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Learn the principles taught by the Richest and Wisest man to have ever lived for the resolution of conflicts in marriage, business, friendships, etc.

A Study of Solomon’s
Principles for Conflict Resolution


By Pastor Bobby Keating The Christian Success Institute

Copyright 2008, 2009 Pastor Bobby Keating



Conflict Resolution

What every aspiring success oriented entrepreneur needs to know

Proverbs 18:19 (NKJV) tells us that “A brother offended is harder to win than a

strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle.”

This is a study of Solomons Principles for Successful living as it deals with one of the greatest problems that face mankind—the resolution of conflicts

No matter what the situation, conflicts will ensue. It is the nature of the physical human being to try to convince everyone that his point is the best and his way is the best. This is the cause of many contentions.

King Solomon, the richest and wises man to ever have lived (other than Jesus Christ) has some very specific things to tell us about conflicts and conflict resolution.

These principles are essential for all of our relationships— marital, parent/child, friends, business relations, etc.


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Section 1

If we were to put all of the problems that we might encounter in a business, a friendship or a marriage into a pot and boil them down, what do you think might remain? The biggest factor in most failed businesses or friendships or marriages is unresolved conflicts. Marriages have been ruined and family relationships ripped apart, brother against brother, because of unresolved conflicts. This is one factor that can devastate a business. When there is an unresolved issue between partners or employer and employee, often the entire business suffers. Knowing this, you might think that people would not leave issues unresolved. Theoretically that is sound but it is extremely difficult when neither party is equipped to handle problem resolution.

In Proverbs 18:19 (NKJV) tells us that A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle.

Conflicts, disagreements or arguments, contentions, adversities, trials and tribulations are all part of daily life. Jesus told us that men would hate us because of Him. The fact is that the confusion that conflicts and adversities cause is a test of our Christian fortitude. How we handle them is determined by how well we are able to use the principles that we learn from Gods Holy Book of Wisdom.

That is a bold statement but it is true. Using the principles given us by Solomon in his Proverbs can determine the success or failure of handling conflicts in business and in our homes. If you use Solomons principles every conflict can be handled. Without the benefit of the knowledge and wisdom given us in Solomons principles, we are headed for more difficulty than we want.

Conflicts and adversities can be handle without Solomons principles but it is a difficult and often frustrating option to take, more than not, ending in failure. Going it on your own without the benefit of Solomons principles will usually end in a great deal of stress and tension, both at work and at home. Often problems at home will bleed into our professional life and vice versa.

A good question for each of us to ask is who wins? when there is a conflict. Take a look at the conflicts that you have had in your life. Who walked away from that conflict feeling good? I am confident is saying that no one won the battle, but there were probably many victims left injured.

This may sound strange to many but, depending on how we react, conflicts can bring opportunities. The immediate result may not seem as though it is a blessing but often, later, the resolution to that conflict may reveal an even better solution than first imagined.

Never forget that Gods Word tells us that God can take a bad situation and can create something wonderful from it. He can take a situation where there seems to be no way out and show us a better way.

1 Corinthians 10:12-13 (New King James Version)

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