Curators of Souls by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter XIV


The conclusions that were inhaled due to consequences of

innovative noble facts in favor of human development were

retained in people who had a greater spiritual capacity. To serve as

a springboard to develop new structures of connection, among other

beings less benefit in terms of understanding of the Divine.

These beings are more capable of serving all the power that could

absorb the entire Cosmos, and so much to others as needy beings

even to Nature herself. When they had the clairvoyant noted a lack

of light on smooth for a necessary evolution, could expand all the

energy necessary for the proper term to apply. So help yourself to all

the powers that gave them the Universe, to play at the Globe.

Applications made on the waters of rivers and oceans, making them

the purest crystal, increasing the quality of life of beings that lived

beyond all vegetative plants. That led to a greater continuity of

evolution from such, and everything completely unpolluted, also

intervened in the pollution, which had opened a huge hole in the

ozone, letting in large amounts of ultraviolet rays and thus becomes

an asphyxiating atmosphere over all the inhabitants of the Earth,

these Trustees of the more evolved Souls could such power because

of the energy made available to him, giving him freedom to take

action with great leaders who ruled the Earth, when they were

touched by the Holy Light from such enlightened beings.

José Cruz

Passed to change the policies employed in industries that pollute the

air, being reformed by more, which is not liberated gases into the


For these beings just enough to feel the need for something or

someone, to immediately connect with the energy coming from the

Light Source, which is joined to the existing in his body. For then

more power to transmute into that later on how to externalize

Light or Vibration, other beings who were already fully enlightened

spiritually, who has lived only in the simplicity of Eternal Beings

of Light, capabilities that had to go to higher dimensions and

return to Earth. They were the ones who were also regarded as

scientists of the Spirit, for many Reincarnations over the route

made Sidereal, accumulating over Reincarnations all knowledge

that encompassed all the mysteries of spirituality, as experiences in

other worlds more developed than Earth. Although these were

always very unusual to find among the people living in this planet,

through which they passed were notoriously identified by those who

walked the same path to Spiritual Ascension.

Such Performed had no need to connect with the Whole to get

lighter to be used where necessary, as those who were not yet

sufficiently developed for this part. Them just simply being where

they are and felt they should stay or contact with anyone, because

only their presence altered environments and populations in ways


Through the power of Divine Light that they were already part at

all, only revealing only what still bound them to Earth, who was

benefactors of their missions as well as their physical bodies.

Nothing else existed but the rest was that Cosmic Light.

Who testified to leave the physical body through the energy centers,

spread throughout the human body in union with the Universe?


Curators Of Souls