Concise Lectures On How To Die (the finest art ever man can learn) by Jeffery Opoku - HTML preview

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“. . . set thy house in order; for you shall die and not live
Isaiah 38:1

If any man would die a less painful death, then he ought to first put his house in order. Persons who die without ordering their house, usually find death bitter and rough. They find it so cruel and abusive. But since we all do not know when the time our departure will be, wisdom beckons that we always have our physical house in order; that is, after having set our soul in order.

What do I mean by setting our physical house in order? I mean, putting things were they rightfully belong, and also, leaving little or no room for chaos after our demise. I mean, making the necessary preparations we should make for our family and friends, were we to travel into a distant country, with no plan of returning soon.

What do I mean by that, Daddy? I mean raising and ordering your family after the statutes of Christ. I mean, NOW is the time to reconcile the fractures of your family and to unite your children, should there be any tension among them, whatsoever. I mean, NOW is the time to forgive all those who ever offended you. Yes! NOW is the time to make amends with all the people you injured, by moderately asking for their forgiveness.

Daddy, I mean, with a sense of urgency and immediacy, proceed to make your will with firmness and insistence, and cause your inheritance to descend in their due channel, so that the rightful heirs are not cheated. I mean, get an attorney to document your case of conscience, and to ensure that the legal heirs are well served, and your assets, properly shared as you willed.

I mean, see to it that this is done under the witness of some men you trust and older family relatives, who are well known for their prudence and decency.

I mean, uncover all your secret accounts and assets to your family, by making mention of them in your will. I mean, give diligence to authenticate all those assets with the necessary receipts and documentation.

I mean, will your assets with decisiveness, and dispense it even as you wish and as every man is capable of handling. For why should you die intestate, father? Why should you die with great treasures buried in the earth, as your family and loved ones wallow in poverty? Is this not wickenedness? “For a good man,” says The Holy Book, “leaveth an inheritance to his children's children” (Prov. 13: 12). Trust me, if you will pay earnest heed to this advice, you will clasp your hands over your chest with little frustration.

Husband, what do I mean by putting your house in order? I mean, NOW is the time to set things straight, which are fallen in your matrimonial home. I mean, NOW is the time to part ways with all your mistresses, and also, to start showing respect to the woman who bears your name. I mean, this is the time to repent and confess all your extra- marital affairs to your wife, and to earnestly implore her for forgiveness. I mean, love your wife, even as Christ loved the church, and be ever ready to lay down your life for her. I mean, “dwell with her according to knowledge, giving honour unto her, as unto a weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered (1 Peter 3: 7).

And one more thing husband; should you, through your infidelities, have a kid, or say kids, outside your matrimonial home, this is the time to disclose that secret to your wife and family. Now is the time to go naked with that secret. Inasmuch as it will break their heart, they deserve to know. They really deserve to know. You don’t want to die with that secret! Do you? The earlier you go on your knees before them, with that secret, the better for your eternal welfare.

And not just that, husband! I mean, having done that, also proceed to array before your family, the child(ren) you conceived outside your matrimonial home, and persuasively beseech them to accept them harmoniously; as one of their very own. Yes, it will excite chaos and tension. It will make your family, I mean, your wife and children, furious. It will probably tear their emotions apart. They may want to make you pay dearly for that act of betrayal. And they may suffer you through awful times for refusing to domesticate your third leg. But husband, isn’t that better than the troubles of hell? Isn’t it better to repent and confess, than to keep your sins covered unto death?

Well, I guess you have no other way out husband! Because the ‘tumor’ in your heart, is already at the verge of becoming malignant, and the kindest thing you can do is to rush yourself to the theatre, to have it cut to the quick. Certainly, I acquiesce it is such a bitter incision to undergo; but should you do it with resolve, it will afford your soul some eternal succor, when you part with breath. This is what I mean husband.

Wife, what do I mean? I mean, submitting yourself to your husband, and according him the necessary respect, as it is fit in the Lord. I mean, keeping your home with all diligence, and remaining faithful to the man whose ring you wear.

I mean, going ‘naked’ before him, should you also be guilty of any infidelity. I mean, confessing any infidelity to him, which you are guilty of, and faithfully asking that he forgives you.

And of course Mrs., should you also have any child which is not his biologically, NOW is the time to disclose that to him; exercising complete discretion as possible. I mean, find a prudent way of unveiling that secret to him; by a means you reckon appropriate. The poor man deserves to know. He really deserves to know. Just let him know how long you’ve been deceiving him. Certainly, this will break the heart of two souls, both the child and her ‘dad’. It will probably make them curse you and disgust you, but all for the better. You just don’t want to keep that secret with you to the grave. Do you? Because this deception, when concealed till death, can cause you eternal bliss. I admit it is no easy task, but for how long will you continue deceiving two vulnerable souls, or say three, with one lie? I mean, if you will judge yourself on this matter, The Lord wont judge you, and your family wont either. This is exactly what I mean, wife!

Bishop, what do I mean by putting your house in order? Well, I mean, putting the Church in order, for whom you were called to shepherd and guide. I mean ordering your congregation after the example of Christ and uniting them in the love of God. I mean, “feeding the flock of God which is among you, and taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind” (1 Peter 5: 2). I mean, stop exercising “lordship over God's heritage, and rather be an example to the flock.” I mean, each soul sitted under your feet was given to you by God, and you shall account for them to The Head of The Church Triumphant; so you better cherish them alike.

Bishop, I mean, have some compassion in your heart for the flock you lead, and be pitiful to those weaker brethren, who fall amongst them; the poor, the sick and all that are broken. I mean, dress their wounds, wipe their tears and faithfully supply to their want. “And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away” (1 Peter 5: 4).

Bishop, by putting your house in order, I mean, developing a succession plan for the church you shepherd, and leaving little or no room for leadership tension after your departure. I mean, instilling into your flock that the Church belongs to Christ, and that, only He can claim ownership over it. I mean, telling them that you’re just a steward over Christ’s asset, and that, they should be ever willing to accept whoever the ‘Council’ deems fit to lead them, should you be no more.

I mean, tell your wife and kids that ‘The Church’ you started few decades ago, is not a family asset. Let them know that those chain of branches you preside over, is not a family empire or a sort of ‘Father and Sons Limited’, whereto they may go seeking an inheritance after your demise. I mean, warn them that, they shouldn’t dare go listing it on the ‘Stock Exchange’ or attempt auctioning its valuables at the parking yard, should you be no more. I mean, warn them never to go frustrating the Elders and Deacons over ‘figures and sheets’, or ever think of throwing it at the feet of earth’s ‘Judges and Magistrates’ to rule on.

Bishop, I mean, The Church is not one of those assets you can will to your son, or one secular venture for which you seek to groom him to manage. I mean, is it necessary that he takes your place at all cost? For why should the flock of God be divided after your demise? Why should you make room for them to fight over ownership of what is Christ’s? Are you getting the picture Bishop? Yes! That is what I mean Bishop.

Dear friends, if we all would die a less painful death, then we should in every deed and thought order ourselves as though we were to die today. CARPE DIEM. VIVE HODIE. That is to say, Seize the day, Live today and not tomorrow.


By Mowes, translated by Jane Borthwick

Hear me, my friends! the hour has come,

Soon I must leave you, and hasten home;

Then, ere our Father shall call me to rest,

Hear my last wishes, my last request.


When my last moments on earth draw near,

When my own voice you no longer hear,

Then gather round me, and sing the song

We have sung together and loved so long.


Sing of His love, who has died to save,

Him who has entered and spoiled the grave;

Sing with glad accents and grateful heart,

Sing till my spirit in peace depart.


Fold my cold hands on my quiet breast,

Close my tired eyelids in gentle rest,

One farewell kiss of affection take--

Leave me to slumber till Christ shall awake.


To our last dwelling-place bear me along

With sweetest music of chimes and song;

There let the evergreen branches wave,

And bright flowers blossom around my grave.


Though a long darkness has veiled my eyes,

Still let them look to the eastern skies;

There, where the Morning Star rose bright,

Jesus, the Sun of our darkest night.


Carve but these words on the simple stone,

"Living and dying, of Jesus alone

Ever he spoke to the Church beneath;

Sweet to him, therefore, was life and death."


When ye revisit the peaceful spot,

Come with soft tears and with tender thought;

Look up to heaven in hope and prayer--

Jesus again will unite us there!