Concise Lectures On How To Die (the finest art ever man can learn) by Jeffery Opoku - HTML preview

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Anytime I look back at time and recall certain tragic incidents, I am grieved to the core. I say this because, there are many dead and gone today, who probably should be alive to attend to their duties. There are also many buried under sand and gravel today, who probably should be alive with friends and family.

Many tragic and painful deaths of the past, should never have happened that sooner in time. And many more deaths that continue to happen even now, should never be this soon. I mean to say, the world at large can push certain deaths into the distant future or procrastinate their coming, should we pay attention to the laws of our being, and duly exercise care and restrain with regard to the constitution of the body.

Truth be told, many of the tragic exits of life were and are procured with the tongue, I mean with forks and knives. I mean, we procure them with our appetite and the petty blunders we commit in lifestyle. They are simply deaths that we fashion and buy for ourselves, by way of transgressing the laws of being, by engaging in lustful appetites and wrong lifestyle habits. They are the price nature makes us pay for breaching her laws; the laws of health and of life. She makes us pay dearly for our errors wherewith our poor lives are often sacrificed on her altar to appease her wrath.

But rather unfortunately, we end up blaming such tragic events on the Good Providence of God. We blindly charge it back on God, as in the case of the youthful mother next door who passes on sadly. What does her neighbors and relatives do? The very obvious, right! They wail and cry, and wonder at the wonderful dealings of God's Providence, in thus removing such a tender mother from the midst of her usefulness, especially at the time when her kids needed her care so much. But I guess we wrongly accuse This Gracious and Merciful Father of Creation, when we charge Him with this weight of human woe.

Trust me, dear friends, it is not the will of the Heavens that mothers die, leaving kids in the care of relatives. It is equally not Heavens will that fathers die, leaving their babies orphaned; as also in the case of the youthful pastor, who dies leaving his flock orphaned. None of these death honor God. Because, it is actually His wish that mothers live. Yes, it is His wish that fathers live. God's will for us all, is to live and complete the duties He has entrusted into our hands. Therefore, untimely death as such greatly dishonors Him, and His Good Providence couldn’t have occasioned such. Though His Sovereign Providence may but occasion some of these ‘painful deaths’, He only does it to the good of His own Creation. But more often than not, we are to blame for such early deaths. I mean, we normally occasion them with our cruel diet and bad lifestyle habits.

The laws of life and that of health are so explicit and clear. So are the laws of nature. These laws are laws written by the hands of God himself, and nature faithfully enforces their legislation. You dare break any, you face the desired consequences! Right from creation, God has made it a part of his law that man's reaping shall be according to his own sowing. He has stuck this to the walls of the universe, for every mortal eye to behold and be guided thereby. He who instituted that we rule and have Dominion over this Earth, also demands that we abide by the laws of nature.

Every single part of the body God has entrusted into our care, ought to abide by those laws of Nature, which includes the laws of health. It is in obeying these laws that we will have the earth in perfect dominion. For “If ye will be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land”, says The Holy Book.

And it also says again that “if we refuse and rebel, we shall be devoured with the sword.” This is exactly so.

If we, for example, refuse to nourish or care for the body as the laws of our beings demand, it will die! It’s as simple as that. Also, should we work the body contrary to the laws of nature, and beyond the body’s own abilities, it will get sick or weakened. Every single nerve or tissue in the body designed by the hands of Elohim, has a responsibility assigned to it, and He will hold us liable for them. In the evening of Eternity, we will be made to account for every single member of the body. We shall render an account for those eyes, and those legs, and the tongue, and the kidneys and the livers and all the members we posses and carry, both within and without. He, obviously, will require that we give a detailed account of them should death close down the chapter on existence.

God simply becomes disappointed when we destroy or injure by way of negligence, the very organs He commits into our care to sustain life for His glory. I mean to say, we disappoint the heavens when our deaths are occasioned by mere negligence on our part, in disregarding the laws of life and that of our being. I can say with conviction that, many individuals whose frail elements are buried here below, did break the heart of God. They broke the heart of God with their sudden departure. They left without fighting the good fight, and more so, without finishing their race. And of course, many mothers and fathers have departed into eternity, without finishing and perfecting their obligations of care towards their kids; obligations assigned unto them by the hand of God Himself. They in most instances, occasioned their own death by sheer negligence on their part, in disobeying the laws of their being.

Yours truly, a greater part of us will admit that we are indeed careless when it comes to the laws of health. Because knowing that certain drinks intoxicate, we drink; and knowing that certain foods are causes of diseases, we eat them notwithstanding. We are just eager to gratify our appetites and passions, with little regard to the consequences.

We feast on corrupt and junk meals, and poison ourselves with SPIRITS and LIQUORS. In the long run the poor body pays so dearly for that. What happens? The kidneys becomes weak, and they begin to fail in their duty; the liver becomes fatty, the colon becomes clogged with hardened mucous and toxins, the lung becomes congested, and the whole human machinery is weakened beyond repair. We are suddenly struck down by a disease, for which the poor body fights back for its life. Though it may wrestle for her rights of life, at last overcome, it gives up the contest, and DEATH sets the sufferer free. Oh what vain death this is! Friends, this is not the doing of God's Providence, it is the work of human negligence. Negligence in ruining the mechanism of the living machinery and negligence in transgressing nature's law with lustful appetites and lifestyle habits.

We have sown to the flesh in corruption, and the laws of God suffers us to reap the consequences. This obviously is the explanation of the misery and suffering in the world, which is charged back on God. For the man who serves his stomach and abuses any organ of the body to gratify lustful appetites, will bear the testimony of the same in his countenance.

Brethren, great responsibility rests on me at this juncture to point out that, there is always a limit to what this poor body can take and we have to be careful of how we manage it. Like I said earlier, we will be judged for every single organ or nerve we abuse in the body: as they were only lent to us by God for the fulfilment of His Service.

Just a quick word of caution - the next time you sit behind a meal or a drink, or decide to engage in any activity, think of the harm or good you will be doing to the little organs within.

Whatever we sow to the flesh, we shall surely reap the same. He who made us has willed that our bodies should last over a hundred years. Except in the dispensation of His good Providence in breaking down this vessel of clay, why should you allow yourself to die before your time, O man!


By Mick Gisbey

Do you eat what is right?

Are you feeding on the Word of God?

Are you fat or are you thin?

Are you really full within?

Do you find your strength in Him

 or are you starving?


You and me all should be

Exercising regularly,

Stading strong all day

Giving God the Glory.

Feeding on the Living Bread,

Not eating crumbs but loaves instead

Standing stronger, living longer

Giving God the Glory


If it’s milk or meat you need,

Why not have a slap-up feed,

And stop looking like a weed and

start to grow?

Take the full of fitness food,

Taste and see that God is good,

Come on, feed on what you

Should and be healthy