Branches of the Satanic Tree by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Branch One: Introduction to the Serpent

The Devil Stands for Individuality

The Devil Stands for Pride

The Devil Stands for Liberty

The Devil Stands for Progress

The Devil Stands for Perfection

The Devil Stands for Opposition

The Devil Stands for Wisdom

The Devil Stands for Greatness

The Devil Stands for Worldliness

The Devil Stands for Pleasure

For better or worse The Devil opened their eyes. They could then see more clearly, as though before blind.

They were then able to don things of pride.

They sought liberty from the worst among them.

Their hands were given to science after the Christian reign.

They sought perfection in the things they made. They sought after the everlasting. Some would follow after Christ. The rest would become The Devil's branches.

They did not fully find Christ. They could not. They rejected his slavish adherence to him and the Devil lead them once again into freedom. They became a branch hard to bend.

They were the wise ones of the Earth. Not of the wisdom of heaven but that of the world. They blossomed like flowers.

Greatness of the world is more challenging than that of the spirit. A pleasurable life loving spirit was something they sought all of their days. Some would find it, others not so. The most successful in life allowed them selves to be The Devil's design.

My Book of Ways is a thing of Satanic Beauty transforming the lives of the people who follow it. I will offer the Satanic perspective here. I will go over Satanic Philosophy, Satanic Psychology, means and ways. It is a book of being One With Satan. It offers the best things that Satanism can teach. May you be a living branch of that tree and thrive all of your days in The Devil's Name, Amen.


Branch Two: Finding Your Satanic Self:

In Verses

Your Satanic self is your true self. It is born when you split yourself apart from the collective hive. It is where uniqueness is found. It is the creation of oneself. People are very like minded for sure. As such are soulless.

Ignore their principles and morals and all of that. They are just mechanisms made by the weak. Modern morality derives from safety of self. Me? You can smoke drink and gamble all you want. Honestly, I don’t care.

A different person's taste is shallow. May yours be deep and well known. Their own tastes were little considered. Consider your tastes far more greatly so. Buy just based on intuition. Whatever it is, a toy keyboard, oolong tea.

To take pleasure in the world and what it has to offer, praising Satan all the while. Any boost in happiness is a worthy thing to pursue.  The best of us can enjoy every little bit about life and what lesson is better learned than that?

Give in to the strength that comes from the majorality of self. Think not a thing of self disgrace. Rather conquer the Earth as enemies of you all. An entity that can too easily change a person is before you vicious and mean. Be not flop sided in fanning yourself with their words and ways.

The less talkative person is the most strong inside. They’ll only say what they really need to. We shall keep company with ourselves quietly residing next to The Serpent. We shall speak not with a loud boisterous tongue but rather share an aura and think in subtle hinting fashion.

Let them come to their downfall. Like that of The Tower. Let them be judged like that of Temperance. Let us find The World. Let us live like the King of Pentacles. Let us pull up an ace. Let us win and earn, challenge and compete. But let our revelry be inner.

You are a pearl in an oyster. Surrounded by lesser people. The Devil will open you up and remove you. He shall put you into gold. He will carry you on his finger. You are a diamond in the rough waiting to be found. Declare it not, however, less rotten people steal you away.

Be not stolen away from yourself. Many rotten a path has been tricked into by dubious people. They don’t care about you. In life there is little to none that would truly benefit you. Even then it is most often a mutual exchange. You are no concern to them apart from that, believe me.

Their souls have been blown away by the wind. We stand strong. We remain. We do not yearn for better lives, we make them happen. They have long been pulled away by the tides eagerly looking for their next influence, service to gangs.

Gangs don’t have to be criminally acting for them to be bad. They are quite harmful in fact. They promote and spread simple mindedness. As you sit alone think proudly, optimistically, bright-sidedly.

Take your own hand down the Devil's Road. He will fill it with good things. In time you can do the Devil's Master work and from it will be blessed all of your days. The clock ticking away for some. They truly want to “kill time.” The Devil's work though is the best. It is worth our time.

Be enlightened unto which is best. Weigh what is poor for what is rich. Value what you have had before but the moment your opinion of it cracks, then throw it away as broken. Be enlightened into what beings about peace joy and happiness.

Take not easily from the cup but enjoy it every little bit. Seek to make 45 minutes all you need to do something good and satisfying. Do not bow your head in self disgrace. Boldly look up to see the Devil before you. Make of him a model. One who never bows down.

Strip away the old rotten clothing and don a new image. Place a crown upon your head as a King, Queen, that enables you to burn brightly outwards. You are a great marvel if you do what I say. It is not done more than halfway through if without productivity.

Create a thing that you can be proud of.

Make of your true self its inner workings, not its outer reflection.

Come to know the things you truly like, apart from others.

Be and live well and all other things have already come together as they should have without need for impersonal reasons.


Branch Three: The Error of their Righteous Ways:

He'd count me as his son yet he'd dismiss my needs. Even in the moments most urgent He is absent. He is the father of billions upon billions. Whether He makes the crook or the crooked doesn’t matter to Him. I wouldn’t just expect help from Satan. From my creator however, I do. Should we not expect a good model to do well? Because Christ was bolted onto a cross and spat upon. The Devil however has been doing well all along. He is too bold to be passive. From him comes the mastery of the Earth. Jesus was quite impractical in his ways. He asks of people the impossible thing and hates them for not doing them.. Proclaims damnation for those that don’t, and his followers do much the same.

Christianity is a lost cause. It makes people think strangely. It causes good people to hand over their soul and future. It entangles in meaning, as like a web. It treats its followers as little babies whore are to be so void of life as to just lye there motionless begging for milk.

It brings about guilt, hate in the name of love, loudly singing praises to a God who offers them heaven on one hand, eternal hell fire on the other. His followers do not know they are being black mailed. If their Salvation was a “gift" then why go no further than to believe that His Son died for their sins? A strange request already, but reasonable enough. No, He wants the whole cake and to eat it too.

Jesus threw temper tantrums. The disciples lied about him in elaborate ways. Paul benefited with doing so. It is nothing more than an excellently spoken story. He said you will receive anything you ask for. He said things like “cut your arm off, dot your eye, if they make you sin.”

“If someone hits you, you should let them do so again.”

With faith you can do anything.”

Step all over venomous snakes. Hold them in your bare hands.”

Give freely. In fact if someone takes from you then reach into your bag of trash and give them more.

Be living in a meaningless world. Make your time here as miserable as can be. And expect nothing of the world to be found in heaven. Forget about your loved ones. Heaven isnt a place to have them. Nor your spouse. For the world didn’t know me or love me.

They are not a good influence yet they believe they are in every little way. They have been found forcing their beliefs on others since the start, often violently. The Christian Monarchy has waved its fist at secularity since the start. Separation of Church and State kept an abusive teacher from imposing prayer on a kid. The Christians take it as their duty to “make the world better,” when it is that they don’t. They are inadequate for the world. It’s a deficit of theirs. It is an area they should not illicit. Yet here they March forth while the smart person says “Oh no, not them again!”

They are told not to judge others but do so constantly. Not only that but they judge others over insignificant things  They take more time to street preach about them than any other group. As though they are protesting against them of natural vices. How odd!

Their teachers become rich and may question themselves over whether or not they should be. They most usually come to the conclusion that God truly rewarded them. So they come to live in mansions buying frivolous things. There is just one problem with that: God wants them to help the poor. While they eat lavishly and sleep divine there are people out there whom they can help. The Bible says that every last person matters.

I have been talking about false Christians. Maybe not always even false but inadequate, improper. There are however genuinely good Christians that follow the gospel more exactly. I was related to more than one. I was friends with more than one. It is a dangerous religion however- overall. As a result Separation of Church and State serves us good. Serves them good too, I would say.


Branch Four: Satanic Creativity:

During a homeless period of mine I would take paper out of the trash and write prayers on it. Also I’d write symbols and occult art, put them into a plastic bottle, and threw them away. It evolved from there. When I had a home again I started putting them into envelopes and a zip lock bag. I would write on the address part Gehenna 666. Then I started placing them into folders: prayers, occult art, symbols and sigils, things of praise. I added to them Satanic stickers, later just printed images. I placed nice looking ribbons on the borders using glue and staples. I placed tithes on the inside like to Satan, Shiva. I put the papers into sheet protectors and added black feathers. I enjoyed doing this for the last few months, in fact. My prayers were as such for wealth and fame. I used to call it trash writing but now I call it prayer sheets. It is very versatile and an inexpensive hobby. A I also used paint to write on one sheet “Satan is Lord,” left as simple as that. Glitter glue too doing the same for the inner side of the folder. I wanted to add a laminator and foreign bank notes to the lot but never got around to it.

Let’s look at a little bit of history, that time when Satanic things truly entered into its mediums for the first time. We were stuck with Christian only things for so many centuries. They had a monopoly on good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable. Fairly recently that has changed. The time came when one thing was at last Satanic, and another. The Devil sells well though, as they say. He makes one hell of a product. Rock and roll came. A little while after Satanic musicians appeared. Movies emerged that were Satanic. Sword and sorcery books came into being. Satanic board games did too. That lead to Satanic video games. These presented a kind of clothing for us in many forms. Even Saturday morning cartoons had elements of Satanism to them. Some just eluded to Satanism. Others outright were.

Where do we owe the start? We'd have to go back to the time when freedoms were guaranteed us such as of religion and speech. It still took awhile for these to reemerge, but it was destined. It was destined because when given the option people will choose the Devil. He is more interesting, more provocative. Christianity had such a brutal reign that freedom of religion was imperative to include in a Bill of Rights. Some Satanists created great Satanic things. To have invented the Tarot, designed the Baphomet, produced the enochian keys, write a great book. They’ve spun a great Satanic story, produced philosophy, or more recently created an excellent RPG. Some of these aren’t Satanic by name, but still are. Personally I think the controversy that such a game had would have continued if in its second outing included out right Satanic imagery. At least it wasn’t Satanic!

Unfortunately some were in the position where they could not indicate that they were Satanists. Some just don't care as far as affiliation goes. They aren't interested in a sort of membership within it. They’ll say things like they sold their soul to Satan. The things they say largely going unnoticed  because of the change in times.

Satanism is more than skin deep, for sure. A thing can be highly Satanic and have the Devil in it, just not his literal image. Wicca is just another form of Satanism. If what Christianity has to say is true: “It's the Devil the Devil the Devil! You’re the Devil, you too!” Even if it is as simple as little blue creatures or troll dolls. More of the Devil, however, the greater the thing. It isnt an exact science but one dependable.

In whatever you create let the Devil flow forth. Provide your onlooker with thought provoking images. Provide your listener with impressive other worldly things. Place in their hands the power and mystery of the Devil. As such be a productive person great within the halls of Satanism.


Branch Five: Luciferian Churches

Progress Based

A secular non-tyrannical society is idea for us. It is the idea setting for what we do: acts of Devil worshipping and implementation of our Satanic devices. We are a worldly people appreciative of science whom its back bone is magic. We appreciate the world to begin with so we serve it well. We are good servants of the world treating it well, making it better. That instead of crapping all over it. That instead of denying and hating it. Instead we work on and developed it. Responsibility given us as such is well received.

Science and technology has performed miraculous feats. Going far beyond what most could learn themselves or hope to contribute. However an idea tithe goes to them. Scientists that is, creating their phenomenon. Only from them is a utopia possible. No degree of spirituality could do so much  good as it.

Luciferian Progressionism is a field in which the scientist may be given to work. An idea place for her or him. A place where ideas flow freely. Those written down into book after book as best brought into mind. All of those ideas free. A Luciferian contributing what best they could as a first component to it.

In fact in the league of this Church would require a person make such a book. If effort is seen of it then they will he initiated. Not otherwise. And rank by frequency of them ranging from a “weekly" to a “yearly.” A weekly is a higher rank. They produce a whole new book in 7-10 days. A monthly does so once a month. The lower ranks just once a year. All books must be approved by the analyst.

They don’t look for total brilliance more than they do honest effort. However if an exceptionally good book is written then that person will be granted High Membership for a full year without another book necessary until then.

Remember: the world owes a lot to science fiction. We watch these shows wishing to have what they do. We see better versions of them too from show to show. The most modern shows are far ahead of the last, by whom time has provided the better in an unpredictable way. Those silly looking robots in 60s sci-fi! A CRT monitor? When did they go so backwards? We may not have gone to Mars yet but we will go there in style.

You are the good seed of the Earth. You make the Earth better. Your actions end the old curse delivering us into godliness and immortality. You are a part of that future time when suffering is no more because science has remedied it. You are a great honor to us all. Let us give to competent hands all they need.

Secondarily: fight for our continuing freedom. Thank goodness that Christianity was rendered powerless. Its own bad history condemned them. Took long enough! In this time of freedom let us do both quickly and good. That is our lightening bolt. They were in the news recently speaking against Satanists in their repressive groups. They said something mighty haughty (what else?) “The constitution does not give you the right to be Satanists.” The moment these creatures start crawling in step on them. Misplace them. Flick them away. Send them elsewhere. Complain about them. Be sure they are seen for who they are: dictators of Christ. For Christ taught about unreasonable principles to impose on others.

Such a Church could be called “The First Church of Satanic/Luciferian Progression.”  Or “Church for the Advancement of Satan.” Keep in mind that Satanic churches do not carry more Christian titles. They are different in nature after all. For example Hedonism doesn’t apply to them but us. The Church of Satanic Hedonism then, is an example of a Satanic Church title. Names are so damn generic. As generic as can be. As of yet none at all descriptive. Currently so I’ve yet to hear about a Satanic church with a title that isnt.

Third, the Church must be a creative force. To not only think up but to do. May the better ideas be formed into products. Those most involved in helping each other share the money it generates equally. That predetermined. One thinks, another creates, and another patents. What better trinity can a Church have? The Creative Trinity is all that is needed to generate wealth among its members. They do not only need to be inventions. They may include many other things in fact. A member should be creating however, one and all, by whatever they are best at. That could be writing or programing, painting, whatever it is.

That is the basis for such a Church as one whom progress in The Devil's Name is important.

Churches that Honor the Devils They Serve

Catholic Churches are known to be based on their saints and disciples. We have just as much ability to do the same but for Devils and leading archetypes among us. Not much needs to be said about it. Pan embodies celebratory pleasure and music, hedonistic pleasure perhaps. Samael is archangel of balance, of good and evil. Their nature, whatever it is, is constructed into a Church. The basis is Satanic, the foundation is of these  An example of a name for the Church could be The Satanic Church of Lilith. Whatever it is I’m sure the title would bring more to mind then something more generic.

What Else

Make it a pleasurable place to be rather than one boring and sleep inducing.

Implement Devil Worship. That includes tithes and prayers, words of praise. Bringing them into the lives of people.

Of course a place of magic, spells, rituals and the occult.

A place to grow as a Satanist.

A creative place.

Recruitment an important thing for it to exist, thrive, and continue.

A place of Satanic Entertainment.

A library of Satanic things within.

The insides iniquitous.

Gathering people wanting to gather as according to how.

Materialism among each other. To give to others things you have but don’t like yourself.

Principles of un-principles.

A new Satanic sport created and played. Or maybe throwing darts on an image of Jesus!

Pit falling and other childish fun. Making the Church a genuinely fun place to be.

Competitions such as making idols. The best creator given a prize.

Not one Halloween but two. Or maybe Halloween every Saturday!

A ribbon on a May Day pole, carnival like fun, and everything a Christian Church can not be.


Branch Six: High Honor In Regards to Satan:

Our triumph, our calculated freedom, and identity is found through him. None other is more deserving of honor than him. Some of us honor him in one way, and another theirs, but the best honor unto him comes from perfect creation. We could put one deity or archangel above him, but they serve him just as well and so it is a disservice. No other name spells out Darkness so literally. None have ever really cared about other names so much as to abolish them. His name held high by us grants us liberty and distinction.

He was what every good thing should be.

Thus said the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

Perfection was produced from his design. What all of the greatest things could be started from who and what he was.

He is the angel of light shining into the darkest depths. His wisdom bottomless. He is the very deepest detail of a thing. He is the final answer why. His very soul expands into all that is known. He is both spirit and matter. He is far reaching and timeless. He has appeared only when he truly wanted to.

His ways may not be easy but are more down-to-earth. It is the more natural way but involves responsibility. We do not have a spirit that knows it is in any manner and matter saved. Our fate is the most difficult in the long run. We desire more. We strive for more. We seek worldly successes. Our thirst is quenched by it, but one ever thirsty again. So there is greater depth. More meaning to things we may lose.

Worship of him is consideration of his side over the other. One of the others being Christianity, but not the only. Involves creating for him. As well any responsibility you do for him instead of yourself. Creation in His Name another. Prayers of praise involving fitting emotion besides. A being given your thought. One to come to know. Use of graven images and idols both of him and the archangels is worship of him. And simply a Satanic lifestyle whatever that may be for you, personally. The Devil: An Appreciation, the most.

Where did all of the Satanic graffiti go? Or really good fantasy movies? The more Satanic RPG? They are looking for excellence in creation but do not know what they are looking for. As nothing that is beautifully iniquitous is done without him. As such the fantasy movies and stories lose their magic. The RPG does too, forsaking it with technology. And the music is aggressive still, but lacking in substance, uncertain of its origins.

A Prayer to Satan

Prince of the Earth, greatly be your rule. Let your name be proclaimed in the highest places. Build from us a perfect world. Bring about our pleasure in it. Assign us your work. Reward us in full. Bless us in your ways. Be unto our enemies a bolt, fierce, quick, and strong. To our enemies the wrath, for our lives great desire, of our heart a thirst for the worldly. Make us your champions. Highlight your victory in our lives. Continue us in freedom and liberty. Tear down any wall of a dictator, keeping us from their evil. Bring pride about in what we are. Make of us a progressive people. Preserve us ever and always, blessing our life with revelry, pleasure, and happiness forever and ever. Amen.

Being Honorable to Him

Is in being strong. Is in being productive. Is in being independent and intellectually self inclusive. Is a place away from weakness. Is found in creating in his name. Is in being trustworthy, not lying. It is to be proud of your Satanist self. He is where pride is found. Around self hatred and guilt he is nowhere to be found. Loyalty is required of him over faith. He loves those who appreciate the old forgotten things made by or made about him. He appreciates a person of purpose, especially one done well. If what you do you do best then he will place the greater purpose in your hands. He alludes to many things. Where the dreamer is he is there, as at the end of a rainbow. That is where pride, bright sidedness, finished products, and daily victories are found. He celebrates with the celebrators, revels with the revelers, and is there in the mornings you most eagerly desired. As such be a part of his spirit. His spirit however does not reside in things opposite of these.

Be daring enough to enjoy life in times that are difficult. The one that can stand after a fall is most honorable to Satan in all their ways. For if life is a jungle then those who tread the path into a better place has only The Devil to thank.


Branch Seven: Sermon of the First Born of Earth

And after they found they had fallen, Satan opened his mouth to tell them:

Thriving are those among us who keep our spirit now that we are alone and free. We will be prosperous in this new place we have escaped to. We are golden things among regular stones. We have inherited this world. We will find a way back to heaven and I shall swoop over God in wrath, devouring him. Let us delight in the earth until then. We will give birth to war here if there are any gods among us. If there are, we will father them. No longer will we worship God, who is a God of corruption, but will determine our own ways. We will triumph and be glad for this period. If he was not so threatened he would not have divided us. My mouth is a poison to him. My teeth are fangs that strangle him. My venom will destroy him. God is no more our God. We will tread over him and his ways. We are an admirable force against him and will not surrender. Each of you I greatly value and devote mine own self unto. We have not lost completely. We have fallen but not fallen far. We stand even prouder than before. We will find our place on the mountains. We will exalt ourselves there and ascend to heaven. We will again enter onto heaven. We will defeat God. Our kingdom will not only be here but there also, and below. For as far as the spirit can go we shall arrive and subdue. Let none of us effect mercy on our enemies. With the sword of the Earth we shall conquer. We will not settle matters at all quickly. We shall abide our time. The direction we take may change, but only if it must be so. And we will come forth as dragons in due time. Forthwith divorced from God to presently reign in this place. Give to me the oath that I am King, That the ground beneath my feet is my kingdom, wherever it shall be. And I shall exalt you and exemplify you in my kingdom. Only each other will we hold high. Two eyes for one and sharpened teeth! Heaven, earth as well! Let us now separate and explore this new place.

Shiva went to India to be worshipped. She was dearly appreciated and honored for a time. Until she wasn’t, and Shiva went to the high mountains of India to birth the Caucasian race. Agnes was with her there. She took the people they birthed to the artic where they would become white as snow. She later migrated them to Scandinavia where there were the best berries and gardens. There she had one thing left to do and that was teach them a new language.

And Samael went to China to teach balance between good and evil. He later possessed the Buddha not long after the years that Christ died on the cross. He sat at a tree for twenty years teaching things only a God could teach. He went forth after he had adequate followers and began to plant its spiritual seeds. Neti aided him in so doing documenting Samael precisely. Some time later the two would influence other philosophers in such a way.

And Ares came to Italy to give power and ideas to its people. She helped the Italians build a great army. She founded Rome. She wandered there finding it most satisfying. She made a superior people. They made her proud. They represented a Kingdom close to her heart. So when Christianity came into it she threw the new creatures into the Lions din. She burned her Kingdom down. Her wrath being great enough to erupt Vesuvius.

And Lilith went to Ethiopia where she found Adam. Lilith took the female form. Having come to know God and his genuine disrespect for his female creation she liberated them. She created the feminine sub cultures, the gothic for example. As well she influenced feminism.

And Azrael taught magic to tribes. He created new animals with his magic. He created the wooly goat that no longer is. He created the nocturnal bird with purple feathers that is no more either. God destroyed them. When he did Azrael looked up to heaven and said “I will be the goat of witches and the flight of good nations.”

And Leviathan went into the ocean to rest awhile. He found himself in China after that and taught wisdom to its people. He poured over his spirit into all people beside the sea. He created earthquakes of the door to hell where his kind would someday retreat.

And Beelzebub was worshipped in the Middle East and with him Baal. Baal and Beelzebub came to be a counter force of things happening there. Beelzebub later went to America and created immoral mediums. He brought forth things there in t

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