Boot Camp Bride by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 7



My “thoughts” on “taking thoughts captive” are different than most. The Bible tells us to “cast down all thoughts and imaginations (reason) that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and take into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” If we are going to “cast thoughts and imaginations down,” why would we want to take them into captivity? If I take the thoughts which exalt themselves against the knowledge of God into captivity, am I not retaining them?

I think the verse of scripture in question above can be confusing if we do not look at it in the right perspective. Paul tells us to first “cast down” imaginations or thoughts. Then he says “and” take into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. I think the key word we need to look at is the word “and.” The word “and” suggests that we add to something Paul told us to do. “And” in the above scripture is an “after word.” “And” taking thoughts into captivity suggests we are taking thoughts into captivity “after” we have cast down imaginations. You cannot take thoughts into captivity if you have already disposed of them.

When we cast down “carnal imaginations” we must replace them with godly thoughts. Casting down “imaginations” without replacing them with godly strongholds is futile. Thoughts that are “subservient”  to the will and purpose of God must replace the “carnal thoughts” that once occupied the “high places” in our minds.

Our thoughts must become thoughts that magnify God’s word and glorify God. Thoughts  that  glorify God are thoughts that establish godly strongholds within the “upper chambers” of our minds. We must  let the mind which was in Christ Jesus permeate our thinking in order for Christ to richly dwell within us.

The Bible tells us to “put on Christ. When we are putting on Christ we are putting on, among other things the “whole armor of God.” When we take captive the “godly thoughts” that exalt the knowledge of God, we are putting on Christ. It is the knowledge of God that builds strongholds of faith, hope, peace, and assurance in our hearts and minds.

In Christ we live, and move, and have our being.  Our obedience to Christ is the catalyst that opens the door to God’s grace and mercy. Our obedience to Christ is the doorway that leads to godly knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. When we take thoughts captive that exalt the knowledge of God, we are establishing strongholds of faith and power in our hearts and minds. By faith we gain the “knowledge” as well as the “power of God” in order to destroy the works of the Devil. Knowledge tells us how we can defeat the enemy. Faith gives us the power to defeat the enemy.



Repetition is the key to “retaining knowledge.” To “study” does not mean to just “read one time.”  If we are going to study something, we must read it over and over again until we understand it. If we need to, we can find a good Bible Commentary and find out what others are saying about the scripture we are trying to understand, or ask somebody who really knows. However, a Bible Commentary or “know it all” is no substitute for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the  best teacher I know. He is the only real “know it all” here on earth.

Education is the key to knowledge. Revelation is the key to understanding the knowledge we receive. Knowledge and revelation leads to understanding and wisdom. Following wisdom is the key to success. Using godly wisdom assures us we will be successful on the Battlefield of Life. The Bible tells us “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” In other words, wisdom is established upon the fear of the Lord. If we do not fear the Lord, we cannot and will not possess any godly wisdom.

It is the Spirit of Wisdom that produces godly fruit in our lives. It is the Spirit of Wisdom that gives us the ability to choose to follow after righteousness. It is the Spirit of Wisdom that leads us down the Highway of Holiness. It is the Spirit of Wisdom that admonishes us to “study to show ourselves approved of God, and to be a workman that is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.”

Repeatedly and “repetitively” studying to show ourselves approved of God is wisdom. Obtaining godly knowledge and understanding establishes godly foundations in the hearts and minds of believers. Understanding the word of God which is truth leads us down the pathway to freedom and liberty in Christ. It  is the truth we know that makes us free.


Biblical wisdom can be defined as “the ability to use godly knowledge and understanding appropriately.” Godly wisdom provides us with “godly insight.” Godly insight can and will give us “godly foresight.” Godly foresight can give us the “knowledge” we need to prepare for the future. Godly foresight can help us to look into the future to prepare for the wiles and schemes of the enemy and the hard times which are ahead of us.

Many have wisdom but do not always walk in the “paths of wisdom.” This is called  “stupidity.”  The Bible tells us that Christ is our Wisdom. If we are not walking with Christ, we are not walking “with Wisdom.” A man who walks the “pathway of life” without Christ is not very wise.

Solomon was a man of great wisdom. However, he did not always use the wisdom God had placed within his heart. The Bible tells us Solomon sinned against God by worshipping the false gods of his many wives.

Solomon was not only wise, he was extremely intelligent. He possessed the knowledge and wisdom of God. He understood what it meant to sin against God and fall from grace. He wrote three books of the Old Testament. His writings were filled with godly wisdom, however he failed to follow the same principles he admonished others to pursue. Solomon fell prey to the “wisdom of this world” and became despondent and pessimistic in his latter years.

The wisdom of this world is devilish and sensuous. The wisdom of this world is found in the fruit that grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is deceptive in nature. It offers a sense of false security, self-dependence, and self-reliance. However, it is unreliable, unpredictable, and untrustworthy to say the least. The wisdom of this world leads fools down the pathway to destruction. Adam and Eve found this to be true when they ate of the “forbidden fruit” in the Garden of Eden.

When we are fighting the “good fight of faith” we must never forget that the wisdom the enemy offers us is desperately devilish and deadly. The wisdom of the world exalts itself against the knowledge and the wisdom of God. Adam and Eve found this truth out in the Garden of Eden, however it was too late once they partook of the forbidden fruit. We must not only understand what the Bible tells us, we must follow the precepts which lead to freedom from sin and in the end to eternal life.

We do not war against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Sometimes those “high places” are “chambers” within our minds which “embrace and entertain” the wisdom of this world.

The principalities and powers of this present world are continually warring against the souls of mankind. They are continually offering the fruit which grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to the unsuspecting, unknowledgeable, and  “unlearned.” They “take into captivity” the thoughts of those who lack spiritual guidance, godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.


As Christians we must be prepared for battle at any moment. Our enemy is continually seeking to devour those who are vulnerable to his wiles and schemes. His wiles and schemes can result in his captive’s frantic “wild screams.” We need to understand that we are in  a constant state of war and the enemies attacks are not going to subside just because we have won a battle or two.

Boot Camp is a place where soldiers are trained in the “art of warfare.” Since we are fighting a “spiritual war,” we must learn and understand how our spiritual enemies wage war. We must understand there are no short-cuts to victory and that the “whole (entire) armor of God” is our only hope of victory against a determined foe.

Once “trainees” have learned the proper way to wage war against their enemies, the battles will become easier and easier to win. Trainees must learn how to recognize an attack from the enemy. The enemy will  not always meet you on the battlefield dressed in a different uniform than yours. At times he will come dressed as an angel of light bearing “pleasurable sounding pleasantries” to lure you into sin.

The enemy will come to you dressed in a uniform which is similar to yours. They will come bearing gifts as they “travel afar” following their leader the “fallen star.” They will travel through field, and fountain, moor, and mountain to find you wherever you are.  They follow the “star of wonder,” the star of night: the star that deceives with his imperfect light. We must continually watch and pray or we could possibly fall for a “tempting temptation” shining through a “false light.”

If a Warrior of Christ is not prepared spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, they will be unable to recognize the “pure from the profane.” They will be unable to discern between what is right and what is wrong when the enemy comes bearing gifts that look good but instead they are filled with “deadly poisons.” Warriors of Christ must always possess “spiritual discernment” and be ready to fight when the enemy stealthfully attempts to steal, kill, and destroy.