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Christian Satanic Book Four


Lucifer Jeremy White


Christian Satanic Book Four

By Lucifer Jeremy White

San Francisco, CA 2019



I can be found online under my name Lucifer Jeremy White














But wisdom is justified of all her children.





Well! It has been a couple of months since I finished my latest book, a break very untypical of me, but I had moved into an all new home and it has taken much to settle in. I hope to pick back up on writing and on the positive note I had formed many new thoughts and ideas since I last wrote and can offer them here, refreshed.

You don’t need anyone’s permission to be a Christian Satanist. They’ll tell you it is impossible. But what they are really saying is that it cannot be. Why can’t you be both? You take what is good from one and another (having a lot of good there) and you apply what is relevant at the time. You may look through the glasses of one to observe the other, and as such are purely Christian Satanic.

What a good thing to call yourself. Every time I am “cornered” and halted being asked what? What is Christian Satanism? Not wanting to sit so long elaborating I instead offer simple quick answers, such as “well a person who freely does both.” I’ve already explained it and just tell them to read my books. It does bring up a lot of talk. It certainly stands out. And surprisingly, there are a lot of people who accept it up front. They say yes, that it’s a good idea, that there is good in both, either of which shouldn’t be entirely omitted. That it is just “two sides of the same coin.” That many Satanists yet love God and want to be Satanists, just not hating of God. Which makes a lot of sense. It seems to be so very committed to God to be that way, and I’m sure to God’s approval.

Then there are those that refuse it all together. I call them “Sided-Minded.” That what they do and believe is rooted in the state of being a part of something. So I’d say it is those at war and those at the side, but we are soldiers ourselves, and maybe some of them could be turned over in so knowing.

There are two books left regarding my writings for the Christian Satanic (Yasatic) religion. That would make ten of them including this one. And I feel that is substantial. There is a very lot that has been said. The books of Moses were five short books that resulted in all of the Old Testament to come. And the Gospel of Jesus produced even .ore, though it was less. So I believe that ten books will be enough and to have too much to absorbed all of it never will be.

And one more minor note, I intend for this book to be much more illustrated than the others. That is kind of against my principles, to have a lot of pictures/ drawings in my books. But I believe that one of them should contain a lot of symbolic imagery and am making it this one.

This being the kind of non fiction book that it is and not a novel or story, it may be read in any order of pages, her and there and over here and there—don’t feel like you have to read from page to page until the end, unless you want to. And thank you for reading. It is a public domain book, feel free to reproduce it with or without profit. Being only a hundred pages it is easily printed and shared.



Christian Satanic Book Four


Is the world coming to an end? I had once thought so, years ago, until recently. I idealized the worse possible scenarios. There was so much turmoil in the middle East. Small nations ran by dictators posed a threat with nuclear weapons. Mass slaughter had become regular. Earthquakes we’re happening here and there. A couple of volcanos erupted. And so on and so forth.

But I analyzed these things and came to the conclusion the world is not coming to an end. Why would it? We don’t need saving. And things had been far worse in history than they are now. For example, the dark ages. For example, Hitler and the halocost, world war two. It is always assumed that world war three would be far worse, but that is not necessarily so.

Yeah there have been earthquakes. But they were minor. If God is going to come on the scene I believe they’d been far worse than they are. But they’ll tell you that the sun is eclipsing indicating his soon return. Likewise every time there is bad weather the Christians will bear it as proof that God is returning soon.

There are mass murders occurring here in America from time to time. About once a month, more or less. But that’s pretty much an American phenomenon, certainly not a worldwide one. I had thought that North Korea was likely going to bomb us—but like always, they were only interested in the pay off imparted by commitment to dispose of their nuclearality.

But most of all, things have been far worse before than they are now. What makes today’s time special? If nothing else we have a lot to be hopeful for, what with scientific and technological advancements happening as they are, making our world a better place. And honestly I don’t see Good taking that from us.

It had been said that in the end times that Christians would be persecuted. Most modern Christians take this as being made fun of, and prohibited from thoroughly ruling over the legal system due to things such as separation of church and state. Christians have a ton of freedom to go to Church and worship freely. Maybe not in Muslim nations or certain small areas. But they are certainly not being sought out and targeted, executed, having Churches burnt down in large numbers. – but in Muslim nations.

So I don’t see any real, rational, reason to believe that these are the end—times.



The Greatest Understanding


I had never had a better tool against hurtful and painful emotions than reasoning, than using multiple perspectives to wash away anger. It seems best to me that in the process of someone trying to make you feel these ways that someone go over it in their minds multiple ways. To understand it with the right perspectives, the ones that keep you feeling and thinking well. If someone lashes out against me I already feel superior to them. Those that regard you as better than them, hate you.

You have attachments in life, at your choice. There are good things that you may attach yourself to, and bad things, too. It isn’t easy to hold them together. So you have the choice of being attached to the good or to the bad. Those that assail you hatefully want you to lose the good, putting the bad in your hands. That bad was their own, and they want you to have it. But choose instead to hold onto the good things in life and not be over taken by them.

They give you the poison but you do not have to drink it. And even if you do drink it, you don’t have to taste it. But even if you do taste it you do not have to gargle it.

Someone may lash out at you and then turn around doing things his, her own and no longer has you in mind a moment later. It’s out of sight, out of mind. When you are not around them, then you should feel fine. The greatest victory is to choose to instead enjoy life and go on about your day. This comes with maturity. But don’t expect them to be mature. They are those likely the most bullied and insecure in youth, in school. And believe me, they never wanted so much the love of others than hate. After all they do things to make you angry. Are they not then wanting to be hated? Are they not insubstantial? Are they not as one hacking through weeds with a machete every day of their lives, wherever they go?

It is the best of traits in life to be indifferent to these people, instead keeping the attachments to things that are good, whatever they may be, from the least to the greatest. So treat your self and let the damned be damned.



“And God said, 'Let there be light.’ In understanding this verse in it’s context within the Holy Bible I like to say, “In the beginning a bird, perhaps a pterodactyl, was in distress. That verse is very near the one in which God said we were made in his image. Now given that Christians are so very anti magic, they could never have the understanding that I, a Christian Satanist does.

That is to say that as we were made in God's image, our imagination invokes power. That as we think, so it is. But it has to be come to be evoked by visualization. As God imagined how things he wanted to become so did, and so it does, so can we, if just not as powerfully, but powerfully enough.

The mind that visualizes, that has practiced it, and learned it well, can cause things in the world to happen. Though “magic” in this sense may not cause an exact result, it does so what is able to come about from it, like water finding it’s way. You may imagine sea monsters, but only get sunken ships. And by that, be careful.

Most people have practiced visualization very little in their lives beyond childhood. Some adults may remember doing so, such as to music, or in picturing a pretend world as I did, that I named “Orion.” If you have come to visualize the most magically effective way then you would know it—where the mind takes you, how special it feels, and how moving it is. It is best done with instrumental music—which for me video game and movie soundtracks work better than classical music before movies and games. Modern classical. Music as such is very useful while visualizing. Of you ever use regular songs such as rock or pop, metal or rap, then choose to make the music about anything, making it’s meaning at least a little less restrictive.

I had taught myself a thing I called Taste Magic while I was incarcerated under isolation for an entire month. I was confined to a small rubber room only leaving to use the bathroom. Often naked, I was insane, yet came up with many brilliant thoughts under a freezing vent, under impossibly sanity shattering circumstances. The principles of taste magic are easily enough taught: whatever you eat, coincide it with a thought. I would make a corn chip a crown, pork, the police, yellow foods represented one person or another that I cared about. Usually my thoughts involved revenge, or much differently the betterment of me and my family. Candy works especially well while using taste magic. So you take the soul of the food and circulate it within your own, food for thought—and as such, a great magical working produced.

After all you taste for a reason. You shouldn’t eat food without tasting it, and by such enjoying it. Taste is the consumption of the brain. While the stomach and body digest and use the food, the brain does not, if you do not taste what you are eating. But when you do then the mind “knows” it.

In fact we were given in our human minds a piece of all of God's past. Including his thoughts. Especially his thoughts. This piece of him he imparted unto us we carried forth to survive. And with it we may know and come to understand all good and worthwhile truths. Through this we know the past and have access to all things. We must simply go there to retrieve such wisdom. I would even mark it as a use of a particular kind of clergy. That whose members are apt at tapping into such knowledge. Who are good at going there. Those that can share and impart such great knowledge on others. An entity of the Yasatic Church comprised of such clergy would be exceptionally beneficial.



The creation of a perfect idol


would include skill and talent to begin with, so hire a highly competent person or persons to create one according to this design:

  1. It should contain magically inductive items such as crystals. It should be lavished with jewels, precious cloth, such as silk, colors carefully chosen.
  2. It should contain symbolic images such as the eye of Horus, a mix of Christian and Satanic symbols, a pentagram, one inverted, another not so. And that itself should contain a degree of uniqueness and beauty.
  3. Carved from wood takes time, but represents a lot of work, is highly valuable that way. Consider what and what mixes if any that the thing should be made of.
  4. Consider beforehand the idea things it could contain—such as feathers, special ink, stones, to include with on it things already made such as antiques of a cross, a mini devil in the hand, etc.
  5. And know how much you can afford and what that can be expected to produce. Something such as this is not going to be inexpensive.



Wonder in magic as much as wonder is a part of magic. Sometimes magic is made up of only things of wonderment. That branch taken from a particular excluded tree under the moon light of August. The darling effect that Tarot cards impart. A carefully plucked crystal from a pile of rocks. And such things the same is it’s own magic.

It may be to soak a crystal in a certain kind of formula. It may be to draw a certain symbol and pray to it. Or it could most effectively be in the relationships you procured toward deities/ higher beings, and in coming to fully understand them.


Give gifts but don’t be a dog. The difference is that one maintains respect, keeps the power of saying “no,” is not expected from, and best of all is not depended on. If Every time someone asks you for something and you always give it, then you are nothing more than a crutch. It has no meaning to them in regards to you. It just is. But I say that if someone asks something g of you that to give the least. And don’t give more than what they initially ask. Give just what was asked, if anything. Nobody is owed anything. Except through promises, repaying, or during debt which doesn’t really need to be said. Remain appreciated, not an open pocket person that others dip their hands into.

And I add to that a lesson that I myself didn’t learn until late in life: that is, being cheap. Don’t hand things out liberally. And even if it seems like so little you give, hold back. God will reward you for your responsibility.


Support and be faithful to your brands. When I was very young and began watching football I chose the team the Seattle Seahawks. My Parents taught me to not switch teams around just because they were on top. And it remained my team to this day. I couple with this that you procured your tastes as an individual, avoiding popular tastes, preferring things more based on instinct and intuition, and most importantly what is true for you. This is best done by “best of” thinking. To think to yourself what is the best of anything, and the best among those.

And for whatever principles these are based on (it may be that something came first so you like it best, or simply that it is the best tasting to you, or that it made your child hood better) hold to those principles and remain faithful and devoted to your brands and types. Especially the under dogs. As it may be that you were of the few that supported it to begin with and may hope on it’s success. For example, the brand Sketchers, or Atari, or Linux, or a Reuben Sandwich, or 7 Up Soda.


I have some very good advice about the use of money as I have thought about it for a lifetime learning through good times and bad about how it is best used. When I was homeless and penniless I bought nothing more than batteries and pens, for my radio, a notebook. I certainly to desire things greatly that were I was never homeless I’d never had wanted. That includes a Mickey Mouse watch and shirt, and a CD of Holst's The Planets. And for my previous sake when I came back into having money, I bought them. But at any time in my life clothes meant the most to me, carefully selected, proudly adorned. It is just so good to go our in good clothes. I pay for what I will need through the month. And I pay into things that will be used often and for the whole month. I pay attention to what I know I’ll need every day, to make every day a good one. Though I don’t totally agree with “you get what you pay for,” I do believe “buy it nice or buy it twice.” And to me it is a sin to sell off what I have, unless I just don’t want it taking up space.

And I do not give my things away because a little can become a lot. I may invest a kind of way by buying a two or more month supply of something that I have more money freed up for awhile. And I believe in going by intuition in my buying of things, a well developed sense of taste, and I follow my heart as if there is no desire then there is nothing there you want in the world.


As I have taught in my book Anti Voidalism the best thing you can do in life is fill it with good things. This is such a highly applicable principle that I made a whole religion based on it. A little goes a long way sometimes. To have in your life a few good things really goes a long way. Such as having a good bed, a good chair, good food, good music, and keeping in your life good things on a daily basis. Life can be empty or worse, filled with things that are bad. Or by choice and effort every day can be lively and bright. So I would include: a good purpose, avenues to creativity, and to make an effort to find something good to do as often as possible even if that means learning new things and facing the challenge to begin doing to. To initiate an activity that is a first for you, something you’ve always wanted to do, or to return to old habits that your old self took well but perhaps you’ve forgotten since then just how good it could be.


For the Greater Meaning a person can look far and wide, through and through, and not find anything. I imagine that those who leave the Earth with an accomplished purpose, who leave it with a good gift, will see a good afterlife. And this is very Christian Satanic. That having accomplished something good and worthwhile in life will find a good afterlife, as s/he is worthy of reward, of great merit. A Christian would do what is morally good. A Satanist what is most pleasurable. But a Christian Satanist, a good work, a valuable something. For me that writing, which should be obvious. But it can include very many things.

I believe that those who did the best in life were destined as such and situated into it’s capacity here on Earth. It was said by Jesus that the least come before, the greatest after them. And God knows us through and through. What we were, are, and could be. And so even the rats are fed, but some feast. And to prove oneself to God goes a long way toward where you will go. So prove yourself and be qualified.


The most valuable things in life


make life better every day. You can drink and eat and your money on expensive food, and be left with nothing afterward. Or you could get an ice maker and have ice whenever you want it, for the price of water. Buying a good bed to sleep in makes every night better. Having a good chair you will have a good place to sit day by day. Then sometimes a little can add up quickly, depending on how long something lasts. It takes a long time for the colors of your clothes to lose color, to rip, to stain irreparably. Once you have a good set of clothes you will for awhile. Pens lasts a long time. I get two months out of a Bic lighter. These days, more. Home improvement is another thing that adds up as such, collectively brought together in having an ever better home. And I apply the principle of perfection regarding these, that you can improve on something so much as to eventually have what the wealthiest do, if just not immediately. A little liquor gets you there quicker.


I had never been such a strange and bitter person than I was those years of being a LaVeyian Satanist. Anton Szandor LaVey, author of five Satanic books, caught me like I was a fish eating the most wonderful bait. Much of his teachings are absurd. Saying that if someone bothers you twice to “destroy” them. To never express an opinion, nor advice, unless you are asked. That a vandal should have his arms ripped out. These things leave you with many principles—simple, everyday, things that you encounter and become angry over. It’s teachings of magic are sparse, and not very useful, with hints that they don’t even work as it is an “atheistic” Satanism. Yes, LaVeyian Satanists don’t even believe in the existence of Satan, and are as such duped. It is as much mind controlling and manipulative as any other religion. But as the indoctrinated are, would profess it otherwise. It took me too long in life to discover it was rolling over my life in every bad way. They say they don’t worship the Devil or even believe in him. But they do worship Anton LaVey. He said one of the five foremost goals of the Satanist is creating love dolls. And I imagine he was the type of guy that played weirdo music on his organ, looked to the left, snickered and said “how do you like that, baby?” to his manikin. The only good things I got out of it was individuality of tastes and learning to read music. But I lead myself on an arduous road of composing classical music, and in the long run which I’d have been writing, instead. It is Avery strange way to look at the world, and impractical, and I advice you to avoid it.

I think on rare occasion cult leaders are interesting people. But most of them, despicable, especially the sexual ones. And most of The Satanic Bible was just about sex being okay. Large chunks of it was taken from an earlier book he had nothing to do with. And for most part it makes you a hateful person loaded with rules and principles imparted by its creator. As a real Satanist, a Devil Worshipper once told me when I was very young, “be a Devil Worshipper,” “LaVey is a con artist.” And he asked me if I ever thought about what he meant when he said, “He made his Church for the non-joiners.” But for me it would take many more years before it just dawned on me that all this time I had been duped. I then realized I had been under cult like control for many years. And as powerful as any cult indoctrination is, is LaVey's Satanism. Don’t count on me doing the same—and remember, I’ve never asked for money, nor sex, or anything from my followers. I simply enjoy teaching good things and the opportunity to make a positive and lasting change. And with it, a good legacy.


God is an incredible thinker.


Many may easily wonder how He could hear all prayers and even pay much attention to them. But it is comparable to a computer. Computers only do things one at a time but they do them so fast that it seems like multiple things are all done at once. God is timeless. Human are not. We may as well be as a dog looking up to a human, but the breadth is much more broad than that.


Preaching and money go hand in hand. While I’d rather not cite the name of them, and there are many, people who become famous preachers inevitably come into A LOT of money. Owning mansions, million dollar private jets, spending their money frivolously. They know deep down that this isn’t right for Christians to do. But they convince their selves as much as they can that God has rewarded them. The plain and simple fact is that the money they incur should go to the homeless, the starving, to keep a simple house besides and simple clothes. If God gives you millions of dollars, then most of it should go to those in dire need. But you know what? They refuse to do so instead clinging onto exorbitant lifestyles.

And you can bet on Christianity getting the money and making the best cults. No belief was ever so successful. But when it comes to Christianity, wealthy lifestyles with not helping the poor is forbidden. How about Christian Satanism and wealth? Well I have spoken very much about money before. All I need to say about becoming wealthy while preaching Christian Satanism is, as long as it is not acquired in God's name unless you thoroughly help the poor.


Christian in name only. Inasmuch as Christianity is impractical, challenging to say it another way, you will find that people think they are Christian but do not get much more out of it than God's vengeance and you-should-help-me-I-am-poor. They want to be called Christian and call themselves as such while leaving large chunks of Christian practices out of their daily life. Most people want to be known as Christian, it’s a club. But then they have no reserve in saying nasty things, becoming hateful on the turn of the hat, pray greedily if at all, and are as such, hypocrites. But with Christian Satanism you do not have to be a hypocrite. In fact it is duality that makes it so. Maybe just a half hypocrite?


Some things you shouldn’t buy without coupons, especially hygienic products. My favorite deodorant Brut was in the Sunday paper which I planned on purchasing with my check. And what did my eyes see but a buy one get one free deal. In fact I had planned on buying two. And when I need one again I have one, as it came with two coupons. Because of internet sales things can be gotten from different nation’s at a remarkable cheap price. On eBay you can filter the search results to display things that cost a dollar with free shipping, including China only in this filter and you have many thousands of decent things for a buck each, and in fact I had spent $60 before doing so. Willing to spend a little more? There are all kinds of things, check them out.

Then there are those wanting a quick buck, who will buy something one day and turn around to sell it for change the next. Such are the best friends you could ever have.

At least I’m not a LaVeyian Satanist anymore. He taught his followers not to shower.


Most consistently the type of people I’ve been around have been hustlers. And I’ve been around people than most, all of my life. From being homeless, incarcerated, in group homes, mental hospitals, living with friends, and otherwise. I had two room mates who refused to pay their fee, and tried kicking them out, only to recover the police who stated I must do so through court rendered eviction. The whole thing was a confusing mess. So I wound up abruptly leaving and going to live with my ex girlfriend. The two women who were my room mate were evicted by the land lord and quickly, as they were just squatters in regard to him and the law.

Believe me I had people in my life that would take from me, daily, sometimes hourly. And I was angry by it. I had to learn to say “no,” and develop the right perspective—that perspective contains the fact that these people have money, too, but they totally waste it. While they spend all of their money on expensive packs of smokes and snacks they quickly run out of money. But I’ve spent only on what I needed making sure that I wouldn’t run out. And that means I can’t live off of snacks and Marborols. It is much the tale of the ant and grasshopper.

I only give what I can afford when it is I’m sure I have enough too, usually the last week of any month when my money is shortly arriving. But if someone asks for one and then adds can I have two? Right after I give them one, I’ll tell them no, even if it was just one two cents piece of rolling paper. If a homeless person asks for a quarter they really mean a dollar so I reach into my pocket exiting them, and hand them a quarter.

A part of the hustler’s joy is bothering their target. They love it how they’ve gotten by so well, free. Hustlers are proud of their ability to hustle. Also, as a result they could feel inadequate at it by someone they can’t break. But in any case they respect you more for saying no, especially with persistence.


For Society itself has become a cult. Whereas moral sin was once sexually based, gambling, just being heretical, it has changed unto things like smoking, sexism, racism, intolerance. Which is fine but it is so very deeply rooted as to cause one mishap of your words to cause devastating consequences. Which is fine too, which is a practice of anti smoking and such. Cigarettes are bad. Yeah, but my problem with it is I don’t want to hear about it all day and from everyone. That is

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