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We continue the series with a look at the seventh of

the churches of Asia. This church is the church at

Laodicea. Let us consider this church.

Revelation 3:14-22

14 And unto the angel of the church of the

Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the

faithful and true witness, the beginning of the

creation of God;

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor

hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither

cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased

with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest

not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor,

and blind, and naked:

18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire,

that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that

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thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy

nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes

with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be

zealous therefore, and repent.

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any

man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come

in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with

me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am

set down with my Father in his throne.

22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit

saith unto the churches.


The Laodicean Age 1900 - Present

The turn of the century saw great changes taking

place both in the world and in the church. Not only

were there new bibles, new religions, but the Church

began to compromise with paganism again. An

ecumenical spirit has invaded the church so that

many desire to reunite with Rome. Biblical standards

fall as worldliness also corrupts the minds of


Faith is undermined through Higher Criticism

coming from German Theologians, eventually

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coming to the "God is Dead" teaching of the 1960's.

The word of God is replaced with a powerless gospel

in many churches, who now rely upon gimmicks

rather than the Living Word.

This age also sees the rise of the World Council of

Churches, Ecumenism, and Interfaith organizations.

The Laodicean age is one of spiritual lukewarmness

and Christless Christianity.

How fitting were the characteristics of this last age to

represent the age in which we now live. For example,

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they worshipped one god, Zeus, who was the chief

and father of the gods. This forecast the twentieth

century 'one God, father-of-us-all' religious premise

that sets forth the brotherhood of man, and is even

now bringing together the Protestants, Catholics,

Jews, Hindus, etc. with the intent that a mutual form

of worship will increase our love, understanding, and

care of each other. The Catholics and Protestants are

even now striving for and gaining ground in this

union with the avowed intent that all others will

follow. This very attitude was seen in the United

Nations Organization when the world leaders refused

to recognize any one individual concept of spiritual

worship but recommended putting aside all those

separate concepts with the hopes that all religions

become leveled into one, for all desire the same

goals, all have the same purposes, and all are

basically right, so it is said.

Notice the name, Laodicea, 'the people's rights', or

'justice of the peoples.' Was there ever an age like the

twentieth century church age that has seen ALL

nations rising and demanding equality, socially and

financially? This is the age of the communists where

all men are supposedly equal, though it is only so in

theory. This is the age of political parties who call

themselves Christian Democrats, and Christian

Socialists, Christian Commonwealth Federation, etc.

According to our liberal theologians Jesus was a

socialist and the early church under the guidance of

the Spirit practiced socialism, and thus we ought to

do so today.

The City of Laodicea

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The city used to be known as Diospolis (City of

Zeus) or Rhoas, but Antiochus II (250 B.C.) renamed

the city after his wife Laodice. The city is located

about 160 km (100 miles) east of Ephesus and 18 km

(11 miles) west of Colossae.

After the Romans became rulers of the city in 133

B.C., they reconstructed the roads and Laodicea

became the major junction of traffic west

to Ephesus and the Aegean, north and west to

Philadelphia, Pergamum, and Smyrna, and south to

the Mediterranean. The small city grew rapidly under

Roman rule and became very wealthy. This is

demonstrated by the fact an earthquake in A.D. 60

destroyed the city and the city refused imperial

financial aid to rebuild.

The chief export of the city was a seamless garment

made of glossy black wool.

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The city was also known for its water system, the

aqueduct was built from large stones with a central

circular channel. The water was transported to the

city from mountain springs.

The city had a cosmopolitan population including

Roman colonizers, the original Phrygians, Jews, and

immigrant Syrian settlers. Antiochus the Great

transported 2,000 Jewish families to Phrygia from

Babylonia. The wealth of Jewish population is

demonstrated by Cicero who reported 20 pounds of

gold, as the annual contribution Jews to Jerusalem in

62 B.C. The city had a medical school to which was

connected the famous “Phrygian powder” a salve for

the eyes. This school was known worldwide.

Zeus and Isis worship were known in the city. The

city minted its own coins, the inscriptions of which

show evidence of the worship of Zeus, Æsculapius,

Apollo, and the emperors. In the Roman period, the city was famous for its bankers. Even the famous

Roman orator and statesman, Cicero, used their


The site of the ancient city now lies in Turkey. Much

archaeological work has been done on the ancient

site. The previous picture is only one of many that

have been taken of the existing ruins of the city. The

latest work unearthed a statue of Roman Emperor

Trajan in 2019.

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The Church at Laodicea

Jesus opening words to this church was to let them

know that He knew about their works. Thus, He was

able to say with all authority that the church was

lukewarm, neither cold nor hot. Cold means "without

active life," while hot indicates abounding, vital

energy, expressed in the church. The church at

Laodicea was neither. She had life, but it was in

hibernation, inactive, unproductive asleep, had

become almost totally barren. She had lost her zeal

(fervency) she once had while the frost of

indifference had fallen upon her.

Jesus went on to say that He wished they were either

hot or cold, not lukewarm, not merely in a daze,

meandering about, spiritually unstable, but holding a

positive defined position. Because they were

satisfied with carelessness, indifference, existing in a

nonproductive state, barren and unfruitful, without

spiritual life (the indwelling of the Holy Spirit), cold

or dead, nor hot, zealous on fire for God as they

should be, Jesus said He would spue them out of His

mouth. He said, “I am about to vomit you (as a

church) out of my mouth.” “I am about to revoke

your ambassadorship, your witnessing power or

dynamics, as a church of mine, withdraw my

commission or invalidate your administrative right

as a testator, because your indifference and

carelessness disgusts me,” the Lord warns.

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The church made the claim in boastful and carnal

pride, with a self-satisfied air. She states, “I have

become and am rich, of my own strength or accord,

and I have or hold not a single need.” They forgot to

recognize that it was God who gave them "the power

to get wealth." They were so blinded to their spiritual

plight before God, they knew not as they should have

known. This congregation did know not know that

they were spiritually impotent, powerless, without


They were in a wretched state. They were as an

object to be pitied, needing pity, as a cripple, an


There were impoverished in spiritual things and

spiritual power, like Jonah under the gourd outside

of the city of Nineveh.

They were blind, and naked, unclothed in a spiritual

sense, lacking spiritual comfort, food, and clothing.

Jesus says He counsels they to “Buy from me gold

that has already been refined out of the fire,” pure,

true gold. This was an ironical reminder of their

spiritual poverty. To buy from Him reminded them

of their trust in themselves, though they were lacking

character. They were to do this to be truly rich, not

having nor holding a need.

Jesus instructs them to buy from Him white raiment

that they might be clothed so that the shame of their

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nakedness could not be seen. They were to anoint

their eyes with eye salve so that they might have

spiritual sight or discernment.

Jesus loved them and because He loved them, He

called them to repentance. This was the only church

of the seven that He did not have a commendation to

give them.

He presents the picture of a lover standing outside the

door wanting to enter, but the latchstring is on the

inside and the door can only be opened voluntarily

and responsively by someone on the inside.

He encourages them to be overcomers, even in a

sinful church or congregation, the beggar on earth,

yet in the Lord will live in royalty as a king in glory.

Jesus will give many blessings for those who will

repent and obey.


What Happened to the Church in Laodicea? Church

history records that the church in Laodicea remained

dynamic after most churches in Asia disappeared.

One of its bishops was martyred for his faith in AD

161, about seventy years after John wrote his

warning to the city in Revelation. In AD 363,

Laodicea was the location chosen for a significant

church council, however, it seems that this council

was not composed of scriptural churches but those

who would soon become the Catholics. So, it

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appears that the church in Laodicea learned its lesson

and God continued to bless the Christian community

there for some time.

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