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Chapter Nine

Church at Pergamos

We begin this presentation with the church at

Pergamos, the third church that falls within the time

frame that Dr. Carroll has in his text.

Revelation 2:12-17 KJV 12 And to the angel of the

church in Pergamos write; These things saith he

which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even

where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name,

and hast not denied my faith, even in those days

wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was

slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou

hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who

taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the

children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols,

and to commit fornication.

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of

the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and

will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

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17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit

saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will

I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a

white stone, and in the stone a new name written,

which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

The city of Pergamum was the center of the imperial

cult; the name of the city means “Fortress”. The city

dates from the time of nearby Troy 1200

B.C. Alexander the Great’s general Antigonus seized

Pergamum for Alexander’s Kingdom. The city passed

to Lysimachus, another general of Alexander’s who

succeeded him after his death.

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Pergamum became a city-state under the control of

the Seleucid’s in 263 B.C. The city later changed

alliances to Rome, and still later under Attalus II (159-

138 B.C.) the city was willed to Rome. The city was

made famous by its library of 200,000 scrolls and

rivaled Alexandria’s.

Pergamum popularized writing on goatskin sheets

later known as “Parchment” a corruption of the name

Pergamene. The city was known for its Altar of Zeus

and its large theater at the top of the acropolis.1


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The church at Pergamum represents those churches

from AD 313 to 590. This is the church "falling

away" that Paul described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

This church age is from the time of Constantine in

AD313 to the time of the Rise of the Papal Church of

Rome in AD538, when that "man of sin" was revealed

(the pope). This was a period of deteriorating moral

standards and doctrinal corruption. Christian

standards were lowered, and a union was formed

between Christianity and paganism through the acts

of Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church.

We can see here that COMPROMISE has come into

the church. In exchange for religious tolerance and

acceptance, the true principles of Christianity were

sacrificed to accommodate pagan beliefs. This church

is allowing those who hold to different doctrines that

are not of Christ to dwell with them and commune

with them.

Again, the doctrine of the Nicolaitans pops up, which

is the doctrine of doing away with God's law. This

Jesus hates! God's Law is a law of love that will never

be done away with.

Look at what the Psalmist would have said to this

church: 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the

counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners,

nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

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2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in

his law doth he meditate day and night.

(Psalm 1:1, 2)

Do we see compromise throughout the "Christian"

churches today? I believe we do. You only need to

look at the church councils in certain denominations

that have meetings to discuss whether or not to allow

practicing homosexual men and women as clergy.

I mean, come on! Talk about ignoring God's Word!!

Some churches have even allowed this to happen

recently, like the Lutheran church. They now allow

practicing homosexuals to hold positions in the

church. Now there are many others.

This compromise will get worse before Jesus returns.

We really need to hold on to a NO COMPROMISE

Christian attitude as we near the end.

Despite the compromise that came into the church in

Pergamos, there were still a few (God's remnant) that

held on to the truth of His Word and sought to

maintain the true faith of the apostles. Jesus

understood the opposition this church faced by being

in close proximity to Satan’s power. Jesus takes this

into account with the Church of Pergamos, He




but Smyrna the

persecuted was also faced with difficult decisions.

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The church of Smyrna thrived under persecution, and

so did the persecuted church. The last Emperor to

persecute Christians was Galerius, who died an

excruciating death as his body rotted from within

while he was alive. Days before his death, he recanted

his orders of Christian persecution and then died.

Following his rule was Constantine, a neophyte

Christian, who made Christianity the religion of

the Roman Empire. Being a new Christian, he was

willing to make compromises to the pagans allowing

mass conversions, allowing pagan priests to become

Christian priests. The problem was many of these

conversions were more convenient then real.

Pagan practices were just repackaged with Christian

names, keeping many of the older rites. An example

is Easter, the name is pagan in origin, but in order to

help pagans feel more at home with the “Resurrection

Sunday”, the name Easter remained.

The power behind Pergamos was Satan. Jesus refers

to the city as “Satan’s throne”. There are several

opinions what this could mean.

Pergamos had the temple of Zeus at Pergamum, Zeus

the Greek god and Marduk the Babylonian god are by

most accounts the same god with a different

name. The meanings are the same, just different

names according to Heroditus, the Greek historian.

The goddess Ashtora of the Philistines, Isis of Egypt

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and Artemis of the Greeks are essentially the same but

with different names. The source behind this

deception is Satan himself.

Pergamum, according to Revelation chapter two, was

the demonic spiritual powerhouse behind this

evil. Despite being in the fortress of Satan’s

operation, the church did not deny faith in Christ. The

church during the time of Constantine was known as

holding to the name of Christ. Pergamum still had

faithful saints willing to die for Christ. Antipas was

an early model of faithful saints, faithful to the Lord

despite the condition of the church.

Unlike Ephesus, Pergamum was willing to indulge

the ways of the world into their system. Balaam was

a prophet hired by the king of Moab, Balak, to find a

way to destroy Israel. Israel was entering his land on

the way to the Promised Land, and he was unable to

curse them because each time a blessing occurred.

Balaam suggested intermarriage with the Moabites,

eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality

as the method to destroy Israel. This is the doctrine

of Balaam, to combine the things of God with the

ways of the world.








the Gnostics. Today, a great example of Gnosticism

is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Many

Christians are embracing a novel with a different

Jesus. The Jesus of Gnosticism was married to Mary

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Magdalene a Temple prostitute and had a child named

Sarah. Dan Brown presents this as fact, and many

who might call themselves Christians are embracing

this book.

The same was occurring here in this Church. This






freedom. The Greeks at their various temples

had Temple prostitutes. This church allowed those

who taught sexual promiscuity was permissible to be

part of the leadership. These very issues plague the

church today, and again some churches teach the

permissibility of sexual freedom, including gay rights,

marriage, and sexual liberty.

The Church at Ephesus refused the Nicolaitans to be

part of their leadership or teachers. Pergamum not

only embraced their doctrines, but they also allowed

them to be part of their leadership.

This is what happened with Pergamum during this

church age. The pagan’s world was allowed to be part

of the Church. Doctrines contrary to scripture

introduced into the Church, became a corruption of

the truth.

One of the doctrines introduced was the teaching the



become Israel,


theology). This position being allowed took away

the literal meaning of scripture and replaced it with


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Heresies that became part of the Catholic Church:

A.D. 300

Prayers for the dead

A.D. 300

Making sign of the cross

A.D. 375

Worship of saints and angels

A.D. 394

Mass first instituted

A.D. 431

Worship of Mary begun

A.D. 500

Priests began dressing differently than


A.D. 526

Extreme unction

A.D. 593

Doctrine of purgatory introduced

A.D. 600

Worship services conducted in Latin

A.D. 600

Prayers directed to Mary1


In verse 16, Jesus admonishes the church to repent.

The Greek word, Metanoeo, means to change one's

mind, i.e., to repent. What this church needed to do

was make a total change. This same counsel applies

not only to this church but any church permitting

sexual impurity as part of their doctrine. Continual

sinning without repentance will bring the judgment of

Christ against the offender. During this time, the

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Church saw the invasions of the Huns, the Vandals,

and many other problems.

In verse seventeen, Jesus had a specific promise to

those in this age who “Overcame”. Manna was the





to Israel in


wilderness. Christ makes the same promise to those

living in this church taking him seriously. Jesus also

mentions the giving of a white stone. There is still

debate about what this means. Some feel in the

Pergamum Theater, white stones were used as

admission to the theater. Here, Christ uses this

imagery for admission into the kingdom of God for

the overcomer.

Jesus also mentions a new name in this verse. When

we come to Christ, we are “Born again” on the outside

we look the same but spiritually we are born again.

Each believer has a unique relationship with Christ, a

special relationship. In heaven, we will have a special

name only known to Christ and the believer.

Conclusion to Chapter Nine

As we have seen, much change took place in these

years. Those changes were not good either. We have

seen the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church

which will only grow in power as it continues. It will

also go further and further away from the truth of

God’s Word. In the next chapter we will resume Dr.

Carroll’s text, The Trail of Blood.

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Church History Through the Trail of Blood

Chapter Ten