Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Mopping Up-Removing the Remnants


We have all fought and won major spiritual victories along the path. Some of the battles were long and hard fought; others were quick and decisive. Regardless of the degree of your fight, you remember the battle because of the toll it had on you, both during the battle and the immediate aftermath. God, in His Highest Wisdom, wrote these battles into the script of our lives, our “movie”, to provide a certain element of resistance. This resistance, call it Ego, The Adversary, the Satan, is a vital part of our growth. If the path was easy and no effort was required, what satisfaction would these battle victories bring? What tools would be required (or needed) to fight these fights?

God designed us with the desire to receive. His desire is to share. By sharing Himself with us, we transform from beings that desire only to receive into beings that desire to share. This transformation is the whole purpose of our existence and the only source of true fulfillment.

After the victory, when the battle ceases to rage, a period of celebration occurs. This is a healthy and smart practice. We should take the time to measure the accomplishment and give thanks to God for His empowerment to carry us through. Remember; God is working in partnership with us, not performing requested duties. If God lowers you a rope, you must reach out and grab hold, you must participate in your rescue.

However, little focus is given to the clean up operations. There could be snipers still posted on the battlefield, either unaware the battle is over or desiring out of the spite of their defeat, to cause one more causality. A comprehensive sweep of the area must be conducted immediately and daily sweeps should be followed through. This eliminates a foothold for the Evil Inclination to try and restart the war.

Here is an example. In the case of a martial infidelity, tensions in the home run high. Should the woman decide to extend forgiveness and the man is willing to submit to correction and guidance, the marriage has the opportunity to heal. But what about when the Evil One decides to cast doubt on the situation, by either telling the man that his forgiveness is not genuine or telling the woman he will revert back to his previous ways?

Enter in the sweeping activity. When he goes to work, when he leaves to run errands, he willingly submits to her desire to check up on him, giving her complete freedom to his work, his phone, his e-mails. His life becomes an open book, removing the power of doubt and thus crippling the Adversary.

The Adversary is not in books, or in movies, or even embodied by Harry Potter. He is in us, looking for the opportunity to return us to the limited thinking that enslaved us before.

Here is a prayer for sweeping the landmines left by battle and creating a deeper connection with the Light.

I can drive all of the negative forces from my environment.

As I concentrate on my life, my sacred space, my soul,

Light pushes away the evil residue, and now my environment is free from any negative forces that might have been lurking here.

I feel the security and openness of a house indwelled by God, and the world around me feels pure.

In partnership with God, all things are possible. He gave us the desire to receive from Him, His fullness and His Light. Clean the battlefield and remove the renegade forces of evil that have their own desires: your destruction.

May the Peace of God dwell richly in you!

PS> As mentioned in other articles, the prayers listed in my articles are adapted from Yehuda Berg’s book, The 72 Names of God. For further information, you can visit