Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Victims and Vampires


As the lyrics go to the song by Scandal, sometimes we need to say, Goodbye to You, to some of the victims and vampires in our lives. The truth is, and I have no problem telling it like it is, bill collectors are not the only ones you cringe at when the caller ID shows “the name that cannot be named”. I am talking about the person you just do not want to talk to.

Each of us has a responsibility to answer to God for our time, and we often know when the person we are investing in and working with is trying to succeed, or if they are trying to leach off our Light. But our own stubbornness will sometimes give us an excuse to go further and longer than we should.

Now, you are probably thinking these are harsh words coming from a guy that promotes sharing and investing in people, and in working hard to correct the world. The fact is, we owe it to God to take action when we see precious resources, such as our time, training efforts and support, not reaping a harvest in the life of the person. The Sages teach that we only have so many words and so much time before the call home, and to use them wisely.

I am very guilty of this offence. I find myself rooting more for their success than they do. What started out as an investment has become a drain on time and resources. I needed to tell myself the truth: God can take care of the people I cannot seem to reach. That moment of powerlessness was hard to swallow, but has freed me to invest wisely. Jesus Himself said, “Do not cast your pearls before swine”.

Remember, pigs will eat anything and that is one of the reasons they are pigs. Some people in our lives are not going anywhere and we need an answer for dealing with them. We know they may never change, but our approach to them can change and we can use them to grow spiritually on our Path. God will even allow these people in our lives for our growth, not just theirs.

Here is a prayer for your consideration…

I do not want negative, spiritually bankrupt people in my life.

(Perhaps there is someone in particular you are struggling with. Visualize that person as you read on)

I see them going away.

I am blocking them from my Light and Desire for God.

I am allowing the Spirit of the Creator to fill and surround me, keeping out other negative forces and people.

As more of God flows through me, I attract others full of godly energy and desire. The destructive forces are pushed away, and people who carry those traits are blocked out.

One of the true characteristics of spiritual development understands that you and I have power (through God) to take charge of our circumstances. We can change our perspective, which often changes our vision of the situation. Time to let a few people know… Goodbye to the Drama!