Pippy, above the middle of the two. Ramona is a guarded secret planet. To think of it could confer upon you danger. It is a place of pure love. Nothing may enter, nothing new. It is left out of this book, save here, which it is briefly mentioned.
Some Religious Instructions:
1: Create an image of a small demon in Ler. It is your pet.
2: Cull a story about Pippy every time you find one while you are there
3: Think of Orion's science with interest. Because if you do you may be given a discovery for Earth.
4: Get a doll to be your life's greatest friend. And through Sefra give it a soul.
5: Share your stories of Link while you are beside an out door fire.
Creating digital stamps for each of the Five
Planets. One per planet.
A digital stamp is placed on your Orion papers (or Link, or Pippy, etc.,) with a prayer given before each stamp. In effect it is like Holy water.Symbols may also be included inside tour stamps, or as a stamp itself, possibly one symbol for every planet.. Add to the effect.
In any way you can, invest your stamps with magical powers. Put together your “Writings Involving the 5 Planets” w/ as much as magic may possibly be incorporated therein.
Other Activities:
1: Discover a magical alphabet or “discover” new words used by each planets—that is, by carefully listening—the right way of listening.
2: Draw creatures, draw homes, draw of any element found within the planet of choice.
3: Construction history, pull together the things of ages, or an unusual decade, complete with heroes and villains. The art here is to put it together as it would have as predictably as possible unfolded.
4: When it is that you have substantial material, put it into a screenplay, book, or game. Science, someday, will enable it to be made a thing real.
Calling Forth the 5 Planets to You:
The five ways to bring down the 5 planets to you are listed below—like metaphysical magnets, they are used to pull down the 5 Planets into your 5 Planet ritual room.
1: Pippy
A toad as a familiar in your ritual room will act as a living vassal between you and Pippy.
2: Sefra
Where there is elevated mood in your ritual room there is receptivity to Sefra. This is done as through music and alcohol to reach the desired state. WHERE LEGAL, drugs may also be used to reach the same state. Candy may also be used and toys present, to aid the connection of Pippy into your ritual room. “Bubbly pop” should be the music.