Christian Satanism and The Herald of Satanic Waters by Lucifer Damuel White - HTML preview

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Chapter 1: Introduction

This book offers my Satanic perspective, holds the understanding I have come unto, all things that have served me well in my lifetime of being a Satanist. I’ve had my tough but pleasurable times being homeless and a wanderer. Isolated as well in a white room for a month, endured madness, mental hospitals. Only to come out smarter, apt at survival, ready to capsulize my experiences into a book. It was during insanity that I learned my greatest things. Such as my Principality List which I will later show. Now I am living in San Francisco. My life turned upside down for awhile, but I picked up the pieces and grew. Currently I have all that I need to write quite leisurely. Give me a room, coffee, iced tea, tobacco, and I am all set!

I’ve come to know the other side of things. I’d developed habits and things that others wouldn’t even think of. I walk and talk strangely. I make up words, accents, and sounds. I’d roll over my thinking forming chants into the best they can be. Haven’t been ordinary, and have been a far from regular person. I’m a kind of actor, can be a kind of character when I want to be.

That and other ways lead me into hell eventually. I had changed myself altogether and because I did I entered into its presence/ certain landscape where demons could be heard, even seen sometimes. A place where spirits spoke to me. Where'd they comment to me on my radio. So I can say being a certain and far more different person is a way into hell. And hell is not a place but a presence. Can be here, there, up, below, in any city, the desert, etc., it is not a place to be but a presence to be in.

I also have to offer Satanic philosophy, some essays here, magic based things, anything good enough (and worthy enough to include) Satanic things.

My books are each and all in public domain, up until now that includes 43. I can’t say if all of my future books will be so too, but probably so. Consider them an immense “sample.” Free as eBooks under my pen name.

My objective is to rush forth knowledge to the reader, great Satanic things, hopefully making your Satanist self stronger, wiser.

My book can be read in any random order. Just like any Bible or other religious book. Please pick it up from time to time. I’m sure it will be very helpful for you, and I want to be helpful here most of all. If you object to anything I say, my apologizes. I believe that on the whole my book will serve you well. A free book. No strings attached. I am not after money (I do love money) but making a positive change is what I am after.

May your reading go well and I hope you enjoy the book I have made!


Chapter 2: Worldliness

The Holy Book tells us:  

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”

It is the perfect basis for Satanism. Satanists must be separated from God fully to be so. The route of it is “love of the world.” That includes carnality, an eye for beauty regarding the Earth, a proud life within it, and joy based upon the Rock of Satan, Earth. That is the best foundation for Satanism. All things of the Earth and the Earth itself is his. Satan welcomes his own into his paradise. And Satan is our Father.

Fortunately the Earth is an easy thing to learn by. It is a much more tangible thing for a Satanist, compared to a Christian person’s never ending battle in the pursuit of Holy Excellence. While our pleasure may not be too far away. Good food, entertainment, for example. So we should revel in life. We should enjoy our time here as fully as can be. That is not too much to ask for, right? We are not spiritually-headed. We don't pursue “peaceful spiritual thinking" which is nothing but surrender for the Christian, empty headedness from a Buddhist.

Our Nirvana is Earth, Valhalla if you like, Olympus maybe, but paradise in whatever form. We pursue happiness here fully involved. We can freely sin, not placing shame on ourselves. Naturally we should be responsible, and so we are.

Eyes are closed for most. Or partially closed, not fully open. The Satanist should learn to open them fully if they haven’t yet. That is the understanding of the world based on desirable things. To look for what you like, increase the amount of things that you do. To find them more easily, to know yourself. To wrap the world around you like a comfortable blanket. To slip through more tedious things and embrace only what you truly wish to invest time in.

Then the world is a wonderful paradise with an endless amount of joy from it. Our time here on Earth with not a moment wasted, as people eager to indulge in everything it has to offer. As much as you can enjoy your life on this world, the brighter you are, the more Satanic you are. The basis of Satanism is worldliness, no better basis can be found.

As much as you are a Satanist you have found a good place here.

“in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.”


Chapter 3: The Fullness of the Earth

Referring to all the good things the world itself has to offer.

Tastes matter a great deal. More powerfully so unique tastes mean a lot. You’d heard it said so often “I don't really need this,” but what a form of self deception! You can't have anything you want without desire. Desire of longing, just wanting, whatever, without which the world can be a very empty place, void of good things, with nothing to be found. But for a Satanist who builds up desire, the world itself opens up.

It is a good thing to rehearse until it is memorized. To know very broadly the best of things material-wise, food, clothing, etc., and a discovery most fitting for an active Satanist in the world. It serves their lives well. Popularly derived things should be avoided. Room for non electronics to breath as they suffocate what else could be.

A list made: a master list of the things you love. Toy keyboards, white wing shirts, craft items, unique clothing to tailor, items of productivity, favorite food by type (candy, sandwich, cocktail, etc.) Coming to be understood in full.

Then your eyes will open to the greatness that is Earth. Good things will be in your grasp. You will never be lacking. You will easily come by great things. And you’ll learn who you are in the process. It is one of the best lessons in life for a Satanist.


Chapter 4: Satanic Productivity

Your purpose under Satan as Satan has given you.

The World belongs to Satan. The true hearts belong to him, too. What is Satanic is most naturally preferable to people. And given room anymore, since Christianity has reduced in power. As a result people make Satanic things. They just like them better. And they may not be things called Satanic or actually contain The Devil to be so. Be it games like Mortal Kombat or some early Genesis titles, murder spree movies, heavy metal, so much of what we create is Satanic in nature.

Making Satanic things only require the right touch. Sometimes a more softer and regular form inspires one of a more Satanic kind.

Demons within a game complete with upside down pentagrams more apparently so. It is not all about demons and warlocks though. They include things like sword and sorcery books, games. But also include more subtle things.

A Satanist should decide what their purpose is in regards to creating a Satanic thing. Should dedicate themselves to that until they’ve found just the right thing. To work on it as long as it takes to master it. Continue from there.

Not long after freedom and democracy came, so did the Devil's things. People like it much better than Dorian music, things so moral as to be moronic (like 50s TV shows) preferring the more realistic. Venturing into a thing more exciting. Freedom leads to the Satanic. That’s very apparent. It becomes the Devil's nation full of The Devil's things and is a place worth protecting.

To the Satanist who creates a great thing is given a part of The Devil's Kingdom itself. People that fail to will never had the chance to be remembered, really appreciated, to be famous or wealthy. It just isn’t such a lonely place when you have given a part of yourself to it for others to enjoy and share.


Chapter 5: Having More Than One Soul

Because two souls are two lives, shifting, increasing.

We have our ordinary self. Most people do, in fact almost all do. Then there are those that just don't like the regular and singular part, changing freely to a thing that is different. A thing different in its perspective, speech, accents, etc.

It is playing many parts, it is becoming someone different: not derived from profession, just a desire to be. A detective, evil kid, hell even an evil clown if you like. To be every character in a movie until you are all of them.

Being Scottish, speaking as such. People don't even know the difference. Make it “every day is Halloween.” To embody different characters, types of people, complete with accents and clothing the same, and best of all the perspective that goes along with it.

That for the sake of extending life, to get the chance to feel, not having to go through college or anything. Nevertheless knowing many, many different ways. Having gotten the experience of each, anything you ever wanted to be. You are.

You can also draw inspiration from cartoon animals. The mouse is the best of them. Some vary, like the rabbit. The cat is queer. The pig is always the worst of them, nearly down to a science. There have been very few goats in cartoons. The dog is highly varied. The snake is scum. The lion is among my favorites, personally.


Chapter 6: The Coming Satanic Kingdom

The best possible future is founded on Science and Technology

Science and technology can be counted on to make a utopia. To have AI powered cameras that can spot any criminal and identify them. To have androids and robotics as slaves leading us into “universal basic income,” thoroughly cleaning for us. AI driven vehicles complete with better batteries, even things like free energy (or you could say practically so) and a cure for mortality.

People often see the possible destructive side of technology. It makes for a better movie. But I think we could grab a strong enough grasp on it to prevent that. That’s the only possible obstacle. And God forbid a mind control device be made.

Satan represents progress.

We cannot go back to a dark age. Not with the knowledge we have gained. Generators can give us power. Fuel is all over the place. Food is better stored, to last and last. We no longer depend on horses. We have general power over sickness. It would take an extraordinarily bad virus or something to push us back into a dark age but that darkness will have a lot of light according to what we've accomplished.

Science and tech seems to go against inflation. Coupled with capitalism the same rules don’t apply. Tech too, like cars. The best smart phone a few years ago is the weakest phone in a few years, whose price is cheaper. Even the wealthiest person 10 years ago hadn't what we do now. I am for capitalism, entirely. It is based on competition, fitted into the people's needs, catering to them to make a sell.

Anyways- candy and bread don’t really change. Things of science surely do.

The best tithes are for scientific developments.

It is unfathomable how much the world will change in just twenty years. The more that is learned things eventually multiply, not just add, but multiply. I don’t think we will be going around in space in a metal boat. It is all very hard to predict. Only great inventors could have surmise what would become. Things aren’t considered until they are possible. We go from boops to beeps in the metal ship control room to venturing into space via VR and android robotics, in our bedroom. Why should you have to go there physically, anyway?

The best book a person could write contains ideas for future uses of science and tech, elaborating on what may be possible. Like a science fiction story may do, just without the story.


Chapter 7: Childish Behavior

Christianity is a dull form of maturity

The Holy Book says:

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

It is therefore Satanic to be childish.

The best councilor a Satanist could have would allow him or her to act freely against inhibition around them. As in a room alone with them and practicing inhibition, acting totally strange, saying strange things, entirely “acting loose.” To free oneself in that manner. This can be called The Satanic form of confession. To show our sins, our true self, rather than repressing it.

Perhaps Satan is not our father but our dad. After all, He'd have us enjoy Halloween, right? In fact the more spoiled the better. The teachings of “spare the rod spoil the child” taught by Solomon does not fit into Satanism. Much better is a life of joy within the Earth. Much better the Earth would look itself. Things are dull because of mature adults. Things are so plain. I suggest more color, rather than just army color green trashcans. The right to paint a trashcan, how so harmless a right, made up of things looking better. All around better things. Roads not paved in gold but glitter, board game pieces all over the place, stickers too. A glow in the dark house. Fog machines, Blade Runner style lights and holographic displays.

I often use the comparison of a bed room. TV here, bed here, desk here, maybe a few things to display. How in my adulthood I lost the worth of a black light. Not really doing any decorating apart from holidays, not even then really, either.

At the further end of this is a jumping cushion instead of walking down stairs. Just jump off from high.

Other examples include tree house coffee shops, massive and high LED animated stars instead of street lights, “video stickers" whenever that becomes scientifically possible.

All in all I am not talking about being childish as I am of saying to be a child with an adult's brain and there is a big difference between the two.

You should find the freedom to walk strange, to talk strange, to be aware of your emotions, emotions that flow more freely, to randomly cry in the street, to dance to street music, to have a picnic there. To fully enjoy candy, to make your music what you want of it, of all things an experience like no other.

I created a type of magic I call “taste magic.” It uses food or sweets to visualize with, and every taste given an idea in the mind of a person, place, or thing. As for me I am sour apple. My enemies are the more bitter tastes, to that effect. Before I created it I created The Principality List which attributes each person of my immediate family to four things. As for me I am Goat, White, Ring, Thief.

Keep any good and worthwhile piece of your maturity, but break down any element that doesn’t serve your life well.


Chapter 8: Responsibility

Foolishness is foolishness, no matter what name it goes under.

A blameless person deserves no blame. Those that don’t blame others do not either. The boldly truthful border on sounding psychotic, but of such great rights and forgiveness is found. Your true self being apparent and sure, with nothing to hide.

If it serves you well then it is always a good choice. Any form of self harm however is only fitting for a masochist.

The authorities would always say that the productive are doing well enough and should continue in their good work.

I say fit in. No one has to know you are a Satanist. Nobody has to know you secretly hate humankind.

Isolation so greatly reduces any harm done. It is mostly the groups of people that are a bad influence and lead to foolish things. I've never done drugs. I've never been involved in gangs or those things. I know very well for a fact that the world would be better off if people were isolated. Yeah, yeah we need to socialize.. soon science and tech will pose a solution. In fact naturally cause it. Of what’s to say about holograms and such things. The fact that our interest in parks go down day by day. We are no longer living in a cave. We are naturally wanting our things delivered any more. Movie theaters will be found in our bed rooms, smaller perhaps, but certainly easier, and to be alone with. A refrigerator for snacks. Once food replicators are created I venture to say we will rarely even leave home. I’m not only talking about my own needs here, but everyone else’s as well when I say someday soon we will all just stay home.

We may be sinners but we know better to invite punishment on ourselves.

We are not privately sacrificing animals as so thought. We ain’t got no plans to murder someone. Actually our intellect is worldly based and it has created us as more pragmatic, sound minded, world-understanding people. The intellect of spiritualists is far lacking compared to our own.

We are perfectly happy to live peacefully. In fact are peace makers, even if we have it a difficulty to create in our lives, we will. Law abiding rather than anarchists. Supportive of a secular or Satanist society, whichever. We generally live happy and productive lives. As for enjoying our life in the world we are not self hating but self loving, and appreciative of such things. So never mind the weird things that Christians “most assuredly" think of us.


Chapter 9: Lucifer, Satan, The Holy and Unholy Spirit

Lucifer was God's perfect creation, bearer of light, enlightenment. To whom the world was given. Of whom the world is truly known. Continuing to own it, that, “The New World" as it is established in all places other than Israel for whom He so strongly fights for. From Lucifer is known the best music,

“the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” As the Holy Book says.

He was the design of perfection, and so from perfection was formed. Had the wisdom to so create perfect things. A being of perfect beauty, which should not be taken lightly.

“Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.”

Had rebelled against God and fallen with a third of the angels in heaven.

On the whole Lucifer represents a coming duality that I call Christian Satanism. The Anti in Antichrist means “instead of and against. From the start the serpent represented good and bad, by knowledge. Jesus said “you cannot serve God and Mammon.” As well said “Satan cannot cast out Satan,” The “Evil standing in the Holy place.” The “Thief finding a different way in.” The Devil “masquerading around as an angel of light.” The Beast (Antichrist) having horns like a lamb but speaking like a dragon.” They and others lead me to create Christian Satanism.

Satan represents freedom and liberty while the Bible says: “Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:”

Satan is The Little Dragon Full of Greatness. He speaks and acts powerfully. He takes all of life's pleasures in full. He honors all good things. He condemns all bad things. Satanic Forces are somewhat of a separate thing, a more spirit based incarnation. Those forces have raised dictators, have appeared as evil in the world. Has caused madness and possession, but also something preferable for a person: a highly brilliant mind. A mind that leads to great things in various ways. In the form of philosophy, science, invention, songs, and revolutionary things. It is the spirit of God that flies like a bird in the darkened sky yearning, crying out for life, for land, for food. It is The Devil's Spirit that overcomes on its own.  That conquers a problem for good (like of the world) or bad. It is sometimes the price that humans pay. It is to put back broken pieces of yourself through the help of the Devil's spirit, as far as a Satanist will do, compared to its opposite: God doing it for you. If God fixes a person then they are given a Holy Spirit. If the power of Satan does, which is predetermined, then a more iniquitous person is made. So one either goes to the spirit of Satan or the Holy One.


Chapter 10: Magic

From magic comes greater magic and greater things

Well established magic will align you to Satanic forces. Its effects may be hard to see but are there. In fact they’ll act on your “blind side,” meaning just off sight. In some profound cases magic has lead people into a great and powerful Satanic purpose. Magic itself, call it witchcraft if you like, or wizardry, it's all the same, puts you “on Satan's side" by the very act itself. Truly being a being as such invites its powers into your life. In other words magic brings magic into your life. One ritual done results in more than just its intention. It opens up just a tad more that Door of Hell. More or less so depending on its potency.

Those forces will effect your life in various ways. Sometimes subtly, sometimes greatly. Like a river. A magic river. If you see it you can ride down it. If you don’t notice it you cannot go where it would take you. So be observant.

Consider magic like a tempered sword. Also know that sword is always with you.

Consider it your shield, working for protection through it. A shield that protects all around. Or a bird that looks over you. The Bird of Satan watches over us. It reports of us, and sends forth help as needed. Only not but for the highest among us. If you have a good purpose then you will especially be protected and roam free for its sake. Death will not come easily or soon for such a person as that, who are doing The Devil's Work.

Worship of Satan is magic itself. To surrender to his will and tidings and keep him in mind often enough, as such see the directions things are going. That takes the right perspective. You can be sure that they make a joke of the world and all of humanity except the Satanist. The Satanist is guarded and treated well. Humanity otherwise be damned. These forces sometimes cause the worst of all things but we are in it together. Like Nero who sent Christians to the lions… this was a thing caused by Satanic Forces. They that did that knew nothing of Daniel and the Lions Den. That story how God placed him there and yet he walked freely through. Satan caused this to come upon Christians early on. After all, they were presumably protected by God. So what else is more fitting?

Satanic Forces act just as much as that, changing the world. Setting up leaders, authoring new books (sometimes through “auto writing") Inspiring The Tarot, setting up Satanic Churches, causing great change both good and bad. Including the good knowledge of Science and other things indicative of progress.

For the right magicians kinds of things will come to mind apart from themselves. As Demonic Forces would have you know and use. Not unlike a musician that spuriously divulged a great new song out of thin air. Or more lightly the words and terms you were looking for. More greatly are those picked from the lot and given power, even a power great. As for me I have a few examples to share. I was isolated in a rubber room for a month. Without even a toilet. A small room unmedicated, schizophrenic, and was drawing on a wall late into it. My painting just didn’t turn out right. So I smeared my hand over it, looked, to see an image that was distinctly Satan. Enough to greatly make an impression on me. To take my breath away for a moment. An hour had passed and the guards knocked on my door. Sent me to court. Court sent me to a mental hospital not long after.

A more minor example is a time I was drawing occult symbols on paper. Didn’t make much of anything. The paper got a tad wet or something and I turned out over to see a neat symbol of a crescent moon with a star of David beneath it.

It is important to know that magic involves relationships between you and deities.. demons or spirits, jinn’s, whatever they most appropriately are. Personally I’d include the “Saint for Sinners,” Santa Muerte. And personally I have a Guardian Goddess that greatly helped me in difficult times whose name is Mother Aeon.  That and Neti which few know about other than me.  As for the ones I feel are most worthy of serving and worshipping include:

Satan, Ares, Lilith, Shiva, Agnes, Abaddon, Samael, Azrael, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Osiris, Neti, Mother Aeon, Santa Muerte, Baal, Belial, Dagon, Bahamut, Mammon, Set, Pan, Kali, and Asmodeus.

My earliest altar was for Satan. I’d gotten by on magic from minimal sources. Not too minimal fortunately, but internet wasn’t around. I worshipped Satan nearly a lifetime. My second altar was for Lilith, and it very much benefited me. Your relationship for these not only bring you blessings and power, but add to life good company and better meaning to both magic and life.

Know your tools well. Choose your tools well. Some of which are: Tarot cards, crystals, wands, daggers, goblet, symbols, candles, book of shadows, rings, ritual water, parchment, among many others. They do not have to be used commonly or even by any others but you. In fact that lends to an individualist touch. It can all be magically used given the right touch.

The height of magic is in the Nether where all magic is shared. He who created it controls it. Those pieces however may go into another's use if not properly directed by you. If they can’t guide into your purpose or be realized through you, it will go where it can. It is a storehouse of power. It goes up, resides there, then when the time is right returns to you for result.

Magic is more broad than people usually think. They often don’t think much beyond rituals and spells. It includes meditative walks, worship and prayer, symbol making, occult writing, and many natural things. I could elaborate on one of them which I call “occult writing,” or, “Prayer Sheets.” I had developed it over time. It is an inexpensive thing. It allows for a personal touch, is versatile. The way I do them is I put ribbons around a paper with glue and staples. Then I print out stickers or draw appropriate imagery (texturals) write prayers on that special paper. I take a folder and with glitter glue draw on “Satan is Lord,” putting on the inside of it tithes to him, and tithes to another. I add black feathers to that. Then I just throw them away knowing these things have eyes to see.

It helps, it concentrates it all, to make of everyday things a thing of magic. For example a chalice you drink from to honor Satan. Or to add a bell to your prayers—to do anything that enhances should be considered. Every time you take a drink you think of one thing letter by letter alphabetically of your favorite thing. Like your favorite video game or movie. Going a to z with words regarding it. That may not seem like magic but it is. Then there is the way I’ve created to remember practically everything of your past. It involves taking a pocket dictionary of basic words and randomly using words in it to remember something. So the word ride reminds you of a trip, an amusement park, a school outing, or any number of things. The definitions of the words don't matter.

Guided sorcerery performs great wonders and marvels in the life of a Satanist. What route that takes is up to the individual.

My book Lessons of Demonic Magic may interest you if you wish to learn more.


Chapter 11: An Inspirational Speech for Satanists

Any seat worth sitting on is a throne

Any time there is well spent

If only to wait for the next great thing

Is a throne with a drink at your side and entertainment. As the forces of Satan shift and change things. As for the one especially that has a good thing to wait on, having done The Devil's Work well enough to rest awhile. It’s like the Emperor naturally guided by those forces who sits and meditates on a good instrumental musical work. To sit there beside him. Satan is destined to forever rule the Earth for better or worse. Let’s see how through the news, through newly made things such as games, movies, books, whatever you’d best see his creations most pleasantly. That is the silent Satanic Sister/Brotherhood. The lot and fate we share together. Like being under a crescent moon turning into a full moon, then a blood moon, we may not see each other but we see the same thing.

And to wait for dawn when the Luciferian Star shines into the

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