Table of Contents
Christianity for today’s generation has conformed to a stylish intelligent form entailing fallacy and worldly views thereby failing society and leading a fallen world further into an abyss, God’s word never changes, but we’re living in a nation where our inclination obscure that which is objective therefore, if it sounds good, then it must be true. For this purpose, the “psychological mass deception, seduction and public manipulation” has led this society into a trail of selfish ideals, cupidity, depression and abhorrence of others, not to mention family destruction, world separation but most concerning, indoctrinated heretical doctrines.
Chapter 1 “Social Acceptance”
Today our societal woes continue to shape traditional and cultural ideals into a worldly and non-biblical nation. Unfortunately, more of those things are continually being stripped away by the many ordinances, resolutions, and laws forced upon us with no alternative recourse, not to mention worldly influences. But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe.
The Emerging Movement
Christianity in many ways has ceased to have much relevance amongst a new generation. For this reason, culture, requires a restructured appealing reinvention relevant to it. Because the new traditional culture seems to ignore relevancy of scripture, a restoration back to an authentic and vintage period is in order, so as to not change the message, but instead the medium.
Chapter 2 “My Catholic Faith”
By and large, Catholics never heard the gospel, because they're all lost in rituals and liturgy. With the Church’s belief in its own infallibility, changing its infallible teaching decreed by hierarchy within, means rejecting their entire doctrine of infallibility.
Chapter 3 “Yoga and You”
Gandhi himself once said, “Yoga is a burden too difficult to bear.” According to the Hindu American foundation, "There is no physical and spiritual yoga. If it is exclusively physical, it won’t be yoga. Yoga is dealing with the entirety; it is a union. So why are so many American’s practicing this foreign Religion?
Chapter 4 “So, You’re a Mormon?
Mormonism: Unfortunately, because of changing times, there has been a purposeful agenda that has so many “living a life of false pretense.” The importance of this chapter not only goes to the growth and influence LDS has had over the years on our young children, but society as a whole.
Chapter 5 “You are Witnesses”
Human existence is not set apart from this world because we’ve conformed to it. There’s no perfect will, for this purpose, our spiritual consequences depend on one’s freewill to choose what road they want to travel.
Chapter 6 “Islam or is it Jihad?”
The discrepancies found throughout the Qur'an are so many that writing a self-titled book seems fitting. For the most part, a faith so beveled only a renunciation would make things right. In contrast to true Muslims and their belief, there came a movement that changed the meaning of Islam here in America, and for some time, did not see all brothers as equals.
Chapter 7 “New Age”
People react more to the “laws of attraction” thereby releasing an introverted perspective throughout society. As a result, creating a “new world,” because we are living in what is now a ‘New Age. Likewise, the role psychotherapy (psychology) plays significantly to one’s mind and thoughts has drawn apathy towards a spiritual walk of godliness. “Self” simply refers to “one’s-self.
Chapter 8 “Self-Realization”
Undeniably, man has become self-absorbed, selfish, defiant, and self-deceived in his own desires. Virtues of health and wealth by way of attraction that leads mind thoughts, a “mental science” declaring anything a person wants they can have through their affirmative thought process. Obviously, creating your own reality will attract anything you dream of. Fortunately, the amorality of us benefiting from a thinking perspective would become evident only if one stops to actually think.
Chapter 9 “Atheism/Agnostic”
Besides being wrapped in a high-tech science fiction world, our last two generations are lost in a complex spiritually discerned society. As a result, man’s natural “self” cannot receive the things of the spirit of God because they are foolishness to him.
Chapter 10 “Prosperity Gospel making In-roads”
We live to appease our lustful appetites expressively through positive thoughts so strong we’ve become slaves to pride and confidence in one’s-self, occupants with earthly trivia and minds too consumed in the convenience of one’s current life.
Chapter 11 LGBT “Fields of Perversion”
The floodgates holding back the laws of creation have been broken, and what once was a periphery threshold for clandestine carnal preferences has now come to light. Coupled with Congressional favor, allowing unions, releasing ban’s that held some form of recognizable significance, gave credence even for those professing Christianity.
Chapter 12 “God’s Abstract Law”
Controversy, doubt and confusion plants its way into a world set on “Enlightenment thinking,” reflecting chaos from all sides of beliefs. In the same way humanity has unlearned corrupting the word of God, (2 Peter 3:16 KJV) so has our acceptance of conformity to another type of translation. Doctrinal unsoundness has led to doubtful believers, thus, causing a flood of skeptics, confusing inquiring minds, and strengthening unbelieving sects.
Chapter 13 “Christianity “Indwelling Faith”
Creation of religious fallacy began with the serpent’s lie and now preys on the vulnerability of a world fastened to its worldly truth’s. But if people are capable of discerning between that which is right versus wrong, how can their conscious ability diffuse those dependent customs they’ve grown to know and love? Man’s Christendom then no doubt stands or falls with the Bible. Therefore, just having knowledge or claims to accepting Christ is not enough. Scripture is our road map to an eternal destination, and your Christian acceptance is the inspiration and authority of the Bible.