Christian Satanic Book Two by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.


I will let you in on a secret that only the Christian Satanic could know and believe: That Good is not to be taken seriously. That God (Ya) is not well represented in The Holy Bible. He has his adoring awe ridden followers in large sums, and variant to variant followers from religion to religion. But only the Christian knows him as a kind less fist pounding being. Christian Satanists don’t fear hell. Hell is a place God gave to Satan. For only is does God find friends. Christian Satanists are more pragmatic and reasonable. The level at which all other Christians worship and obey God reaches absurd levels. They are his in full for sure, but not his friends. We the Christian Satanist regard The Holy Bible as a scheme, a game, a bad movie to be in for most, but not for us. Some of the Holy Bible isn’t truth. You’d have to be a fooly dedicated believer indeed in many cases to believe the Holy Bible is at all times truth. These are things Good simply let pass in his book. But the Christian Satanist has been set aside to be his friend, not his awe ridden devotees.

2. Lazy Craft is a demerit to us. It is defined like this: to do things ½ assed. To short cut excessively through anything done that's worth doing well—and should be done well. Common traits of the lazy crafters include making excuses and placing false evidence of work done well, when it wasn’t. And it comprises much of the population who resort to criminal occupations. Where there is mediocrity there is lazy Craft behind it.

To us it amounts to what witchcraft would in earlier churches and those that perform it among us are acting heretically.

If a person is to “go up” then he must regard it as an inch at a time. Where few people these days ever stand a foot tall, the best among us stand a yard. In incorporating Luciferian elements into the world one cannot leave out it’s most important attribute: progress. What you do more and better than others is the best equation of success. Some will work just a little, others moderately, but s/he who does more and better than others is on Earth's finest road. You only have today to make tomorrow better.

3. Infectious principling if you must burden yourself with people putting on you their own strict principle- teaching, those that feel they’ve been wronged by the underly politeness you project or not living up to their rules or standards, and so they lash out at you based on their principles, you are likely to catch that irritability and proceed to place it on others. It is in this way that niceness, politeness, good manners, and unnecessary rules are snuck into your life and you yourself become as sick as they were.

That’s why I say it takes more strength not to say thank you, not to ask please, not to say excuse me delicately, not to give gifts, and all sorts of “regularly imposed mannerisms.” To choose a more immoral or rougher paved road can be quite liberating, and it loosens your collar. The antidote is simple: expect breathing room instead.. if you don’t want to attend a party or have special one on one time with someone but would rather be alone then tell them why, like you need time to think and don’t need a buddy rap music party. Why would he feel neglected? Maybe he should be more considerate of your wishes? Do people only do things to be thanked or be worth something? Maybe they should do the far more difficult that they become, well, practically worshipped, so they can leave you alone.

4. God has let us in on a secret that the Devil and him are good friends. He is a well loved and appreciated figure in his life, his first and perfect son, who he’d never condemn but quite different than that, one whom he gives all.

5. We all die but not all of us die with a finished purpose. But me, I will have worked through a purpose until I do. I will work on my purpose all of my days. And because of it will have gained the reward like other people like me will have. If I hadn’t done anything with my life, will I have earned a better life in the future? No, but I can tell you, my existence came as a reward. It was put into my authority and responsibility to do what I have done. My life before qualified me to have the current life that I do, as only the most qualified have a good position in this time. My environment was positioned and set so that I could worked in hampered, that my output be maximum. And I was given the experience that I needed to perform the work that I do.

As a result I can do what I do and do it well. I am not a wasteful person. I am one productive, qualified, and purposeful.

All of my days were well spent and my work will not be done until God declares it so and I breath my last breath. But if I do well enough it is confided in me that I will not die at all but be given complete dominion over my (so qualified) place of being.

Those that are in a good place are in a place earned as it is written “Many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” That is to say many, but not all. There are the stage props and the fillers on this Earth who’ve made little to no change. Not that they are worthless, but that they are space fillers. As it is you can take your reward and leave with it. Or you can continue to work and transcend into greatness.

And when I die and see that I have crossed over the thresh hold of death I will raise my arms and proclaim “Free! Free at last!” I will be observant in the days after. I will know my path well before I proceed to walk down it, walking long and far, knowing my new place with perfection my master.

6. The Great and venerable Anton Szandor LaVey who did all imaginable good things and is Satanism, brainwashed many. His is a thoroughly brainwashing religion that dupes as many as any other. Though his followers would deny this up, down, left and right. His is a brainwashing religion inducing cult like thought the term “Satanist” has become unfavorable to me because of LaVey. LaVeyists find him astonishing and mysterious, even responsible for great change in the world. But people of true perspective knows he has done little to nothing to change it. And I’ll have no part of his “Grand Pu- Bah” successors. LaVeyian induces strange and bizarre, often moronic ways of thinking that are taken as “rational,” and “individualist.” But it is very much absent of these.

7. If someone is to ascend higher than regular people, s/ he must go up an inch at a time. If a/he is to build a “home” in which to live well, s/he must build a brick at a time a better place for themselves. If someone finds a shortcut then good and well, but it requires the luck of a lifetime. If someone does better than another time, time, and time again, then s/ he is going the extra mile, must be relentless, and must be involved with what they are doing. But someone needs to be a natural at what they excel at, too. Some people just aren’t good at certain things, and others are, and by being born with a natural talent and finding it, coupled with the effort of the relentless, is one well jumping and skipping down the successful road. If you never do better than another no matter how much effort you expend, you might consider doing something else.

8. Christian Satanic kosher food that tastes good, whether or not it’s healthy is CSK Christian Satanic kosher. If it is: tastes, satisfying, pleasant, then it is CSK. With all of the many arguments that best for you food is comprised mostly of bland food such as vegetables, that’s good in only theory and only fitting to masochists. No normally working person can live off of things like vegetables and fruit. You would have to eat so much as to kill yourself, and yet find no satisfaction of them. Moderation comes from eating more indulgently. If someone doesn’t over eat then they will not become obese. And it is more in the amount eaten than what is eaten. There are no people loading their stomachs to burst and stretch from bowl after bowl of salad and eight carrots. So just by enjoying your food and not eating carelessly, compulsively, you will keep a low weight.

Similarly there is the axiom “if you don’t use it you lose it. But what if you don’t need it. Do you need the body of an athlete in a normally working world? Unless you are pursuing attractively that’s fine, but otherwise what a person normally uses is all that s/he needs.

9. Be God's pragmatic, sound, and reasonable followers, as it is by these that the Christian Satanist is meant to be. It goes to absurd length those that do as Christ and God said. And to take a real life look at them you could realize that weirdness of them. Think about it: they want to be God's special. They feel they are. They are proud of reading his world every day, a little too proud, and feel like they are his special follower. It borders on the sexual, really, for many women young and old who follower whole heartedly to a God that cannot f*ck.   And for men, a friend of all friends who doesn’t return the favor: it’s taken as a given, and if it were to mean something anyway, it’s taken for a given. But if from any religion if God is to have a more sound, reasonable, and pragmatic follower it comes from us. Otherwise it runs the gamut to the full that no such follower for him should be. In us alone it should be that he has a group of followers not so tightly tied and bound to him, those not in a cage, but rather run free through the plains, even soaring up high above. 

10. People may be hurt at what you said for any number of reasons, the worst being because of standards they hold in high regard. That is especially so in people who create working standards against others. If they think due to them they’ve been wronged it isn’t your fault, they just set forth unrealistic terms against you. And many of them do such people build. Worse is the person who ignores any such thing in others (instated standards) but have a whole nest of their own to readily observe and strike out at you in upholding them. A person can easily set forth numerous and heavy principles against others much in the same way manners came into being. But I say that they are better off through and through when they’ve been violated but for the sake of “easier” friendship with them, which just isn’t practical otherwise. I say it takes greater strength not to thank and not thanking is better taken, much more perceived as  stronger, less weak, more accessible, shown to be as something less needing of sensitivity to be over thankful is a trait of a person asking for sensitivity toward them. It takes more strength to just say give me that than the quirky way one says will you please pass me the butter? It takes more strength to just get off the bus without thanking the driver or to pay for your item and leave.

Yeah people can get a little angry at you, but you’ll have earned respect and establish your own terms. And besides, no one is angry for very long, and maybe you can just dispense with babying someone or feeding them their grown up bottles.

11. For some a nightmare for others all the spoils. A great warrior is much like a person in the military, whose position and mindset shouldn’t be underestimated as such. There are those who fight wars and also those that are condemned and harmed by their after products. There are many whom I believe suffer far greater than you and I, such as from things ranging to a lost parent early in one’s age, to having them lost to Ebola and you too, succumbing beside. Then there are those rich, very rich, whom make up the least, that live lives of a luxury we could only imagine. These that bathe in Jacuzzis , travel anywhere they wish to in personal jets, that buy things many and great, whom have theaters in their home, food cooked for them, and places driven them. They reside on the beaches of the Earth and see all of the greatest things ever made upon Earth. They lack nothing. Capitalism is good in that the most expensive things of today are the cheapest after. But with resources having expanding inasmuch as they have, and robotics coupled with AI requiring less and less human work, I believe and feel strongly in “universal basic income,” which is to say that everyone relieves a moderately sized income with which to get by, and from there work if more money is desired, or not at all if less abled and this would necessitate developing AI and robotics further being developed, but it would work. Then, there will be no more homeless, at least unless it is something they really want, and people would never have to fear coming into such a bad place. The world would be better on the whole, and the economy could very well improve a lot by instating such a thing. The less sacred that money is regarded to be, a means to slavery disposed, a truly Christian thing it is!

12. Fortunately for those that would get to good places in life the competition is minimal. Most people work for others in a way that attributes nothing to their success in life beyond a day by day income. They don’t write, music, or books, program games, or do things that would bring about lasting appreciation. They can only do so much. And then there is the group of people who don’t work at all. The fact is, most people spend their days doing nothing more than watching TV. If they are trying to be successful even a lot of those would have it come as easily as possible, and unless they have great luck they won’t get it (referring to those that would bring about their popularity and mass acceptance from You Tube, or otherwise taking the easiest possible routes.) So all and all most people are doing what is easily done, if anything at all, in their efforts for fame and fortune. As for me I cannot spend the day just watching TV or wading through town. I’ve got to be writing. And I spend hours a day on it, most of my day, knowing I only have a day at a time to get where I would be. But I want notoriety. Not money. And I believe that if I have oh, 60 or 80 books before I am published, these books before that I’ve kept in public domain will bring a lasting success. That even if my published books don’t do so well, the very many before, will. And I wonder what would have happened if G. Lucas would have placed his first three Star Wars films in public domain, but the ones after, not so. What do you think that would have resulted in? It would have driven up distribution and viewership. Any company could make a buck off it. It could have been readily and easily shared. And that would only help the popularity of what came after.

13. Base you expenses on intuition and individually decided tastes. Sometimes just the fact that you want something is it’s own good reason to get it. It may don’t on you one day that you’d really like a particular shirt. With me I wanted an eye of Providence shirt one day, out of thin air, and got one. Later it was an eye of Providence necklace. And as for right now I’d like a good high cost get-what-you-pay-for wallet. I was looking through my wallet. I though how cheap it felt. The things holding my cards in it were cheaply made of plastic, and it is red, fake leather. So naturally I thought I’d like to put some good money into a new wallet, something I use every day.

A person could argue with their selves until the cows come home that they don’t really need anything. But it’s closer to the truth that they don’t want to need anything, or else can’t want to need something.

Try to avoid getting things gotten for popularity sake. And put into something the value it deserves. It’s quite wonderful how technology advances and yet becomes ever cheaper (actually the two go hand in hand) I mean, to have this super computer as a cell phone! Since I use my cell phone every day, mostly to write, I put forth enough money for a good one. And it was every bit of money well spent! But mostly my purchasing comes from intuition. I wanted a very particular shirt bearing the first scene from the original Legend of Zelda, and I found it! A person can easily find precisely what s/he wants anymore, giving the mass market of things available online from every corner of the world. So these days a person has many, many options. A person can be exact in what s/he wants and get it, even cheap. Do you like red ice trays or super man socks? Whatever comes to mind consider, and if it comes to your heart easily enough then get it. You’ll never be defunct in getting the things you truly want, and your money will be where your heart is.

14. Usually being quite certain there is no God comes from closed- mindedness and refusal to believe as such as those “silly and deluded theists. Though they would fully argue that there is no God, they and their kind never made much effort to find that if there is. They put a sharp bold line between them and theists. If they were discovered to be wrong this would crush every full hearted effort that theists be wrong. They are sure that God didn’t make everything, that the big bang did, entirely ignoring that God could have caused the big bang. They themselves came from nothing, as all of us had, and then it is possible we can do so again. What goes around may come around, can’t it? They are too driven to be right and keep theists in their place: as their fans wouldn’t like em much if they were shown to be wrong alongside them. So they fight for their fans to be right. The Holy Bible does not say the Earth is 6,000 years old. Rightly translated that early passage in Genesis states that the Earth became empty and void (but the Bible has a way of being right only under correct rendering of what seems hidden.) Then Genesis indicates the occurrence of the mass extinction to say it “became” void and empty.. which under a correct translation it does.

As for myself I like to give an understanding of these early passages in Genesis by saying, “In the beginning a bird, perhaps a pterodactyl, was in distress.

Aside from everything else the person with good common sense will look at the world around him and know that it was obviously created by an intelligent being. Such people find it absurd that things as they are just freely came about. We may have come far from monkeys but the design and concept of God's Earth is readily apparent.

15. It may be true that for Christian Satanists they are the only devil’s who would go to heaven. Whereas no other devil or defiled thing would transgress there, the Christian Satanist would. S/he’d even very freely go there. The Christian Satanist has the virtue of sincerely. Nothing in them is blotted out, smudged over, or erased. They are the way they appear to be and are thereby the very image of honesty. A Christian Satanist is honest with God, and by the help of God are not lead into their damnation, but rather re routed where they’d do no harm.

But the Christian Satanists place isn’t either heaven or hell. But God made the Christian Satanist to give to him or her the middle ground of Earth and similar worlds. Not to die but to reemerge. Not to reincarnate in it’s literal sense, but more accurately to reemerge, as though one day some one is alive, and the next moment s/ he has awoken elsewhere in their original form with their memories still intact.

It is true that every religion presents it’s own afterlife. That for Satanists, there is hell (whatever hell really is.) Hell could have meant anything. Most of what Jesus said could have meant anything. How can we be clear that we are clear? The Buddhist could very well be destined for reincarnation, and too the Scientologist. I think people have a generally clear idea of where they are going, as indicated to them with involvement of where they are going toward. And the worst lot is for the atheists, in whom God had no life within them, and so no life to continue.

We make our destiny, very much so. A person who goes about strongly embodying evil, will be destroyed by his own demons. They do after all carry forth justice when s/ he meets them. A person that has the life of God and Jesus living within them will carry that life onward after death, and will find Jesus when there eyes open. And someone like an atheist that just doesn’t know how to live after death, will not.

As long as a belief is held strongly, and .ore importantly someone becomes engrossed and absorbed by it, teaches to his soul where it should go and how it will get there.

Great thinkers who know their ways naturally know where they are going and what it is like. Then they share these naturally occurring observances of where their soul itself is telling them where they are headed. An evil person, though he might be proud, has no life within him. And life beyond him is not so forgiving. And he has signed his life away, and will be brought to justice, halted, his coffin sealed tightly shut no matter what ideas he has about life everlasting.

But to the true Christian Satanist who has grounded him/ herself like a root strong, will be rooted in hell but bloomed in heaven.


It is the Christian Satanist The Yasatic whom, in veering away from the Satanic and connects instead to the Luciferian The Yalucian “Yah-Loo-See-In” who has delivered until theirselves the light of the world alongside the light of the soul. Because it is that through Christ one has the light of the soul, but through Lucifer shines upon the world a different light, the great illumination of the worldly path. The Yalucian has before him, or her, the light of the world shining forth, and their soul yet lighted by Christ has greater expendability and far greater roam. Both together is an altogether good thing. But first is the Yasatic and second the Yalucian. That is the soul that must find light. And requires the illumination and enlightenment of Lucifer to become untangled and ascend.

And I suggest here that the Christian Satanist by it’s very anti term nature should find Christian Luciferianism a remarkable cousin. Go far and roam with that and become quite a Master of life. It is the heightened Christian Satanist that becomes Yalucian and has become at one with the Middle Plane, fully so, without blemish, and unable to be purged from the Earth.

Evolutionary, revolutionary, perfectionary- that is Lucifer!

17. As a person whom has ran the gamut in music taste- from classical music to metal, not just pop but techno to bubble gum pop, things punk to gothic I tell you’ve, I’ve heard it all.. So I can provide for you a range of analysis that is broad.

The music that reaches furthest into my soul is Nobuo Uematsu's Music from Final Fantasy. Whereas classical music of the 20th century seems so simply unpalatable to me on so many levels, video game music and film scores are certainly an exception. In fact video game music is, simply, my favorite classical music. In particular the music of final fantasy, particular to that, the top three: being 4,6, and 8, but nearly just as much 7, 9, and 10. And very well the latter three contains a piece of music here and there without equal.

Sometimes I’d listen to classical music, but it just seems so outdated and too much the same, having but one set of instruments throughout, the instruments itself being outdated.

It reaches me and has my imagination going into strange places in light to heavy trance and is certainly more magically conductive, but sometimes I like to have, more simply, and something that could be considered more “interactive,” lyrical music, that presents a story, or right out ideas, these are more direct thought producing compared to music that is simply instrumental.

90s music is certainly more sophisticated. It is also more abstract. 80s music is boppy, but also has the most hardcore and aggressive metal such as Slayer, whom in terms of controversy simply cannot be beat.  Poppy boppy music, like some kinds of techno, or more fully “bubble gum pop” is good after a long course of seriousness. As was found in the 90s, and apparently a solution only Aqua could provide, breaking through a decade of serious (or at least complicated) music.

“Well it used to be popular,”

Pagan Black Metal, ordinary black metal, are as good as it gets with metal. And there is militant kinds of metal (which is more like techno rock) Triarii – is a perfect example. Some music that is strikingly like a diabolical Elvis is Danzig. Metal that never got bad Morbid Angel. Type Of Negative had a score of good music.

Were it not for video game and film score music Classical music would be a corpse turned to dust.

Be open to anything. Like what you will. In some small towns and among some types of music, there are those confined- like rap for a gang, country music for a “cowboy.” But still, most people aren’t confined to one genre. Most people do not care what you like, and they themselves run the gamut in what they listen to.

18. The truly regal abide in the best of places imparting upon them the best of circumstances during ravenous times. Who would subsist well in the worst of times but the most regal?

First, those that don’t become consumed, enraptured entangled in social upheavals/ causes. But instead remain independent (and carefully separated) from them.

Second, those that generate conditions in their environment that sustain them even greatly. As those that prop up business before them that bring about wealth. And such people, true entrepreneurs, are wealthy during a great depression.

Third, those that were ready, they whom were prepared all along.

And fourth, those that hide well from the gun fire and violence surrounding them.

“Somewhere over the rainbow,

Far away I hide,

There’s a place that I’ll go—away from their war, I will abide.”

19. In the grand scheme of things, the overflowing performances of life, should one be one remarkable, or little known? Outstanding, or complacent, unseen, unheard, or heard by very many, and outlandish, bizarre, abnormal or well suited, well taken? Obviously there are two very apparent opposites. One that someone would desire and its opposites, those that none would favor nor desire, and far from it. They are opposites in the truest sense of the word. So blend in. If you have a personality that comes from high self esteem you will really find blending in to be the only choice. You’d rather not be bothered by standing out and appearing different from others: standing out. Those that want to be like a one of a kind item should do so most subtly else come across as a person shouting on a roof top or a barer of a strange unrecognizable flag.

Be at enough peace and improve yourself psychologically enough, if needed, to really just not care. Confidence comes from indifference—which is a trait of the crazy, though a positive one. Observe people from a distance at all times, and though some may not like you, no matter, it is so with all people some like you, some don’t, and most don’t remember you throughout the day, unless you were their special clown.

Of course you could get a little drunk. But most of those around you need to be drunk, too, and if they drink—not the dumbest thing you know is grasped by them.

20. Those in a ruined world—those whose world is ruined, as by war, injustice, by criminals or because of corruption, whom reside under the rule of a dictator, who are oppressed, even enslaved, who have no hope as hope was taken from them or lost, the best hope they have is to overcome that monster, be it a dictator or any sort of oppressor. If for yourself alone or for others, where people are being treated as garbage and entirely expendable, may it be entirely damned. May the people oppressed gather together and be resolved to retaliation at such an injustice as it. And to leave for they that would do the same, the sign of a hung head that dictator executed by them s/he treated vehemently—disgustingly. Freedom for all people, and life existing in freedom and peace as sure as the sun must shine, and to be a light of justice setting to flames those who are cruelty to others to anyone. Dictatorships should not be allowed to exist. Any person in any corner of the world who keeps people as his toys, playing war and putting evil upon them should be swiftly executed. It must not be allowed to exist anywhere. Because a hundred of our good days passes by as quickly as one day of the nightmare under which these people live. The day itself counts. Because hour by hour their nightmares persist.

21. In the Optimal Continuity of things we have eight things to consider, and closely acknowledged they will keep you—l

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