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"You're Just Like Your Daddy!"

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? John 14:9

I used to play basketball when I was in high school. I was an average player. My father,

on the other hand, was a great basketball player. One day in practice, I was running to the goal and I threw a crazy hook shot! Joy of joys, it went in! "Nothing but net!" My coach said, "you play just like your father".

If you know my husband, then you know that he is JUST like his father. If you know my daughter, you know that she is JUST like her daddy.

The above verse was Jesus talking to His disciples. He was telling them, "if you have seen me, then you have seen my father". When you receive Christ as your Savior, then God the Father becomes your spiritual Father. (Rom. 8:16) Did you know that God is your spiritual Daddy? (Rom. 8:15)

When others see you, do they see your Father? Do they know that you belong to HIM? There will always be scoffers and naysayers who will never see good, even when the truth is in front of their faces. Jesus talked about them too. (John 8:44) He could tell who their father was by their works.

When God the Father sees us, He knows if we belong to Him. He sees either pure righteousness (that's His Son's righteousness), or He sees our UN-righteousness (that's the filthy rags in Isaiah 64:6). God knows and so should other people. They should see us and say, "She belongs to Jesus." It is to our shame when others can't tell who our father truly is. It is to our shame when they see us and say, "if she's a Christian, I don't want any part of that!" So again I say, to Whom do you belong? Are you just like your Daddy? No, you cannot be perfect until you get to glory, but you should be growing more like Him everyday.