Book of Namaz by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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I am starting to write this book of Namâz by saying the A’ûdhu

and the Basmala. Hamd (Praise) be to Allahu ta’âlâ. Peace and

blessings be upon His chosen and beloved slaves and their

superior, Hadrat Muhammad ’alaihis-salâm. May all auspicious

prayers be on his Ahl al-Bait and on each of his just and devoted

Companions (as-Sahâbat al-kirâm) “ridwânullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim


In the world, good and beneficial things are mixed with bad and

harmful ones. To attain bliss, comfort and ease, it is necessary to

do good and beneficial deeds all the time. Since Allahu ta’âlâ is the

Most Compassionate, He created a power which tells the good

things apart from the bad ones. This power is called ’aql (intellect).

A pure and sound intellect performs it’s tasks very successfully. It

does not fall to fallacy anytime. Committing sins, following nafs (a

creature within man which always encourages evil and harmful

deeds to be done) makes the intellect and the heart ill. It cannot

distinguish the good from the bad. Allahu ta’âlâ has pitied us.

Through His prophets, He communicated the good deeds and

commanded us to do them. He communicated the harmful things

and prohibited them. These commandments and prohibitions are

called dîn (religion). The religion communicated by Muhammad

’alaihis-salâm is called Islam. Today, in the world, there is only one

religion which has not been distorted. That one religion is Islam.

To attain ease, it is necessary to follow Islam, that is, to be Muslim.

To be a Muslim, no formality is necessary, such as going to a mufti

or imâm. The first thing necessary for all people is to have îmân

(faith, belief) by heart. Then, it is necessary to learn the

commandments and prohibitions of Islam and to carry them out.

To have faith, it is necessary to say the Kalima-i shahâdat and

to know its meaning. To believe in the meaning of the Kalima-i

shahâdat correctly, it is necessary to believe as the scholars of the

Ahl as-Sunna mentioned in their books. Those who adapt

themselves to true books written by the scholars of the Ahl as-

Sunna will be given rewards of one hundred martyrs. The scholars

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affiliated in any one of the four Madhhabs of Muslims are scholars

of Ahl as-Sunnat. The pillars of îmân are explained in detail in the

book “Belief and Islam,” which is the translation of the Turkish

book (Herkese Lâzım Olan Îmân). We recommend you to read

that book.

Muslims on the earth today have parted into three groups. The

first group are true Muslims who follow the path led by the Ashâb-

i kirâm. They are called the Ahl as-Sunnat or the Sunnî Muslims

(Sunnites) or the Firqa-i-nâjiyya (the group to be saved from

Hell). In the second group are the enemies of the Ashâb-i-kirâm.

They are called Shiîs (Shiites) or, Firqa-i-dâlla (heretical group).

The third group is inimical towards the Shiites as well as towards

the Sunnites. They are called Wahhâbîs, or Najdîs, which comes

from the Arabian province Najd, the birthplace of their heresy.

The third group are also called the Firqa-i mel’ûna (the accursed

group). Indeed, it is written in our (Turkish) books Kıyâmet ve

Âhıret and Se’âdet-i Ebediyye, (and also in our publications in

English, such as Advice for the Muslim, and in the fourth chapter

of The Sunnî Path,) that they call Muslims ‘disbelievers.’ Our

Prophet has accursed a person who calls a Muslim ‘disbeliever.’

The breaking of Muslims into these three groups was contrived by

Jewish and British plotters.

Any person who indulges in the sensuous desires of his nafs and

has an evil heart will go to Hell, regardless of the group he belongs

to. Every Muslim should continually say the words, (Lâ ilâha

illa’llâh) in order to purify oneself of the unbelief and sinfulness

which are inherent in the nature of one’s nafs, [this act of

purification is termed “Tazkiya-i nafs”], and also the words,

(Astaghfirullah) in order to purify one’s heart from the disbelief

and sinfulness which was contracted from one’s nafs, from the

devil, from evil company or from harmful and subversive books. If

a person obeys the (commandments and prohibitions of) Islam,

one’s prayers will certainly be accepted. Not performing (the daily

ritual prayers called) namâz, looking at women who have not

covered their bodies properly or at other people who expose those

parts of their body that must be covered, and consuming goods

that have been earned through (an illegal way called) harâm, are

symptoms of a person’s disobeying Islam. Such a person’s prayers

will not be accepted.

After having îmân, the most important commandment is

namâz. It is fard-i ayn for each and every Muslim to perform five

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daily prayers. It is a grave sin not to do so. According to the

Hanbalî Madhhab, not performing the five daily prayers of namâz

in their prescribed times causes disbelief. See the booklet named

Ghâyat-uttahqîq! It is necessary to learn the knowledge of namâz

first to perform it completely and correctly. We have seen it

beneficial to state the knowledge of namâz declared in our religion

as a short summary in our book. Every Muslim must learn these

facts of namâz which we collected from the books of many Islamic

scholars and teach them to their children as well!

To perform the namâz correctly, the surâs and prayers which

will be said in the namâz must be memorized. At least, it is

necessary to learn the minimum amount of them to perform the

namâz from a khodja (master, especially in a religious school) or a

friend who knows them well and who can pronounce them


To read the Qur’ân al-karîm correctly, one must go to courses

of Qur’ân al-karîm. It is an absolute must to learn to read the

Qur’ân al-karîm correctly and to teach it to one’s children.

It is not permissible to write the Qur’ân al-karîm with Roman

letters. Therefore, one must read it in its original form. It is very

easy to read it. Our Master, the Prophet “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa

sallam” declared in a hadîth-i sherîf, “Those who teach their

children the Qur’ân al-karîm or who send them to teachers of the

Qur’ân al-karîm, for each letter of the Qur’ân al-karîm they will be

given rewards as if they visited the Kâba ten times. And on the

Day of Resurrection a crown of sovereignty will be put on their

heads. All people will see it and admire it.”

May Allahu ta’âlâ make us one of those who have believed

correctly, who learn namâz and perform it correctly, who makes

good deeds!


Hijrî Shamsî

Hijrî Qamarî




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NAMÂZ IS A GREAT COMMANDMENT..............................12

OUR ÎMÂN and NAMÂZ..............................................................17

For all, Îmân is foremost ..................................................................17

Faith Must Be Correct ......................................................................18

THE CREED OF AHL AS-SUNNAT.........................................20

The Signs of Holding the Creed of Ahl As-Sunnat:.....................21

FUNDAMENTALS OF ÎMÂN .....................................................23

TO BELIEVE IN ALLAHU TA'ÂLÂ ........................................23

AS-SIFÂT [ATTRIBUTES] ADH-DHÂTIYYA ......................24


TO BELIEVE IN ANGELS...........................................................25

TO BELIEVE IN HEAVENLY BOOKS....................................26

TO BELIEVE IN PROPHETS ......................................................27

Our Prophet MUHAMMAD ’alaihis-salâm .................................29

THE ASHÂB-I KIRÂM .................................................................32

The Imâms of the Four Madhhabs and Other Scholars ..............33

TO BELIEVE IN THE HEREAFTER........................................34


What is ibâdat (worship)? ................................................................38

Who Is Called Mukallaf?..................................................................39

Af’âl-i Mukallafîn (Ahkâm-i islâmiyya).........................................39

THE ENEMIES OF ISLAM...........................................................44

FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAM ...................................................44

PERFORMING NAMÂZ...............................................................46

For whom is Namâz a Fard (Commandment)? ............................48

States of those who perform Namâz...............................................48

Story: The Namâz Which Freed One from Prison .......................48

Story: His home burned....................................................................50

Story: Water in Pot............................................................................50

Story: Arrow in his foot....................................................................50

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Story: Anesthetic Medicine..............................................................51

Story: Sacrifices for Namâz ..............................................................52

TYPES OF NAMÂZ........................................................................53

NAMÂZ, FIVE TIMES DAILY ...................................................53

THE FARDS OF NAMÂZ ............................................................55

PRECONDITIONS OF NAMÂZ .................................................58


(Purification from the state of

being without ablution or ghusl): ....................................................58


THE FARDS OF RITUAL ABLUTION ....................................59

How to Perform a Ritual Ablution?...............................................59

The Sunnats of a Ritual Ablution ...................................................62

The Adabs of the Ritual Ablution..................................................63

Prohibitions in Performing an Ablution ........................................65

USING MISWÂK:............................................................................66

Some Rules To Be Observed Regarding Ablution ......................66

Things That Nullify An Ablution....................................................67

Things That Do Not Nullify An Ablution .....................................69

Facilities for Ablution (Masah Over Mests and Wounds) ..........70

GHUSL (Ritual Washing) ...............................................................72

The Fards of a Ghusl.........................................................................73

The Sunnats of a Ghusl.....................................................................73

How to Make a Ghusl?.....................................................................74

EXPLANATION (Regarding Crowned or Filled Teeth):..........74

Haid (menstruation) and Nifâs (puerperium)

States of Women................................................................................75

TAYAMMUM ..................................................................................78

The Fards of a Tayammum..............................................................78

The Sunnats of Tayammum .............................................................79

Additional Points To Be Given Attention

To Regarding Tayammum ...............................................................79

How to Make Tayammum? .............................................................81

Things That Nullify A Tayammum.................................................82

The Benefits of Ablution, Ghusl and Tayammum .......................83

2- TAHÂRAT FROM NAJÂSAT ................................................84

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3- SATR-I AWRAT .........................................................................87

(Satr-i Awrat and Women's Covering Themselves).....................87

Relatives by Lineage.........................................................................89

Relatives by Milk (Breastfeeding) ..................................................90

Relatives by Marriage.......................................................................90

4- ISTIQBÂL-I QIBLA ...................................................................90

(Turning Towards the Qibla)...........................................................90

5- PRAYER TIMES.........................................................................91


(Performing Namâz and Fast at the Poles):...................................93

THE AZÂN AND THE IQÂMAT...............................................94

When to Say the Azân and the Iqâmat? ........................................94


(Is it Permissible to Recite the azân through a loudspeaker?):..95

The Reciting of Azân........................................................................96

Azân Supplications:...........................................................................97

The Meanings of the Words in Azân:.............................................97

6- NIYYAT (INTENTION)............................................................98

7- TAKBÎR OF TAHRÎMA ...........................................................98

THE RUKNS OF NAMÂZ ............................................................99

1- QIYÂM: .........................................................................................99

2- QIRÂAT........................................................................................99

3- RUKU’ .........................................................................................100

4- SAJDA .........................................................................................100

5- QA’DA-I-ÂKHIRA...................................................................101

HOW TO PERFORM NAMÂZ?................................................101

How a Man Performs a Namâz Individually: ..............................101

How a Woman Performs a Namâz Individually: ........................104

THE WÂJIBS OF NAMÂZ .........................................................105

SAJDA-I SAHW (Sajda made due to omissions and errors) ..106

SAJDA-I TILÂWAT .....................................................................106

THE SAJDA OF SHUKR ............................................................107

THE SUNNATS OF NAMÂZ.....................................................108

THE MUSTAHABS OF NAMAZ..............................................109

THE MAKRÛHS OF NAMÂZ...................................................110

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PERFORMING NAMÂZ:............................................................112

THINGS THAT NULLIFY A NAMÂZ....................................113

Things That Make It Permissible To Break A Namâz: .............114

Things That Make It Fard to Break A Namâz ...........................114

NAMÂZ IN JAMÂ’AT (CONGREGATION) ........................114

Preconditions to Become Imâm ....................................................115

There are ten conditions to be

fulfilled to follow the imâm correctly: ..........................................117

Masbûk's Namâz..............................................................................119


Story: Mosque built in the palace..................................................122

FRIDAY (JUM'A) PRAYER......................................................123

Fards of Friday Prayer ....................................................................124

How to Perform Friday Prayer?....................................................125

Sunnats and Adabs of Friday:........................................................126

'EID PRAYERS .............................................................................127

How to Perform 'Eid Prayer?........................................................127

Takbîrs of teshrîq:............................................................................128

PREPARATION FOR DEATH .................................................129

What is Death? ................................................................................130

Death is Inescapable .......................................................................130

THE NAMÂZ OF JANÂZA .......................................................131

The Fards of Janâza Namâz...........................................................131

The Sunnats of a Janâza Namâz....................................................131

How to Perform Janâza Namâz.....................................................132

THE NAMÂZ OF TARÂWÎH ...................................................133

How to Perform Tarâwîh ...............................................................133


NAMÂZ DURING ILLNESS......................................................137

OMITTED PRAYERS..................................................................141


(Is it permissible to perform qadâ

prayers in place of those that are sunnat?)..................................144

How To Perform Qadâ Namâzes?................................................145

THOSE WHO DO NOT PERFORM NAMÂZ.......................147

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TRUE NATURE OF NAMÂZ ...................................................158

VIRTUES IN NAMÂZ .................................................................159

SECRETS OF NAMÂZ ................................................................167


PERFORMING NAMÂZ.............................................................171


(Conditions for supplications to be accepted):............................172

TEJDÎD-İ ÎMÂN PRAYER.........................................................173

HIDDEN CAUSES IN NAMÂZ (Namâz and Our Health)...173

ISQÂT OF NAMÂZ......................................................................175

Isqât and Dawr for the Deceased .................................................175

How to Make Isqât and Dawr .......................................................178


(COMMANDMENTS) ..................................................................184

THIRTY-TWO FARDS ................................................................185

FIFTY-FOUR FARDS ..................................................................187

KUFR (DISBELIEF).....................................................................189


LOSE OUR ÎMÂN.........................................................................206


EXISTING FAITH.........................................................................206


[Seventy two of them are below.]..................................................208


AT ONE'S LAST BREATH: .......................................................212



AHL AS-SUNNAT: .......................................................................212

BAD MORALS: .............................................................................214

NAMÂZ SÛRAS AND PRAYERS ...........................................217

May the sûras and prayers be written with Latin letters? .........217

The Meanings of the Prayers in Namâz .......................................219



PRAYER OF TAWHÎD ...............................................................236

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Since Âdam ’alaihis-salâm, there was namâz once a day in

every religion. All that had been performed were brought together

and were made fard (commandment) for those who believe in

Muhammad ’alaihis-salâm. Although performing namâz is not one

of the principles of îmân, it is essential for îmân to believe that

namâz is fard.

Namâz is the main pillar of the religion. He who performs his

namâzes constantly, correctly and completely will have set up his

religion and he will have made the building of Islam stay intact.

Those who do not perform namâz will have demolished their

religion and the building of Islam. Our Prophet “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi

wa sallam” said, “The head of our religion is namâz.” As no

human can live without a head, it is not possible to have religion

without namâz.

In Islam, namâz is the first command after having îmân. Allahu

ta’âlâ made namâz fard so that His slaves would worship only Him.

Allahu ta’âlâ commands “Perform namâz!” in more than one

hundred verses of the Qur’ân al-karîm. In a hadîth-i sherîf, it is

declared that “Allahu ta’âlâ commanded to perform namâz five

times every day. Allahu ta’âlâ has promised that He shall put in

Paradise the person who performs namâz respectfully and

observing the conditions five times every day.”

Namâz is the most valuable of worships commanded in our

religion. A hadîth-i sherîf declares: “A Person who does not

perform namâz has not had a share from Islam.” In another

hadîth-i sherîf, it was stated: “It is namâz which distinguishes the

Muslim from the disbeliever,” that is, the Believer performs

namâz, and the disbeliever does not. Munâfiqs (hypocrites),

however, sometimes perform it and sometimes do not. Munâfiqs

will undergo very bitter torment in Hell. Rasûlullah “sall-Allâhu

’alaihi wa sallam” said, “Those who do not perform namâz will

find Allahu ta’âlâ angry on the Day of Resurrection.”

To perform namâz is to consider the greatness of Allahu ta’âlâ

and to realize one’s own inferiority before Him. A person who

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realizes this will always do good things. He will never do evil

things. If a person intends to be in the presence of his Rabb (Allah)

five times every day, his heart will be filled with ikhlâs (sincerity).

Every act commanded to be done in namâz gives various benefits

to the heart and the body.

Performing namâz in jamâ’at in mosques will attach Muslims’

hearts to one another. It will bring about love between them. They

will realize that they are brothers. The seniors will be affable with

the juniors. And the juniors will be respectful to the seniors. The

rich wil