Christian Satanism and The Herald of Satanic Waters by Lucifer Damuel White - HTML preview

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Chapter One: Introduction from a Gray Jinn

If you are interested in the gray side of things then I am the person to turn to. I’m barely even a person because of it. The gray side is understood easily enough, right? Most people have no problem with that. The problem they do have is accepting it. “You can’t be good and evil!” Yeah, but why not? If even to bother them. Christian Satanism is the grayist of the gray. A bothering term that asks questions like no other. Intolerable. Offensive. While it goes against how others are so sided minded makes it so. (We are this because we are not that.)

A war where two sides fight and we come in, in between. But both sides can not be brought together but by us. By being us. I think they’d rather die. I think they like the fight.

There is nothing more that needs to be understood of it other than being both. Even in different degrees is fine. Sometimes being one more for the sake of being both more together. Which is fine, too. And the opportunity to use such a wonderful term as Christian Satanist.

Then there are those who would just use the term to refer to Devil Worship. After all if a Christian is worshipping Satan as Satan is in Christian context, then they are still Christian, I guess you could say.

Maybe someday gray sided things will be more common. I don’t doubt it. It seems so natural to go from light and dark to shadow. A being who is not restricted according to the side they are on.

I have a lot to teach. Am uniquely a magician. Have come by my teachings bringing them to you at a high price. That price I paid was no small matter. Through madness making itself sane and hardship grand I have what I have for you here and in my previous books. I am looking for readers who are interested in the gray religion of Christian Satanism I bring them. That they learn and share it. For that sake my books are all free and in public domain. 100% so. As eBooks found online under my name Lucifer White or Lucifer Jeremy White.

If you are afraid for your soul and stuff then maybe God is blackmailing you. My God is more friendly and forgiving. The universe for me is a game. I know the other players. Maybe some day you will play with me. With us..

Christian Satanist is the team, Christian Satanism the game.. I welcome you into the winning team. Even when we practice we play, and play with an advantage. A basis needs to be made. A formula formed. A design rendered and I will do so here. But transform and experiment with it freely. I have always been a maker of drafts more then completed products.


Chapter Two: A Summary of the more important things

With empirical evidence things work in twos. It is a fact observable all over the body. From two eyes and lungs to two sides of the brain. Those operating with only one side of their brain have been functioning insufficiency. Man was not made to hop on one leg. We are the religiously ambidextrous. We are the children of good and evil. We are in a place whose time has come.

The hidden piece of the equation An unpredictable thing. Maybe too threatening for some, so be aware.

It is religion in stereo. Best known on a private and personal level. One with no masters over you. One without any leader that one would not accept for themselves. In other words a religion suited to the person, not the overlord. It is “the best of both worlds" as they say. I hope in what I teach a person gains the ability to make their own world. That in the process their lives are enriched.

We don’t claim to have the master plan for salvation. That route is simple and already laid out: Jesus Christ died for our sins. If we accept him as our savior then we are given the gift of salvation. We don’t pay for that gift. He already did.

We are married to the world and called to inherit it. Remember: a new heaven and a new earth. A lot of what I teach is spiritual worldliness. Things that plant people into the earth certainly not like a weed, but a flower. Not just any flower but a rose, one that is protected with thorns. That is not totally the Satanic component but perhaps most of it.

It is up to the Christian Satanist to find balance within their religious practice. I will show you both and a blending. But the proportions are up to you. “Drink but don’t get drunk. Eat, but more than just bread.”

Think of no man to be entirely good. That is a lie. That is a person that does not confess their sins. I have found it so often true that you cannot judge a book by its cover. So what is the person of great Christian guilt to do but to impose their own feelings upon others- those of guilt? Like the saying “misery loves company,” they naturally put people under the same terms. I would never do that. They are told not to judge. They spend more time preaching against simple forms of sin then anything else. Most of their focus should go towards actually helping others but it seldom is.

I was homeless awhile. Any money given me would brighten my day. As a side note I say, if you want to improve the world donate to science and technology, but help the needy as well who may be starving/suffering. So to do a mega good (I so like the term mega good) go out of your way to help. Like the good Samaritan Jesus talked about. In your life you have a long way to go. Hopefully at the end of it you have accomplished a great good at least a few times. I don’t believe that the long term selfish people feel good or like their selves. That requires outer appreciation.

And doing good helps you identify yourself as separate, not singular. And singularity can be a very lonely place. A place without profit really.

It is given to the Christian Satanist to inherit the Earth. It proves that through God all things are possible. Whenever you see a very openly Christian person, in the course of their talk, ask yourself what makes them think they are so special. Are they spouting hell fire at you? Are they greedy? There is a story to be learned about humankind. How they so quickly fool themselves. That a small time humble preacher is saved. That one that becomes a mega preacher begins to ask themselves ‘does God want me to be rich?’ They will always answer that with a sort of ‘I am blessed' answer. Yet while they sleep in Mansions and a rich bed there are those that are homeless and starving that they won’t lift a finger for. Surely God doesn’t want them to leave such luxury behind. I think they’d be more saved if they just confessed to God that’s all they wanted to begin with. I imagine God would have appreciated that. At least a little anyway.

However they have stolen God’s money in their ways. God sees they made themselves into a star on His stage. They talk the talk of money. Not Him. God's certainly paying him millions just for his mouth.

Certainly moderation is one of the most important things in life. That is to say, a balance. Not too much but not to little. It teaches things like no other thing could. Too much of a thing could harm. Too little could too. Even within ones interests it is so. That things could be so over used or seen that a person can no longer like what they used to.

As such Christian Satanism teaches itself. You will know when a thing is too much and when to turn to another.

The Gray Side is a thing whose time has come. Or at least a thing whose time is coming soon. It adds a whole new dimension to things, those other things over done. It has always been heroes and villains. While gray sided figures have been they have just been, not identified as such. As popular as they can be, we in particular will be. We just stand out more, controversially, and we symbolize something that people never thought they’d see. Both a Christian and a Satanist. Some will find it intolerable, others interesting, some will find it perfect for them, but most will have a hard time ignoring it.

“A THING THAT NEVER SHOULD BE DONE" I have gotten more than a handful of comments about it.

But it is a part of God's plan. It was born between heaven and hell as a compromise and formed thereof. It is not an immediately created thing but one hammered out. The final Church of God for example was said to have to contain the Name of Christ. Isaiah 14 states that Lucifer was the bright morning star. Revelations referred to Jesus as the same, “The bright morning star.” With that the name of God's final Church must use the name Lucifer.

As any biblical person would tell you The Old Testament was in its entirety a prophesy of Jesus, the coming savior. It is all linked to Jesus. And as the New Testament says all will become Jesus, Christian Satanism is Satan brought to Jesus.

And as Isaiah also says (35:9; 65.25; 11:6-7) basically The wolf and the lamb shall feed together.

We are those whose sin doesn’t harm. We are those whose sin doesn’t get in the way of our religion, and sin itself is our spiritual path.

Set your spirit free. God will not abandon you.

The world is a wonderful place. That has never been more true throughout history. The world was made for humans. After the fall it was assigned to us as work. Most of the hard work here is over. After many thousands of years humankind has come to a place where he no longer has to toil. It was our purpose to rebuild paradise. The paradise God gave us, conditionally, could not be stolen. God did not leave us entirely, He never would. We made of our offspring prisoners. That prison however was ours to shape and form.

A new earth is coming. One transformed by our powers. Our ability to cultivate and put to use the earth was given in our hands with all the time we could possibility need to make it happen. Believe me, above all else, God will not just wad it up and throw it away. That was a promise God made to Noah. The old earth will be gone, and heaven will be in our midst.

What is more than too much good then weakness, worse: frailty. To surrender all of your possessions leaving you nothing. What is too much bad then to never do any good and experience a relationship, one giving, and in return loved. Driven into good, a person would sacrifice themselves. With too much selfishness one lies and harms others. To hate the world one would commit suicide. Would deprive themselves. But God does not want such evil for you. Evil to us, The Christian Satanist, is harmful excess with either one or the other.

There is a means to build people up. It is to balance them out. It is to acknowledge that too much good isn’t good. Like a person that hands out all of his money. Her/his true friends will try and make them stop. They will not take their money. Which is truly admirable. The much lesser person though far more common will take at every opportunity and pretend to be their friend.

Time is called for sometimes to tell the truth. So often and much it is true that the truth will set you free. Such as a person whose friend committed a vicious murder. They are brought in by investigators. If they deny having been with their friend at all that night, and it is found to be untrue, they could very well have invited the same charges upon themselves, those for murder. The person who immediately goes to the police however could have very well saved their own life.

Any person found to lie is no longer trusted. A person who gives gifts too much is expected of. They are no longer gifts then. It is all within the balance I am speaking of. What greater thing can be learned from that in life than of balance? Even readily learned from. What more a very easy yet so incredibly beneficial a lesson than that?

God will give you a throne by certain means. To do good, to be responsible, truthful, and such things. There are those that will be ensnared. Those captured by evil. Whose lot is punishment. Then there are those who are blameless. The word blameless is a powerful one here. It means to have nothing to be blamed for. That you are doing no harm. Just like the wiccan says so may be said for us: harm none.

A part of it cannot be left out however. That is that at least a part of your meat comes from work and determination. One that if at all possible is never ceasing (not to say literally so but to say that most of your days are work, with days of rest to lesser extent.) We are truly blessed to serve two: God and Satan. However we serve the two to serve The One. Start by inquiring your purpose in all dedication and you will receive your answer.

I am the Devil's spokesperson. In some ways his representative. In other ways just a person who was handed the message that is Christian Satanism The Gray Gospel. Made unto a Gray Shepherd. The root of blessings and salvation for a Satanist. I speak under his name. You could say under “its" name, Lucifer Jeremy White. While the process of my name currently has given me one (Damuel) with the others to come someday. As such you can call me Damuel The Messenger. I am a figure not unlike Hermes.

Where will Christian Satanism take you? Largely where you will be taken. And may it lead you to greater things. May you form your life within it accordingly. May salvation be yours. Worldly pleasure too, a rare gift from God, even unto the heights of King Solomon.

Here is the way: balance, and its importance. There is not the way: things that would damn and tear your soul apart. Being kept whole, by God, by Satan, the friend whom we love. And continue praying for forgiveness along the way. Reject anything that imposes a block between you and him. Be wary of mighty walls one should never build up. From time to time pray, humbly, but always be truthful and candid. Let God know what you truly want and it will be yours. Just don’t become spoiled or it may be taken from you.

And God is with us always. Do not consider yourself divided. God will make up for what you lack. He will find you when you are lost. He will not forsake or abandon you. His love unconditional, His blessing of Earth given to us in full. The Middle Ground, which is ours.

Take a walk with me into a world you’ve never before seen. Take my hand into that place and I will guide you into great things.


Chapter Three: Middle Ground, Eternal Resurrection into a new bed, the world is our lot, here is our home.

The Middle Ground, which is to say the in between place of Earth, is our land, treasure, and kingdom. It is a place assigned to us. Christian Satanism comes late in the earth cycle. As it is so with other worlds. The Christian Satanist is the Tree of the Universe. Its branches expand outward. However it is a heavenly kingdom “up" there in outer space, ruled by God. Not until good and iniquity combines is a world in its later stages, but that coming together is an indication it is so, and inevitable.

The most highly developed Christian Satanist will see new life in a new place, waking up in a new place, from place to place, throughout time. With the purpose of bringing Christian Satanism to different worlds. They will keep the youth of their bodies forever. Their body itself they will have, always.

Christian Satanism teaches its followers to anchor themselves into the world. At some point the spirit must break free and go elsewhere according to their purpose. They will meet a new people no longer awaking into infancy, but good and ready to share and teach Christian Satanism in that place.

Christian Satanists are created by God like all others are, but are given a dual image. That other being Satan. The image of God is one that returns to God. That old Satan, into the netheral, but first, to dust. We are Earth-Wise, incarnating heavenly into the earth. Destined for these things. With wings of angels we ascend into our nest, that God given nest found through Satan, where we will someday go, and then unto another.

Ask of God the psychic sense and it will reveal to you where you are going. Use music that you can visualize well toward to know the same. You will see before your eyes images and enigmatic things regarding the next place you will be. It will in part be revealed to you. You will be more ready.

I have been a part of five worlds already. Sefra, Ler, Link, Pippy, and Orion. I have taught about them in previous books (The Books of the Five Planets.) Have on occasion gone to them. In my youth I went to Orion often. I knew them in great detail. I was their father figure and teacher in many ways, and a part of their development. Later in life I came to know the others. Would talk to them and even sometimes was able to summon them. Only I could see them. Only I had the connection. Something like a telephone line that God established. Like a Schizophrenic person hearing voices that only they can hear. I learned that it isn’t really demons that the magician summons so much as beings from other worlds. That a connection starts from imagination. From imagination to clearer images, to reality. So think often of these things and they will be revealed to you.


Chapter Four: The Gray Side by Example, by Essence, The Truly Gray Side

It is really as simple as the answer to a row of questions:

What is in between?

What is balanced?

How do those two serve a person best, including spiritually?

Is it moderation and not excess or insufficiency?

Not too high a mountain or too low a hill?

With questions like these one arrives at the gray side. Perhaps good and iniquity are very readily known. Just all of a thing. Gray sided things take a little more examination. They are, I feel, far superior however. Our knowledge doesn’t come so cheap. We are juggling perhaps. We are placing things on the scale. We are adjusting things, even often. The more we do however the more gray sided we become.

It is a perfect thing. It is salvation not to drown. The salvation to not over or under work, it is beneficial to such an extent as to be absurd. These are the questions our religion asks us individually and our means and methods to be within a gray cycle of things.

Our ways are ways of health building, dual insight and broader perspective, moderation and balance. They give us the opportunity to fight for ourselves instead of stuck on the side of war bent people. We are uniters after all, not separators.

Imagination also does us good. Unfortunately grey sided things in entertainment are still sparse. Someday they will be very common. In the meantime imagination is needed to turn any given thing into that of gray sided figures. That may involve art, fan work, personal adjustment to any given thing, or just inner imagination at night before you fall asleep.

As a Christian Satanist I have made just regular pop music be my worship music for God and Satan. A thing for angels and demons, too. It isn’t so much worship music as just regular music that I feel comes from God or Satan. Or is for God or Satan. If it is relatable to either, if it is the voice and message I wanted to either hear or say, it doesn’t have to be literally Christian music or metal music in either case.

As a Christian Satanist I made a form of magic that I call “Taste Magic.” We all know the communion. And it was from that which I created a form of magic I use. It began really with the importance I felt towards my family while in a rubber room in jail for a month. Founded through insanity really. Nonetheless a brilliant form of magic in which every taste/food is attributed to an idea. A wish maybe. A person. Eating any such thing keeps its idea with it which is a visualization towards.

I don’t have twelve disciples but twelve names. They are the names of the figures I admire most, like from fiction. I draw inspiration from them. The list is very useful to me.

My art combines good and evil. Like sevens with sixes. Like upright and downward crosses in a twist.

Some other random duality based things is like a drink made from tea and coffee both, which so many would have one as their favorite but not the other. What about a hologram that shifts from Christ to Satan?

You have for each of your sides its own thing. You have a third for both. The Satanists choice. The Christian’s choice. The Christian Satanist’s choice. Such as for a favorite team of whatever sport: three teams. Same as for books, games, movies, styles, music, and so on and so forth. Just make that Christian Satanist one the most important, as it should be.

It is a whole new world we are exploring. I hope that things you never before considered start to reveal themselves.


Chapter Five: To Fully Embrace the World, Make it Your Pleasure

This is the world that gods have made, with a million hands. We, as gods, and the Bible teaches us, have made the place we are today over ages of time. The work continues. For some it is a difficult place. For others much work and others less. But to care about a person that care is unconditional. Those who will help the least of those who suffer help the world in full. Care itself brings about the inventions that make human kind stronger. So I’d never say that the homeless are worthless. That’s something I would never say to begin with. There are those that care about them enough to make a change in the world that benefits us all, so let them.

We are no longer cave dwellers for sure. TV was entertaining enough. In fact radio was just about entertainment enough. But to see what we have today.. it is astonishing. We can eat from food grown all over the earth. We can pick our fish or our meat of any kind. We can buy so very particularly anymore due to internet. We can travel fast. We can communicate over long distances. We are very much god like.

 Forget inflation: things are becoming better and cheaper at the same time.

Without appreciation however it just doesn’t mean so much. Taking into consideration all of the good things you have can be important in life. Even if to go over them here and there. To not devour food so readily gotten, and to not glug a good drink as to take them for granted, just deprives. Positivity is important too. There’s always a silver lining. There's the brightest of thinking and the dimmest. Unfortunately it is a process of thought that is lost because of things like TV. But all that is needed is perhaps an hour in the day to go over things in a positive manner while brushing away bad feelings. To “clean up" the mind. To sharpen it. To bring it life.


Chapter Six: The Christian Satanic Church

I can only imagine what kind of reaction it would cause to see a large sign bearing its name. While people have become familiar enough with Satanic churches I imagine a Christian Satanic Church would be far less agreeable. That aside, we have the right to create them.

Artistically the Church would include both demonic and angelic imagery. Black candles and white candles. Holy idols and iniquitous idols. That’s understood simply enough. Overall it would not be a traditionally designed Church. It is not a traditional Church. Some things are just all well kept. Only ours is a more gray sided shepherd at the pulpit.

I don’t believe in exclusive rights for a Church. That only one body may be in charge. It isn’t a thing of singular leadership. It is a thing for the people, not an individual. My books themselves are free. I’ve never said only I could teach and write about Christian Satanism. Which makes me different because all other religions only have one author/founder to go off of. Like Mormon, Islam, LaVeyian Satanism, Christianity, you name it.

“I’m the founder it’s mine it’s all mine! And nothing different!”

Those that create good things should be either funded or provided to. For example an artist, musician, or author should be paid to create or provided materials to help them do so. These are the things that would help our cause just by existing.

If there are votes needed towards decisions then sections can be made, each having a vote. Section 1, Christian, 2, Satanists, 3, Brotherhood, 4, Humanity, 5, Universality. Something like that. An enjoyable place to be. Not a place where you can’t keep your eyes open. Maybe even very simply put together. I have made my books thin enough to be cheaply reproduced. They are all public domain books and I would not have any problem how they would be used. Either for profit or not. Believe me, only the cause matters to me.


Chapter Seven: Your Own Beliefs and Cultures Untampered with by those of others

When a person finds a religion acceptable for themselves they find a people they want to be with. They find those they want to learn from and enjoy their time with. They may find a style of work, like a cause to share and work on together. Christian Satanists believe in the separation of Church and State simply for the fact that it resulted from the harshness of Christianity imposing itself upon others. Children in school in that case. We fled the old world to escape Christian tyranny. Christianity showed itself to gallantly dictate the lives of others, very harshly, often cruelly. It couldn’t be solved by outlawing religion. So it was a problem fixed by making all religious beliefs a right. I would say accordingly that the separation of Church and State was its kind of intention. People were free from spiritual philosophy ruling over them. They could follow it on their own terms after that.

Slowly however a new form of morality came to be. That new morality was based mostly on health and political correctness. Maybe people have it in their nature to be ruled over by ideas. In a better world people would believe “live and let live.” I believe that people within groups and causes want power over others. They may lie to themselves and feel it is for the better good. Sometimes it is but it usually isn’t. The more they can control others the better. They often make either themselves or others into victims that must be saved, thinking they are heroes, but sometimes are just wolf’s in sheep’s clothing with a villainous plot.

You may find some of them being like doctors that have invented false illnesses that must be cured. Or to take a traditionally accepted vice and magnify it as a greater problem. They will barrage its instigator into oblivion as close as they can. While the problem itself was just always menial or maybe due to irresponsibility. They fight for people who don’t want to be cured. They may even raise laws against their vice wielding adversaries when in fact they are doing no harm to anyone but themselves. Then they are taken away from their families, or stripped of their jobs, or denied them, or other horrible things that are certainly the greater evil.

It is a new form of morality. You could say based on old standards people have become immoral. They aren’t. They’ve just become moral in a different way.

People are expected to be involved in beliefs, cultures, these moral schemes, in an impersonal way not their own. They are stripped of their own due course. Their religious ideas are dismissed as nonsense. They have foes on every side robbing them of truly free religious practices by interference. We however are fully aware of these things and repel them as any good magicians would do. Being against their tampering we are fully engaged with our own culture: Christian Satanism, without their ploys. We have escaped from them into a hidden place: that of religion with its own place and time apart from theirs.

Nothing corrupts like a group of friends. We are law abiding and responsible peacekeepers. Without friends that get others into bad behavior a person could go very far. We encourage things like intellect and individuality, happiness, worldly pleasure and simple daily satisfaction. We would never sacrifice the individual to the group. Nor are we over loving which itself is harmful. We are fine to gather with magic into a coven. Or to pursue a philosophy that truly improves lives. We take on the more important matters, not those constructed by outside forces who are permeating the earth, robbing it of its good. While they are in a panic we are probably just doing something like sipping on a cup of coffee.

Do not be robbed by culturally popular mechanisms. They greatly hinder growth as an individual. They can twist and squeeze you dry dripping your soul out like blood on the ground from a murder scene. Unfortunately, they that are made by it lose their soul in the process. Those that are hit by it early on may not live to see a day of their own design. Foolish choices accumulate and before you know it you are addicted to something or stealing from little stores, which happens all too easy. By choice many things will get far worse before they would lose their friends. They see their own kind for the first time, locked up somewhere.

As those that hold up signs for a cause, have in their hearts the dire need to save the planet, or writing an entire book based on modern simple minded things. It is better to at last open the eyes to see them as they truly are: as clowns.


Chapter Eight: Inheritors of the World

A good gift should be handled well and appreciated. Who would truthfully say that God would destroy the world and all of its sinners? God who made all things and has always conveyed the message “let them.” While we bask in the warmth of life we are in a cocoon that establishes our future being on Earth. Our presence that is to be, as finalized beings, fully capable of living here forever and enjoying the lot that man has made. Our servants are human kind. They have been since the beginning. Our latter lot has been brought before us in full to enjoy. The time is at hand to take what has been made, but not before God places us into our role as gods here, as fully realized and rendered gods.

We are those who partake of a new fruit.