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Putting It Into Practice

Friday, September 10, 2010

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory;but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Philippians 2:3

When you read a verse like this, how do you put it into practice in the day in which we live? Here's a few suggestions...

1. Think about others. Sounds simple huh? Often times it is easier said than done. Think about how you would like to be treated and how you would like your family members to be treated, then treat others in that way. Ask the Lord to help you to think about others' needs before your own. I know that is not popular these days with every thing made for YOUR immediate comfort, but it is the way of Christ. His followers should follow His example right?

2. Talk about the Saviour. My mom is my hero. She is ALWAYS talking about our Lord and what HE has done. It is an inspiration to me to hear her give Him glory no matter what circumstance she finds herself in. Her family members hate it and through the years have berated her. They say, "you think you are better than everyone!" "All you talk about is the Lord!" "You are such a hypocrite!" I know, I know! With "friends like that, who needs enemies?" Here's something to consider. Have you received Christ as your personal Saviour? If you have, then He is a part of you, just as a husband and wife are joined at the soul. If He is a part of you, how can you go a whole day without talking about Him? In my opinion, unthankfulness begets apostasy. If you cannot be thankful for what Christ did for YOU at Calvary, then you have a serious problem and I urge you to get it settled with Him now!

3. Take the Good News with you. My husband is SO good at sharing the Gospel. He leads our family by his example. He always has a box of tracts to give to someone and he will not leave a store until he has passed out every tract that he took in. Why does he do that? He is concerned about the souls of others. I will be honest and say that I often am in a hurry. I tend to forget that those I come in contact with have a soul that will spend eternity somewhere. It is the responsibility of EVERY Christian to share the Gospel. If you have not been doing it, I suggest you get started! We all have a part in this! Let's tell the world the Good News about Christ and His love!