Creative Visualization: How to Use the Power of Visualization to Manifest Prosperity by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Negative Approach In Visualization

All of us are really busy producing our personal reality. Creativity is a full-time job and we're all rather good at it. Problem is, most of the time we do this unconsciously. That means that there’s a strong possibility we utilize our energy to manifest things we don’t truly want.

What We Focus On

Because creative thinking is part of our nature we're commonly not consciously aware of our role in the creative process. There's a natural tendency to resist the idea that we're the ones producing it. This is peculiarly true when we manifest a reality that we don’t truly love.

Till we're ready to acknowledge the role our personal creativity plays in our own reality we'll likely carry on to manifest results we would rather keep away from.

We’ve talked numerous times about utilizing the power of focus to help us achieve our goals. But without direction, focus may in reality cause us to manifest the very things we’re trying to keep away from. As a matter of fact, an avoidance mindset may program us to use our creativity to continually produce the precise things we don’t need.

Here’s what happens if we try to avoid something. Let’s suppose it’s a frigid winter day and there’s ice on the walk. Obviously, you don’t wish to slip on the ice and fall. So, as you go out the door you think to yourself: “Be cautious, don’t slip on the ice.”

Your brain can't process the thought “don’t slip on the ice” without seeing you slipping on the ice. What have you just accomplished? You’ve just utilized your creativity to form a mental picture of yourself slipping on the ice, and now that’s what you're focused on. The slicker the walk, the more you'll focus on that mental picture.

Can you see where this is leading? You’re walking down a tricky path and your brain is centered on an image of you slipping and falling. The harder you focus, the more likely you are to slip and fall down. In this case, you’ are using the power of focus to manifest the very situation you are trying to avoid.

One of the things that reveal what we're focused on is our speech. Do you tend to discuss issues, or opportunities?

Do you contribute to damaging conversations, or do you endeavor to shift the conversation in a more favorable direction?

Is your conversation encouraging, or discouraging? Do you discuss what’s wrong with your life, or do you share the things you’re thankful for? Do you have a complaining spirit, or do you look for the favorable aspect of any situation?

Most of us like to think of ourselves as having a favorable outlook. If that’s true, then it will be seen in our conversations. So I encourage you to take a close look at your pet topics for discussion, and see if there’s any room for modification. We tend to talk about the things that we're centered on.
