Concise Lectures On How To Die (the finest art ever man can learn) by Jeffery Opoku - HTML preview

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Diseases are just nature's way of purifying and cleaning the body. They are not something to be dreaded or feared or remedied or suppressed. Rather, they are a set of actions to be complied with. They are nature's way of telling us that it has discovered impurities and life-threatening toxins in the body and is thus working to move them out (via the organs of excretion). It is nature's way of defending and protecting the vital organs of the body. It is not a mode of attack. It only seeks to repair damages and not to weaken the constitution of the body.

Contrary to the popular assumptions of people, diseases are rather a cure. Therefore any effort we make to either suppress or remedy them by way of taking drugs and medications is simply an attack on nature's restorative and remedial efforts.

Inasmuch as they come with slight discomfort and pain, they are not destructive agents. They are remedial and restorative ones and thus need no drugging.. They are never destructive for nature wouldn't dare oppose her own powers. Only that in her friendly effort to decongest the living machinery of mucous and life-threatens toxins, it plunges the body into mild shocks whereby fevers, chills, headaches etc are produced. Sadly, we upon having such symptoms are either desperate to call on the physician or find drugs to keep them suppressed. We in so doing, simply interfere with heavens healing and thus throw the body into greater chaos. Though the desperate body may however continue wrestling for her right to thrive, when overcome with excess drugging, it quickly gives up the conflict and death again liberates the sufferer. Oh poor us, how could life have ended this way!

This shouldn’t be so. In the manifestation of symptoms or say in the wearing out of disease symptoms, we should know that nature has already began a cure. And all she may require may be simple assistance to free herself from the impurities and mucous that has clogged down its vital organs. The noblest we probably can do is to re-stablish the right conditions of living, remove cause and to subject ourselves to the great gifts of nature (air, sunlight, water). This done, the body begins working its own miracle. Though the process might take a slow pace, it does surely restores the body to vibrancy. It is heaven’s healing; healing from God’s garden.

I remember a relative was once down with severe cold and she did call on me to get her some medication for relief. Her eyes were watery and she had mucous streaking down her nostrils without control. Her voice had completely changed and she did complain of severe headache too. Though she did request for mineral medicine, I dare would not conspire with her to contradict the work of nature. She could have asked that favor from another. My direction to her was simple: "Lie still, allow the symptoms to wear themselves out and the body will tidy up her house." And of course those symptoms were evident that nature was actively at work in her lung. The body was vigorously working to restore certain vital organs of respiration to vigor. It was only decongesting her lung and her respiratory tract of mucous and thus sweeping out toxins and dirts she inhaled into the lungs in days past. Her body was simply effecting a spring clean. I did caution her further to take air and water baths, to break of eating for a while, and to get adequate sunhine during the early hours. In less than 2 days, she was up and strong on her feet without polluting her body with mineral medicine. With this, she has learnt to be a great regulator of the ‘vis medicatrix naturae’, the healing power of nature or say the self-preserving energy of the body.

Even so, in teaching my mom how to be her own physician, in regulating the vis medicatris naturae, she has healed herself of chronic hypertensions and palpitation after suffering many woes in the hands of physicians. By teaching her how to live in accordance to the laws of her being and to diet and to preparing simple and clean plant- based meals, she has been in vibrant health ever since. She now takes much delight in the counsel of Hippocrate that says, “Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine thy food.” Sometimes, she does regret her carelessness in taking vain pills and thus constantly drugging herself against the restorative powers of nature. Well she did see the truth for herself at last. But for the majority of the population, they never come to terms with this reality and that is very disheartening.

It grieves me to the heart anytime I see men and women suffering beyond suffering. I mean I am grieved to the core anytime I see men working contrary to nature to restore their bodies to vigor. Though their physicians may but diagnose and theorize right, their practice scarcely favors survival. And evidence is so plain that many poor patients have died at the hands of physicians due to poor medical practice, petty errors and bad prescriptions. Even their own medical journals, authored by fine medical professionals, list them (physicians) as the third leading cause of death and the medicines they prescribe, fourth.

I consider them as one group of professionals with fine theories but with worst practice: they have one of the worst you probably can find among the sciences. With regard to their theories, I must say that the majority is in tune with the dealings of nature. But the problem is how they practice; it is so disgusting and horrible. They fight and impair the work of nature. And so of them, we may say, “the voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Essau.” And truly, the hands of physicians would make many an Israel forgo the voice of Jacob, or say the true dealings of nature.

Almost all the strange ailments diagnosed by medicine is but the voice of nature calling men to order. It is nature signaling men that a cure has began. But medicine unlike nature, interprets their ailments as the beginning of impairment wherefore they make powerful precriptions, and these always end up working against the remedial efforts of nature. They simply work against hope, believing in hope.

Let's take the case of blood sugar or glucose for example, which is unable to move from the bloodstream into the cells of the body. Medicine calls this condition diabetes of the second type: and of course, they are finely theorized into types). When physicians diagnose this condition in a patient, they describe it to him as something pathological and by that proceed to make strong prescriptions to him. Some mean physicians even proceed to warn patients who are so diagnosed to steer clear of fruits and certain vital carbohydrates. They threaten the poor patient that the consumption of fruits and carbs (most of which have low glycaemic load and thus ranked low on the glycaemic index) will trigger their blood sugar spikes and subsequently put them at risk of greater complications. Can you imagine? This is so absurd and ridiculous. When men and women who have studied physiology and anatomy give such advise, it passes to be called cheap and amateurish; in that it overlooks cause to attack the little survival left of the patient. Even I who am no physician wouldn’t so advise a poor victim of fork and knife; much less physicians who have sworn to the Hippocratic Oath, ‘primum non nocere’, which is ‘first, do no harm’. So what happens next? The patient becomes gripped in fear and he in going home with a tall list of medical prescriptions, goes to starve himself of essential sugars (fruits and essential carbs) to death. See how simple it is to dig graves for men!

However, in the case of nature, she by such diagnosis (type II diabetes) only seeks to communicate that we have transgresed her rule in over-indulging in fatty foods for which reason the assimilation of sugars into the body cells are entirely difficult. It is her way of saying that our dietary fat have form a blockade around the veins making the transportation of sugar to the hungry cells nearly impossible. That insinuated, He proceeds to patt us on the shoulder and say, "Buddy, I am already working to rectify the problem but I'll need your help in the process by reducing your consumption of fats to the minimum and by indulging in clean diet and lifestyle." Also for her assistance, she would require that the body be allowed nourishment from the vital and natural gifts of creation like air, water and sunshine. These noble prescriptions of nature, though simple, seems very difficult for the majority to obey. But when obeyed, it does surely restore the body to order without desecrating it whatsoever. And yours truly, I have seen many heal themselves of diabetes (type II) and other chronic ailments in less than 2 months; simply by entrusting their frames into the hands of nature and by complying with the laws of their being. I have also seen many reverse their type I diabetes solely by complying with the laws of nature. Not one, not two . . . I have seen many.

If only we would let nature alone in her work and would cooperate with her, she will faithfully restore and repair all the impaired functionalities of the body. Yes, it will take time, but her healing is always sure. But should you also end up dying in her arms, we may but call it a Beautiful discharge of Providence.

That said, I know the question you may want to ask is, "What do I do when I am sick . . . run to the physician or trust on nature for a cure?" My answer to those who cherish existence is the latter - trust on nature for a cure. I say so because she alone does heal truly. Only the body can heal itself. Though you may want to call on the physician, I suggest you do not allow yourself to be polluted with his mineral medicine. He should only attend to you to regulate ‘the vis medicatrix naturae’, the self-preserving energy of the body. For that precisely is the work of physicians. Aside diagnosing ailments, theirs is to only regulate the ‘vis medicatrix naturae’, as nature rolls out her medication. I love Naturopaths for the brilliance they exude in discharging this duty.

Like I keep saying; if we will let nature alone, she will restore all her vital powers to order. She will heal wholely and perfectly, and God will be glorified thereby. But rather unfortunately, the majority of people prefer mineral medicine over the brilliant self healing power of the body. They are not patient enough to lie on nature’s bed; they grow so impatient with her slow pace of dealing. So they fall back on physicians and they in turn, suppress the symptoms for them with mineral medication. They faithfully poison the poor patient to death. And I can comfortably say that most mineral medicines are poison. I consider it poison above all poison. Even they who practice in the field consider their medicines as such. For of calomel, Professor C. A. Gilman, a Physician of the New York College of Physician and Surgeon did say that, “four grains of that medicine will often kill an adult.” And of mild mercurial courses, he describes them as being “synonymous to mildly cutting the throat of an adult.”

Also, professor B. F. Barker, a medical doctor of the New York Medical School did say that, “The drugs which are administered for the cure of scarlet fever and measles kill far more than those diseases do.” He goes on to say, “I have recently given no medicine in their treatment, and have had excellent success.”

For myself, I can also say with confidence, without any fear whatsoever, that certain sick people lying on hospital beds will be better of on their own bed at home: even without the slightest care of a maid. I've seen and witnessed a lot to stand by my assertion. Truth be told, it is the abundance of physicians and the abundance of drugs that carries the majority of people to the grave. For those who wish to live and declare the goodness of the Lord, I advise that they look on the epitaph of the Italian count who transgressed the constitution of his body. For it says:

“I was well,

wished to be better

Took Physic and died".

We may as well look on the candid sincerity with which Emperor Hadrian asked that this inscription be mounted on his tomb, "IT IS THE MULTITUDE OF PHYSICIAN THAT KILLED THE EMPEROR."

And indeed it was so.

I always find these statements profound and those who wish to live may want to read deeper meaning into them.

I, for one, am a lover of the natural sciences with mathemetics being my favourite and thus my area of specialty. I must say that almost every aspect of science appeals to me in a way or the other but not medical science.

Of all the sciences, I find it to be the most inconsistent, especially in practice. And many fine gentlemen of the very profession may but affirm my words with more hostile words

You may look on the following remarks which were made by great medical men, most of whom doubled as lectures and professors of the same

“All medicines are poisonous.”
Professor S. St. John, M. D., of the New York University Medical School

“The older physicians grow, the more skeptical they become of the virtues of medicine, and the more they are disposed to trust to the powers of nature.”
Professor Alex. H. Stephens, M. D., of the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons

“The science of medicine is a barbarous jargon, and the effects of our medicines on the human system in the highest degree uncertain, except, indeed, that they have destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined.”
John Mason Good, Physician

“It is easy to destroy the life of an infant. This you will find when you enter practice. You will find that a slight scratch of the pen, which dictates a little too much of a remedy, will snuff out the infant’s life; and when you next visit your patient, you will find that the child which you left cheerful a few hours previously, is stiff and cold. Beware, then, how you use your remedies!”
Professor J. W. Carson, M. D., of the New York University Medical School

“In their zeal to do good, physicians have done much harm. They have hurried many to the grave who would have recovered if left to nature.” He goes on to say, “All of our curative agents are poisons; and, as a consequence, every dose diminishes the patient’s vitality.”
Professor Alonzo Clark, M. D., of the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons

“The medical practice of our day is, at the best a most uncertain and unsatisfactory system; it has neither philosophy nor common sense to commend it to conscience.”
Professor Evans, Fellow of the Royal College, London.

“As we place more confidence in nature, and less in preparations of the apothecary, mortality diminishes.”
Professor Parker

“Gentlemen, ninety-nine out of every hundred medical facts are medical lies; and medical doctrines are, for the most part, stark, staring nonsense.”
Professor Gregory, Edinburgh, Scotland.

“All medicines which enter the circulation, poison the blood in the same manner as do the poisons that produce disease.” He also says, “Drugs do not cure disease; disease is always cured by the vis medicatrix naturae.”
Professor Jos. M. Smith, M. D., of the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons

“It cannot be denied that the present system of medicine is a burning shame to its professors, if indeed a series of vague and uncertain incongruities deserves to be called by that name. How rarely do our medicines do good! How often do they make our patients really worse! I fearlessly assert that in most cases the sufferer would be safer without a physician than with one. I have seen enough of the mal- practice of my professional brethren to warrant the strong language I employ.”
Dr. Ramage, Fellow of the Royal College, London.

“Assuredly the uncertain and most unsatisfactory art that we call medical science, is no science at all, but a jumble of inconsistent opinions; of conclusions hastily and often incorrectly drawn; of facts misunderstood or perverted; of comparisons without analogy; of hypotheses without reason, and theories not only useless, but dangerous.”
Dublin Medical Journal

“Of all sciences, medicine is the most uncertain.” Professor W. Parker, M. D., of the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons

“A hundred different and unsuccessful plans have been tried for the cure of cholera. I think I shall leave my patients, hereafter, nearly entirely to nature; as I have seen patients abandoned to die and left to nature, recover while patients who were treated died.”
Professor Clark:

“Our actual information or knowledge of disease does not increase in proportion to our experimental practice. Every dose of medicine given is a blind experiment upon the vitality of the patient.”
Dr. Bostock, Physician

“I wish not to detract from the exalted profession to which I have the honor to belong, and which includes many of my warmest and most valued friends; yet it can not answer to my conscience to withhold the acknowledgment of my firm belief, that the medical profession (with its prevailing mode of practice) is productive of vastly more evil than good; and were it absolutely abolished, mankind would be infinitely the gainer.”
Francis Coggswell, M. D., of Boston.

“If you find it necessary to have recourse to medicine, there are three kinds which you may make use of with safety: viz., a tranquil mind, exercise, and a temperate diet. These are the best remedies I have ever prescribed.”
Dr. Shipper, Physician Philadelphia

“Let us no longer wonder at the lamentable want of success which marks our practice, when there is scarcely a sound physiological principle among us. I hesitate not to declare, no matter how sorely I shall wound our vanity, that so gross is our ignorance of the real nature of the physiological disorder called disease, that it would, perhaps, be better to do nothing, and resign the complaint into the hands of nature, than to act as we are frequently compelled to do, without knowing the why and the wherefore of our conduct, at the obvious risk of hastening the end of our patient.”
M. Magendie, Physiologist and Pathologist.

Friends, permit me to conclude on this particular lecture by saying there is a responsibility we owe God and the generations yet unborn; a responsibility to keep our bodies in good health for the service of God, for the service of the Church, and for the duty of love we owe our neighbors. I pledge to keep myself in vitality. Will You?


By James M. Kirk

Jesus Christ of Galilee

He who bore our pain and sorrow,

On the shameful, cruel tree?

Still He heals the sick and suff’ring,

As before He went away;

For His word most plainly tells us,

“He is just the same to-day”



He is just the same to-day

As before He went away.

Look to Him, believe and pray;

Trust His word and then obey

“Praise God, He’s just the same today”


Consecrate your life to Jesus,

Spirit, Soul and body too;

For the “Lord is for the body,”

Ev’ry power He gave to you.

Let there be no reservation,

Give the Lord full right of way;

He will come and heal His temple

For He is just the same to-day

Do you doubt God’s Will to heal you?

Take His word and ask for light;

If you seek in deep contrition,

He will guide your heart aright


Do not fear to claim His promise,

He will not your trust betray;

When on earth He gladly healed them,

And He’s just the same today.


Oh! I’m glad to tell you, suff’rer;

Christ has more than healing too;

Life abundant, overflowing,

He will gladly give to you.

Step out boldly, claim His fullness,

Let your sadness flee away;

When on earth He made them happy,

And He’s just the same to-day.