Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Divine Circuitry


True spirituality is about connection. The Laws of the Universe teach us many things, but one that stands out to me is this simple axiom, “Nothing rises higher than it’s source”. Regardless of what amperage or wattage a bulb might be rated to accept, it can only produce the light based on the provided current.

Simply put, it cannot produce anything higher than its established connection. I am amazed with myself at times about how little connection I seem to desire, how limited my own thinking can be. I sometimes treat God like a passenger in my car, just another person along for the ride, when all the time, God desires to not be in the vehicle going places with me. God, in His Highest Wisdom, desires to be the vehicle that takes me places. Into His presence, into His Wisdom, into His world.

Why would God want this? Why does He seek us out for relationship and not for religion? Because God is working a two-fold purpose in our lives; first, to mend our souls and get us back into the shape of His original plan for us, which is Paradise, a spiritual return to the Garden of Eden. Secondly, He invites us to journey with Him to repair/rectify this world to get it ready for the return of His Son, the Messiah. He knows that the ultimate fulfillment for mankind is God’s will being performed here on Earth as it is in Heaven.

How is this accomplished? Through Divine Circuitry. As we share with our fellow mankind, and I mean share ruthlessly, we begin a spiritual vibration that effects the whole world. Sound far-fetched? Look at it like this, if one spark can set off a fire that can destroy thousands of acres, if a person can press one button that ignites a bomb that can blow up an entire city, why can’t these events happen in the spiritual world?

Because we exercise limited thinking on a daily basis. We live in a spiritual state of awareness instead of consciousness. We think all that is happening is what we see right in front of us. We use our past experiences to meter how our future will turn out. That, by the way, is the tool of the Adversary, always using our past to limit our possibilities about the future. Sounds like the Adversary works in us rather than in books and movies…

Consciousness tells us that this world and our work in it is more than what we see. It is a collaborative effort between God and us; He takes our efforts and multiplies them based on the intention (kavanah) of our hearts. He empowers the investment and makes it complete. God said that unless He builds it, all who labor do so in vain.

Here is a prayer I use to remind myself to stay connected…

I will concentrate on receiving from God for the purpose of sharing.

Letting go of my desire to receive for myself alone, I allow the Light of the Creator into my realm, connecting me to the Divine Circuitry of Life.

By giving and receiving with the right consciousness, for others, I will not share only that I may get something back, and I will not take from others for the wrong reasons.

I will spread the Light of God and share, knowing that blessings await me and that I will get everything I need from sharing with others.

You have to empty a vessel to put more into it. Empty your vessel in ruthless sharing and watch the connection between you and God strengthen and brighten. That is Divine Circuitry!