the first planet's food and pray: “God, I pray (the people if the planets name) be able to taste what I taste” Then take a drink if its drink and spit it upon its marble. Do this with each planet. But before you do follow the instructions below: