Creating Sacred Space by David W. Fournier - HTML preview

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Sexual Energy


For years in the church I attended, Sex was always talked about in a dirty or negative aspect. It was long lectures on pre-marital sex, pornography, homosexuality, affairs, adultery and so on. By the time I was 15, I was pretty sure that I wanted nothing to do with sex.

On top of that, we watched films that taught us about diseases we could only get through contact with women. These diseases could cause parts of our bodies to fall off and rot. What a beautiful way to express the importance of Sex to young people.

The Song of Solomon does not make any sense unless it is read as it was meant to be read-an erotic review of the relationship between two people-ramping up their sexual experience through erotic language and imagery. Here are a few quotes from the man writing to the woman. All quotes are from the Song of Solomon (NCV).

7:6-9 “You are beautiful and pleasant my love; you are full of delights. You are tall like a palm tree and your breasts like its fruits. I said, “I will climb up the palm tree and take hold of its fruit.” Let your breasts be like bunches of grapes and your breath like the smell of apples, and your mouth, like the best wine.”

4:3+5 “Your lips are like red silk thread; and your mouth is lovely. Your breasts are like two fawns, feeding among the lilies.”

Got the picture? The rest of the book is about the chasing and pursuing of each other. There were tons of other examples but I thought the above info should send you reeling for your Bibles to look at the rest. You won’t be disappointed.

Sex is the amazing physical union, created for us by God, to depict in the physical realm what happens in the spiritual realm. The kind of “oneness” described in the Shema, Judaism’s most loved and repeated prayer, tells us of an inseparable bond between God and His creation. In the same way the act of intercourse forms an inseparable union between male and female, God desires us to be united in Him. If this seems odd to you, re-read the comments of Jesus in John 17 about His Oneness with the Father.

It is time to re-energize our martial relationships and understand the beauty and awesomeness of Sex. The shared intimacy and pleasure, the arousal, the pursuit, should be elements that heat up the relationship for years to come. Seek out ways to bring pleasure and satisfaction to your partner, devote yourself to their fulfillment, and watch the sparks fly.

Here is a prayer for us all as we approach the Divine act of Sex.

I will approach sex with passion, fully present, putting my lover’s needs before my own.

When we are together, we will be a part of the Divine Universe, fully connected to the Light and Love we are generating.

During Sex, I will be tuned in, letting go of my own desires, and allowing the genuine care and unity I share with my partner to radiate into the cosmos.