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FOOTNOTES (107-119)

[107] These technicalities pertaining to Islamic worships are explained in detail in the Turkish book (Se’âdet-i Ebediyye), which has been partly translated into English in fascicles titled (Endless Bliss). Imâm, in this context, means the person who conducts the prayer of namâz when it is performed in jamâ’at (congregation of Muslims). It has other meanings, such as, ‘religious leader’, ‘religious savant’, etc.

[108] Our Prophet’s Ascent to heaven. On Mi’râj our Prophet saw Allâhu ta’âlâ, talked to Him, and heard Him in a manner that could not be comprehended or explained by human standards. The night of Mi’râj is celebrated yearly by all Muslims.

[109] Muhammad Bahâuddîn passed away in Bukhârâ in 791 [A.D. 1389].

[110] Qazrûnî passed away in 426 [A.D. 1034].

[111] The same prayer will be repeated, with the exception that the word ‘salli’ will be substituted with ‘bârik’, and the word ‘sallayta’ with ‘bârakta’.

[112] Muhammad Birgivî passed away in 981 [A.D. 1573].

[113] Gog and Magog.

[114] A coastal town in Yemen.

[115] Darius (the Great), the ninth and the last king of Ancient Persia.

[116] Alexander (the Great), king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C.

[117] Qârun, a relation and an ummat (follower) of Mûsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’. Later he came in possession of a great fortune, which spoiled him so badly that he turned away from Mûsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’. He and all his riches were sunken into the earth. Also called Croesus.

[118] Pharaoh’s vizier. He disuaded Pharaoh from becoming a Believer. He was the chief instigator in the martyrdom of Hadrat Âsiya, Pharaoh’s wife, who was a Believeress in the religion of Mûsâ ‘alaihis-salâm’.

[119] Dzengiz Khan, the Mongolian emperor, the most cruel one; an enemy of Islam, He massacred millions of Muslims. He put to the sword those Muslims who took refuge in mosques.