Boot Camp Bride by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Jesus is the Head of the Church. Jesus is also the “Commander and Chief” of the Army of God. Jesus is the “Chief Cornerstone” of the Church. Where we sit together with Christ in “heavenly places” is the “command center” where all spiritual warfare is initiated and directed on “Battlefield Earth.”

A “Commander in Chief” which is also known as “Supreme Commander” is the person which exercises complete control over an army. All orders from “Heaven’s Headquarters” come from Christ, our “Supreme Commander in Chief.” Jesus said “all power (authority) in Heaven and in Earth is given unto me.” Our Supreme Commander has the power and authority to do anything He wishes to do in Heaven and in Earth.

The Supreme Commander of any army makes all the decisions regarding strategy and battlefield tactics. In an earthly army the Commander in Chief will have advisors, generals, and other military personnel that give him advice regarding, logistics, warfare, and other preparations regarding warfare. However, the final decisions regarding warfare and preparations for warfare are made by the Commander and Chief.

In the “heavenly scheme of things” Jesus makes all the concerning strategies and preparation regarding spiritual warfare. He knows all the strategies that will empower His Army to be successful on the Battlefield of Life.

Most battles Christians fight against their spiritual enemies are fought on “battlefields” in their mind. We do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the unseen Forces of Darkness and thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.

For Christians the thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God are illegally occupying “heavenly territory.” Thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God are thoughts that hinder the believer from completely and faithfully serving God. Casting down imaginations and “every” high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is imperative for the believer. If Christians are going to walk in true freedom from sin and oppression, they must be free from the carnal thoughts that keep their souls in subjection to the wiles and schemes of the enemy.

Every imagination and high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is an enemy of God. The Bible tells us that the carnal mind is the enemy of God. The Bible also tells us that to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (See Romans 8:6-10). If Christians are not “spiritually minded,” they cannot and will not experience “true life and peace.”

For the “carnally minded” Christian there will be a continuous battle raging on the battlefield of their mind. They may win some battles, but they will surely lose many battles. When you align your thoughts with the thoughts of the enemy, you will always be subjected to the will of the enemy.


As Christians it is our responsibility to cast down  “all thoughts” that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. We cast down the “lofty thoughts” with our words. Jesus gives us power to cast down the thoughts that “exalt themselves” through the power of the “spoken” word of God.

In “battlefield stratagem” the “high ground” is usually the best place to occupy. It is easier to defend a “fortress” on high ground than it is to defend one where the high ground is above you. If the enemy is above you he can more easily get a good shot at you. On the high ground you have a better view of the enemy and the strategies he may be planning against you.

Most fortresses have been built on “high ground” in order for the defenders of the fortress to have a greater strategic advantage over their enemies. An enemy attacking a fortress from a lower position is not very advantageous.

The mind has been called the “fortress of the soul.” If the enemy of our soul is occupying “the fortress,” there can be no peace or freedom from oppression. The “high ground” where our thoughts reside in the soul must be taken from the enemy and replaced with godly thoughts in order for true peace and freedom to become a reality.

The Bible tells us that we sit together with Christ in “heavenly places” far above all principalities and powers. Unfortunately, for many Christians  the fortress of their mind is still occupied by many of the enemies thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Those thoughts must be “cast  down” in order for the “mind of Christ” to have preeminence in the believer and in the Church collectively.

In Christ we are all called to be warriors on the Battlefield of Life. We have the potential to become a mighty “fighting force” against the spiritual enemies of the Church. Before we can become that “mighty  army,” we must learn the principles of spiritual warfare that will unite us together as one in Christ.

The Supreme Commander of the Church cannot direct the Church on the Battlefield of Life if the hearts and minds of believers are occupied by enemy forces. Divisions and schisms will continue take a heavy toll on the Army of God as long as they do not fight together against the Forces of Darkness in the “unity of the faith.”

For each believer capturing the “high ground” in the mind is imperative if they are going to live in true peace and freedom from oppression and the wiles and schemes of the Devil. When each of us has captured the high ground in the fortress of our souls we will then be able to take the fight into enemy territory. The enemy’s territory is the hearts and minds of those who are bound, depressed, oppressed, and possessed by thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.

On “high ground” we can see things from God’s perspective. We can see the enemy forces below when they ominously prepare to kill, steal, and destroy. On the high ground we “see with the eyes of our understanding.” We can see how the enemy plans to attack us, and we will be ready to repel any assault on our “fortress minds” which control our will, emotions, and attitudes.

In military terms the high ground is also called “good ground.” It is ground that is considered the best place in an area to stand and fight against an enemy. Good ground is a military term for ground that is strategically tenable and easily defendable. Good ground is the place at Mount Calvary the “Good Shepherd” prepared for His sheep to victoriously engage and defeat the enemy. The strategy God used at Calvary ended the power sin, sickness, and death had over the souls of those who would become the Sons of God.

The Princes of Darkness and the devils under their authority that gathered on Golgotha’s Hill thought they were victorious the day they crucified Christ.  They were probably all rejoicing in the streets of Jerusalem when Christ took His last breath and said “it is finished.” Unfortunately for them, they did not understand what “it is finished” actually meant. The Bible tells us that if they had known what they were doing, the Princes of Darkness would have never crucified the Lord of Glory.

When Jesus stepped out of the tomb on the third  day, the Forces of Darkness must have entered into “panic mode.” After all, Christ was now alive for evermore, and the Gates of Heaven had been opened and the Gates of Hell had been closed for all who would “stand in the victory of Calvary.” When we stand  in  the shadow of the cross, the enemy cannot and will not prevail over us.

The “high ground” of Mount Calvary had produced victory instead of defeat for the future Bride of Christ. The victory at Mount Calvary and the Resurrection of Christ would produce a “formidable army” that would stand victoriously against the strategic wiles and schemes of the Devil forevermore.

The “high ground” is where we sit together with our Commander in Chief in heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers. It is the place where Christ, our Commander and Chief, exposes the strategies of the enemy. It is the place where we are empowered to victoriously battle the Forces of Darkness as we bear  the armor of His Light and Life. It is the high place where the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. When the knowledge of the truth is “revealed” to the Bride, the Gates of Hell cannot and will not prevail against her.