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Everybody's Got Troubles!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. Nahum 1:7

It is amazing to me how many people will not turn to God. They are looking for a feeling or a miracle, totally oblivious to the FACT that Salvation IS a miracle! Trouble is a part of life. God NEVER has said in His word that He would take all of your troubles away when you got saved. Yes, everyone has trouble!

We are troubled by lost people. The Psalmist says, "Lord, how are they increased that trouble me!" (Ps. 3:1) Check out Ezra 4! The "people of the land...troubled them". God's people were endeavouring to rebuild the Temple of God and the people of the land caused much trouble. Lost people cause us trouble.

We are troubled by saved people. In Matthew, a woman came to Jesus and began to wash His feet with a precious ointment. The disciples didn't like the "waste", and they criticized the woman. Jesus said, "Why trouble ye the woman? For she hath wrought a good work upon me" (Mt. 26:10). In the Book of Acts, the new converts were troubled because the saved people were trying to put them under the Law that was not meant for them (Acts 15:24). Saved people cause us trouble.

We are troubled by circumstances. The disciples are out on the sea in a tempestuous storm and they look out across the waters and see what they think is a spirit. It was really the Lord Jesus. They were terrified with fear (Mt. 14:26 & Mk 6. 50). In the Book of Luke, we see Martha "troubled about many things" (Lk 10:41) because she was doing all of the physical labour. Circumstances cause us trouble.

We are troubled by sin. David is speaking to the Lord about his sin. "Mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden, they are too heavy for me....I am troubled..." (Ps. 38:4-6). Jeremiah tells us, "I am in distress: my bowels are troubled;..for I have grievously sinned" (Lam. 1:20). Hebrews 12:15 speaks of roots of bitterness causing us trouble. Sin causes us trouble.

Trouble causes....

Physical problems (Lam. 2:11; Lam 1:20) Emotional problems (Ps. 25:17; Ps. 77:4; Lk 24:37-38) Spiritual problems (Ps. 77:3; Ps. 88:3; Ps. 107:6-28)

So, is there ever any good trouble? In John, we see that Jesus was troubled on three occasions. First, He was troubled when Lazarus died (Jn. 11:33). Sure, He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, but He had compassion for the mourners and He was troubled by their unbelief. The second time that Jesus was troubled was when speaking to His disciples (Jn. 12:27). I could be wrong, but I believe on this occasion that He was also troubled by their unbelief. The last occasion was at the "Last Supper". Jesus announced, with a troubled spirit, that one would betray Him (Jn. 13:21).

Another time when trouble was good was in the Book of Acts. The Bible tells us that Paul and Silas troubled the city (Acts 16:20; Acts 17:8). They preached the Gospel and caused quite a disturbance. I know many, many men who criticize street preaching, but if it was good enough for Paul....well, anyway! This kind of trouble is good.

What can you do when you are in trouble? If you do not have trouble now, get ready because it is coming! The Lord Jesus did not leave us here to deal with these issues for no reason. I hope you will take time to look at each of these passages and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. Ask yourself what you can find in times of trouble! Resting (2 Thess. 1:7-8)~Jesus Christ will take care of all trouble when He returns Renewal (2 Cor. 4:8-18)~no matter what we face, the Spirit within us renews our spirit daily Readiness (I Pet. 3:14-17)~Keep and share your testimony through your trials Reward (Jn. 14:1-3)~Jesus has a place prepared just for you! Refreshing (2 Cor. 7:5-6; 2 Cor. 1:9)~God comforts those that are cast down Redemption (Ps. 46:1; Ps. 59:16)~God will be a refuge for those who seek Him Reliance (Ps. 20:1; Ps. 59:16)~The Lord is with you to help when you cry to Him Revival (Ps. 138:7)~The Lord brings revival when we realize our need for Him Refuge (Ps. 46:1; Ps. 91:15)~The Lord is a refuge to go to in times of trouble These are just a few thoughts on troubles. There is much more about trouble in your Bible and I challenge you to study to shew thyself approved unto God. I am going to leave you with a verse to ponder that has convicted me.

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23