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Chapter Twelve H

Who Were They?

The Cathari

Colossians 1:9-14

9For this cause we also, since the day we heard it,

do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye

might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all

wisdom and spiritual understanding; 10That ye

might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing,

being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in

the knowledge of God; 11Strengthened with all

might, according to his glorious power, unto all

patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

12Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made

us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the

saints in light: 13Who hath delivered us from the

power of darkness, and hath translated us into the

kingdom of his dear Son: 14In whom we have

redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness

of sins:

We again return to the work of Pastor Oldfield.


From day one, fallen Christendom has been trying

to blend two opposing kingdoms – Christ’s and the

world. The ages-old idea of a homogenous

society was once again in people’s minds.

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When Constantine became emperor, claiming the

banner of the cross, that goal obtained a certain

degree success. By law there was only one approved

religion – the Alexandrian version of Christianity.

It became illegal to worship any god but the

corrupted version of Christ. And so, the Romanized


began filling


pagans wearing

crucifixes (so to speak). But with so many

unregenerated church people, Christianity became a

sham. Multitudes, both from the laity and

priesthood, made little effort to live like the

Christians they professed to be. And reaction to that

worldliness and heresy was a part of the rise and

growth of each of the groups which we’ve already

addressed – the Montanists, Donatists, and

Paulicians. One of the terms thrown against those

people, and one which I’ve mentioned several times

was “Cathari.” As J.T. Christian says, “On account

of the purity of their lives (and doctrines) they were

called Cathari, that is, the pure.” On your “Trail of

Blood” charts, you can see that word, linking and

over-lapping the other names.

The Bible

teaches us

to baptize

only those

who “bring forth fruits mete (or worthy) of

repentance.” And we hear exhortations like – “If ye

then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are

above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Set your affection on things above, not on things on

the earth.” Then there is exhortation after

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exhortation like what we just read from Colossians

1. Paul commanded the Thessalonians, “I therefore,

the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk

worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with

all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering,

forbearing one another in love; endeavouring to

keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” The

Christian life is not just an improved worldly life

it is entirely different. “Know ye not that the

friendship of the world is enmity with God?

whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is

the enemy of God.” But there was growing branch

of Christendom which was openly trying to draw

the unconverted world into union with itself. In

time, it was using infant baptism to bring the lost

into its fold. It was exchanging sacramentalism for

salvation by God’s grace. It was making the

priesthood a vocation, rather than the ministry of

God. It was creating a new rule over the people –

blending religion with secular government.

In response to the slide of Christendom there were

a few rocks in the stream – the churches of

Montanus, and the Novatians and Donatists. They

were churches of a different kind, firmly planted on

the foundation stones of Christ and the Bible. And as

the Alexandrian churches rushed past them

downhill, they


out like




stream… Eventually those Romanized Alexandrian



to call


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fundamentalists “heretics.” The word originally

meant only that here was a person who made a

choice. Here was someone who took a deliberate

and premeditated stand. But it came to mean – a

rebel – an individual who was too stupid to agree

with the majority. God’s people since the 3rd century

have often been unjustly called “heretics.” Then in







throwing other names at God’s people. They

were meant to cut and wound, when in fact

sometimes they accurately hit the nail on its head.

Have you ever been called something like “a goody

goody” or even a “goody two shoes?” Most people

have no idea where that term originated. It arose in

1765 when John Newbery published a children’s

story supposedly written by Oliver Goldsmith. It is

the tale of a little girl who was so poor that she only

had one shoe. Somehow, she obtained a pair of new

shoes, and she dashed around to all her poor friends,

exclaiming “two shoes, two shoes.” Even though she

was the same little girl she had always been, she

considered herself better than everyone else now that

she had two shoes. By the 3rd century, the people and

priests of the fallen churches began giving names to

those people who were trying to live as the Bible

taught them to live. They were “heretics” and they

were “purists” – people who were squeaky clean

“Cathars” or “Cathari.” Robinson and others

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have said that all of the dissenters from the

2nd century on have at times been called “Cathari.”

But as the Dark Age developed the use that name


The Twelfth Century Cathari.

Remember from [a previous] lesson, the Paulicians

moved from Eastern Turkey into Eastern Europe

Thrace. From there they migrated north into the

Balkans – Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Romania.

And as we mentioned, they popped up along the

Mediterranean in Southern France and Western

Italy. We aren’t merely talking about a race of

people but of a way of worship and a kind of

faith. These





their “heresies,” like rejecting the authority of the

bishops and pope. They abhorred the worship of





the sacraments.

They practiced believers’ baptism and demanded

a regenerated church membership. Plus, they lived

and expected other professing believers to live holy

lives – they were “Cathari.”

But with that name we begin to get into muddy

waters, and a word of caution is necessary. Not

every person trying to live a pure and moral life is a

child of God.

Sometimes when I go to the grocery store , I will see

ladies in long plain dresses with five or six well-

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behaved, well-dressed children, and my first thought

is “Christian.” The truth is that there is a strict sect

of Roman Catholicism in Post Falls, and sometimes

that family I see is Catholic, worshiping Mary




Son. Appearances



deceiving. Some people don’t drink because their

parents were alcoholics, and the weakness runs in the

family. Some people don’t smoke because they

know that it is a poison which will likely kill them.

Some people appear clean on the outside, but who

are still filthy at heart. Matthew 23:25 – “Woe unto

you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make

clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but








excess.” Some of the people who are described

as “Cathari” by the Catholics of the Middle Ages

were in fact Manicheans - people who believed in

the duality and warfare between good and evil. But,

says Verduin, “The basic error in the prevailing

representation is that when men hear the word

Cathar they straightway think of a gnostic sect,

where the more…honest of the medieval opponents

of the Cathars themselves distinguish very clearly

between two varieties. It is certainly an error to think

of dualism whenever one hears the word Cathar. The

term was borrowed from one situation and applied

to another – in an effort to discredit.” Some of the

Cathari of the Dark Ages were not worshipers and

followers of Christ but were trying to live moral sin-

free lives for the wrong reasons – Perhaps in order to

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earn salvation. In other words, “Cathari” is not to

be applied only to the children of God, so it should

be used with caution. And yet, it is often a word

perfectly suited to God’s people.

Verduin gives

another illustration



stereotyping which was applied during the Dark

Ages . For example, often in medieval times it was

said that heretics were of a pale complexion. There

was a medieval Catholic bishop who “when he

looked at men he could tell by their pallor whether

they had been to Waldensian conventicles.” This

ascription of paleness may have a very natural

explanation. What man, knowing himself to be

a “heretic” would not grow pale when an inquisitor

spoke to him, or even looked in this direction?

Moreover, the heretics spent a great deal of their time

in hiding, coming out mostly at night (for which

reason they were often called “turlupins” – wolf-

people). Verduin says, This cliche was extremely

tenacious; one may hear to this day in rural France

the expression : “white like an Huguenot.”

Some of the Cathari were also called Bogomiles.

Armitage quotes Herzog saying that they took their

name from a Bulgarian bishop of the 10th century.

The man was a Paulician who pastored a church

in Philippopolis. The Bogomiles were condemned as

heretics and suffered great persecution, because of

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their pure doctrine and pure living. Basil, one of their

leaders was burnt to death in Constantinople in 1118.

Gibbons suggests they came to southern France by

traveling up the Danube into German and then down.

By early in the 11th century, they were without doubt

settled in the Netherlands, in Orleans, France, and

Turin, Italy on the other side of the Piedmont

mountains. As such they played a role in the faith of

the Waldensians in Italy and the Albigenses in

France. When the Bogomiles were driven out of

Bulgaria they traveled to Northern Europe –

Champagne and Flanders. Their followers became

so numerous that the Catholics called for councils at

Toulouse and Tours in order to further condemn

them. But despite their excommunications and

curses, Armitage says that they grew so mighty that

they had a council of their own in 1167 at which

time they clearly declared their faith in Christ and

condemned the hierarchy and secular power of


The name “Petrobrussian” is also associated with the


In about the year 1110 in the southern French

provinces of Languedoc and Provence, Peter de

Bruys was heard preaching the gospel of Christ. It is

said that he had been a priest in Toulouse, but God

gave him wisdom to see the sins of Catholicism, so

he began to consult with the Albigenses. He

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too condemned the superstitions of the day and

exhorted faith and pure living among the believers.

For several years his ministry was abundantly

successful. Many awoke to put faith in the Lamb of

God. He was blessed by God to have

the protection of




named Hildephonsus.



period the

Catholics were erecting magnificent temples filled

with gold and idols of the saints. Peter de Bruys

preached that “gold was not the means of building a

church, but rather of its destruction.”

One of de Bruys’ chief opponents was Peter the

Venerable, Abbot of Clugni. This second man wrote

a book in which he described his Cathari enemy. He

said that De Bruys held that the church was a

spiritual body composed of regenerated people. He

held that persons ought not to be baptized until they

came to the use of their reason. No one was

saved through the faith of another person, such as

babies through their godparents. He did not, as he

was accused, rebaptize those who had been baptized

as babies, because, he said, they were not baptized in

the first place. In regard to the Lord’s Supper, he not

only rejected the doctrine of transubstantiation, but

he denied that it was a sacrament.

In the year 1126, Peter de Bruys was seized by the

authorities and burnt to death. But immediately one

of his students arose to pick up his mantle and to

carry on – Henry of Lausanne. And later those who

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called “Petrobrussians” were


called “Henricians” descendants of the Cathari.

Henry was so powerful a preacher and yet at the

same time so humble and simple in his life, that the

Pope Eugene III send Bernard of Clairvaux to

destroy the effects of his ministry. Bernard would

become famous as the Pope’s primary heresy hunter

– truth destroyer. He described the effect of Henry’s




the churches


deserted, “the way of the children is closed, the

grace of baptism is refused them, and they are

hindered from coming to heaven.” Bernard saw to it

that Henry was condemned and brought before the

Council of Rheims after which he was imprisoned in

1148 and soon thereafter died.

Another of the Cathari groups were the Arnoldists.

Arnold of Brescia was born at the beginning of the

12th century and died about 1148. The Roman

Catholics described Arnold as “unsound in his

judgment about the sacraments of the altar and

infant baptism.” So, he was condemned by

the Lateran Council under Innocent II. The fourth

Lateran Council decreed that all rebaptizers should

be punished


death. Like



Cathari, Arnold had his followers, especially in

the region of Lombardy. The Catholics called those

who believed as Arnold did – “Lombards. ” J.T.

Christians says that by the year 1184 the Arnoldists

were termed Albigenses, a littler later they were

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classed as Waldenses. One German historian of the

Waldenses affirms, “There was connection between

the Waldenses and the followers of Peter of Bruys,

Henry of Lausanne and Arnold of Brescia, and they

finally united in one body about 1130 as they held

common views.” And please note that all these men

were about four hundred years before Luther and


I realize that I’ve gone over these names rather

quickly, but that was with a purpose. First, there

is little need for all the details, which you can find in

many other places if you are interested. And once

again, these are not Biblical names and titles, so

there is little reason for us to use them on ourselves.

I’d prefer that you not call me a “Bogomile” or

a “Petrobrussian.” But


is important


know that throughout




been Christians and churches which have rejected


sacraments and





predominant church. And one of the titles which has

been applied to those people of God has

been “Cathari.” They were people attempting to

live morally and doctrinally pure lives.

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