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In this chapter we are going to consider the church of

Asia that falls with the timeframe of 1700-1900.

This Church is the church at Philadelphia.

Let us now consider it.

Revelation 3:7-11

7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia

write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is

true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth,

and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man


8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee

an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast

a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not

denied my name.

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of

Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do

lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship

before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,

I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,

which shall come upon all the world, to try them that

dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou

hast, that no man take thy crown.


The Church At Philadelphia

This is the church during the great awakening of the

18th Century and the Advent movement started by the


The "Jews" in these verses are not literal Jews, but

spiritual Jews, those who profess to be in Christ Jesus,

i.e., professing Christians. This is one of two churches

of the seven that don't receive a rebuke. This is a good

church that hold fast to the true doctrine of Christ

Jesus. They did not let themselves be led astray,

because they firmly held to the truth of God's Word.

This is something that is really lacking in the

"Christian" world today, because too many people

would rather go along with their 'feelings' rather than

the truth of God's Word in the Bible. We MUST hold

tight onto the truth. We must stand on the rock, and

not be thrown about by every different wind of

doctrine that comes our way. Throughout these years

we see the Gospel reaching the ends of the earth

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through the great evangelists and missionaries. For

the first time in world history, it looks like every man

and woman on earth would hear the good news about

the saving power of God through Christ.

This age also saw 'Great Awakenings' around the

world. Basically, the age saw one of a spirit of revival

under such men as Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley,

George Whitefield, D.L. Moody, and Charles Finney.

The church at Philadelphia was characterized by their

faithfulness to the word of God. For the first time in

several hundred years the common man had access to

the Bible and could read it for himself. As a result of

this, if you look at the period of time from the

Protestant Reformation in 1517 right up to the early

20th century you will see a church that was faithfully

preaching and teaching the word of God.

Jesus told the church at Philadelphia that He placed an

open door before them, and that is exactly what

happened during this period of time. All of the great

revivals and prayer movements that we know about

took place in this time. Men like Moody, Spurgeon,

and Matthew Henry all came out of this period of

church history. They had an open door, and they took

full advantage of the opportunities they were given.

But around the turn of the 20th century things began

to change, which leads us to the last phase of church

history, the Laodicean age.1

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Today the city is called Alasehir meaning either “Red

city” or “city of Allah”. The original name comes

from King Attalus of Pergamum (159-138 B.C.)

whose surname meant Philadelphus that meant

“Loyal to his brother (Eumenes)”.

The city was almost completely destroyed several

times by earthquakes. The most recent rebuilding was

in A.D. 17.

Grapes were a principal crop of the city and Dionysus,

the god of wine (Bacchus) was one the chief objects

of worship.

A nominal Christian presence was maintained in this

city until the start of World War I.

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Jesus has a commendation for this church: the one of

two that had no condemnations laid against them by

the Lord. Jesus identifies Himself to Philadelphia as

Holy and True. The word is translated from the Greek

word Hagios meaning



righteousness is separate and apart from the sin of this


The church represents Christ in the world. Christ

nature is perfect, He is God’s Messiah, the “Truth”

manifest in the world. Jesus describes Himself as

“The Way”, “The Truth” and “The Life” (John

14;6). Jesus is not one of many truths but “The

Truth”. He holds the Title to the throne of David. The

Messiah, the son of David, was to rule over the Earth

in the kingdom age. He assures the Church He is in

charge. He will rule on David’s throne over the


Jesus is the One Who opens the door. All authority

under the Heavens and Earth belong to Him. We as a

church operate under His authority. Unlike

the Church of Sardis, the works of the Philadelphia

Church there is not one word of condemnation for this


The works of Sardis lacked because the church fell




moorings. The Sardis church

represented the prophetic foreshadow of the

Reformation church, the Philadelphia church

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represented the prophetic foreshadowing of the

missionary church.

The printing presses made Bibles accessible to the

common person, which in turn caused people to

respond to God’s Word. This response was fully

manifest in the early 18th century. As missionaries set

out to spread the Gospel across the globe.

Jesus said He had placed an open door before the

church. During the missionary age, the doors closed

to the Gospel began to open. Countries closed off to

the Gospel started to see scriptures printed in their

own languages.

Jesus said the church had “little strength.” The basis

of the doors opening to the Gospel was not because of

the wealth of the church, but because of the power of

the word. Biblical based Christianity apart from

the United States is usually the minority and subject

to persecution in many countries. The strength comes

from Christ alone. Philadelphia foreshadowed the

position of this physically weak but spiritually strong

church. The secret behind the power of this church

was their fidelity to doctrine mixed with good works

and obedience.

Jesus commends this church for keeping His

Word. Philadelphia was true to the Gospel, which in

turn allowed Him to use this church more than any

other. The church was not ashamed of Christ. They

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were not concerned about what people thought of

them, they wanted others to know Jesus. They did not

deny Him. This allowed Him to open the doors and

the Gospel to go out.

In verse 9, Jesus mentions the synagogue of Satan.

Like Smyrna, the Christians in Philadelphia faced

opposition from a hostile Jewish population. This also

foreshadowed the opposition the Gospel would

receive by groups claiming the spiritual prerogative

that belonged to Israel.

Jesus Christ makes an unusual promise to this Church,









churches. Because Philadelphia kept the command

and persevered in their walk, He promises to keep the

church from the “Hour” of trial.

The world will go through a period of trial, translated

from the Greek word Peirasmos meaning a trial of

proving. The point that Revelation 3:10 makes is this

trial will not be local in nature but involves the whole


or Oikoumene meaning


earth”. Jesus counsels those in the Philadelphia to not

let anybody take their crown, the crown here is the

victory crown (Stephanos) presented at award

ceremonies. He is not talking about salvation but

reward. He is urging the Church to persevere, until He


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In verse 12, Jesus says, Him that overcometh will I

make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall

go no more out: and I will write upon him the name

of my God, and the name of the city of my God,

which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of

heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my

new name.

New Jerusalem is the future dwelling place of all the

saints with Christ (Revelation 21-22). In New

Jerusalem there is no temple because the city itself is

the Temple and we are part of His Temple. Jesus

points this Church toward the goal of eternity.



I have no means of proving this statement, just a

supposition on my part:

I suspect that there were more people saved in this

time period than any of the remaining time frames. I

know that there have been millions that have accepted

Jesus Christ as their Saviour during the 20th and 21st

but in relation to the amount of population during the

Philadelphia time frame, there probably were more to

respond to the preaching of the Gospel.

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In the next chapter we will consider the last time

period of Dr. Carroll’s book, The Trail of Blood.

After that we will consider the last of the seven

churches of Asia, the Church at Laodicea.

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Church History Through the Trail of
