Cardinal Doctrines of a New Testament Church by Joseph F. Roberts, ThD, PhD - HTML preview

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Introduction to Declaration 22

There was a time in our country and culture when it was unnecessary to make a declaration as to what marriage was. Today, however, there is a global movement to make Biblical marriage go away. Liberals are adamant in saying that one sex marriage is also right and lawful. They will not stop there. Before too long they will be saying that polygamy will be lawful. Then, they will also say that it is lawful to marry animals, etc. All of this is already being talked about, put into place, and promoted.

At the source of this is a direct rebellion against God and His Word. Paul’s letter to the church at Rome talked about this problem. He wrote about men lusting for other men, and women lusting for other women. He was talking about homosexuality and lesbianism. It is nothing new. All we have to do is look at history and see that this problem has been around for thousands of years. It all stems from a rebellion against God.

Then there is transgenderism. This is saying that God made a mistake in whether a person is a male or female. Again, trying to change the gender of a person is rebelling against what God intended.

It is carried a step further now. Liberal minded people now are saying there is all types of genders. It is amazing to me how blinded and perverted Satan can make people so that they deny what is so plain and easily seen.

Let me be very frank and clear on this: God did not make more than two genders! There is only male and female all across of all His creation of beings, human and animal, etc. Biologically, there can only be two, male and female. To think otherwise is to buy into the Satanic inspired, hell originated, anti-God, atheistic, horrific belief that there is more that God forgot to make, and that man has corrected. This thinking and belief is straight from the pits of hell itself. Nothing can be more anti-God and rebellious than this because it opens the door to any perversion that man can imagine. We are again repeating history. This occurred before the flood when the stench of man’s sins became more that God could withstand. He wiped the earth clean of the horrific filthiness of man’s 200

transgressions. The problem is sin itself was not wiped out. It still prevailed and we have now come full circle. Today, general mankind is as bad or worse than they were before the flood. Just as it was in the days of Noah, there are still those who stand firm for the Lord. They refuse to be contaminated by the filth that is now prevalent in the human race. Some will say, “I am not that way,” but if it is tolerated and not spoken out against, it is part and parcel of the same thing. If it is tolerated, it will continue to grow until it knows no bounds.

Conclusion to Declaration 22 Part A

The time has come for God’s people to take a firm stand: whose side are they on, God’s or Satan’s. The time is coming when you will be forced to take sides. There will be no “straddling the fence.”

In the final part, we will consider the proof texts for this declaration.



Declaration #22b