Curators of Souls by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter XVII

Living in the Sacred

From the moment triumphed breathing their conscience

changes, leaving that way of living through thoughts. This was the

first sign of the Holy manifest before them, was the beginning of

the awakening human Conscience these Sons of Light live in

communion with the sacred in everyday life of these beings in times

of Illumination, it was quite easy.

Because they had already abandoned all moral concepts, addiction,

addictions, pride, egos, passions, social status, material and

emotional detachments, among others that caused them to keep in

depressive states in relation to themselves.

From all these chains that held them prisoner in the great wheel of

reincarnation met then, that in addition to that there was

something that abdicated felt and identified as the Sacred. That in

order to live in constant harmony with the Sacred had nothing to

do. Just simply sit back and let yourself be a part of the whole.

Their ways of life just went to the basics to keep their physical

bodies with regard to their maintenance.

José Cruz

The physical postures were calm and serene, and just responded

without question, were of few words but great deeds, because all

knowledge Universal was deposited in their Souls. The

transparency of humility that these beings of Light contained was

huge, over which they had greater ability to adapt to new

situations, changes to the welfare of others, regardless of what was

existential for themselves serving in this way the concept of the

Union and mutual help.

In environments that surrounded them, or their past presence in

everything became calm and peaceful, because of the white light of

peace emanating from their Hundreds Crown Energy located in the


The little people still identified Sons of Light and we interacted

with them, due to the proximity energy which was attracted by the

magnetic fields, because their small bodies were still full of pure

energy, causing them to feel as if they still remain quite as light

beings just before their births.

Similarly, the animals and insects were also drawn, because the

animals do not feel the smell of negativity on the part of these

studies the insects were attracted by the light that shone through

the energy centers. Fluently interact with nature respecting the

entire flora, remained indefinitely in these spaces, feeling and

enjoying all that it was granted to them naturally, resembling

through the same symptoms and setbacks to their previous

experiences and future. Because from the moment it is self-

luminous, no longer need to continue the meditation practices that

we took was to these achievements. Because they have exceeded and

surpassed all that existed in contradiction with those Spiritual

Ascents, they had reason to be.

Because from that moment Sacred, these Enlightened Ones went on

to be permanently in the State of Grace


Curators Of Souls

It was also by nature and that it came as wind, sun, rain and other

weather elements, that they manifested their powers Energy, now

in order to admit these energies in their beings when they were

beneficial, or avoiding them and changing their courses through the

cosmic energy that kept them in their physical bodies.

The connection they had with the Astor King was notorious

because of the large percentage of their physical bodies are

composed of water. Need to interact much with that of their

experiences in order to keep Astor balanced in terms of energy.

Because as it Sidereal their bodies were also made of Light

But due to long periods of meditation prior to their Rises for such

practices began to feel their voices altered, because over the

processes that were watching the breath, this was changing due to

a reduced oxygen supply, and a great inspiration for Prana,

provided the changes, that after the achievements were lower and

smoother, changing the phonetic sounds in order to become pure in

vibration, the same as from the spheres of the Worlds.

Thus gained great power vibrating giving birth in charismatic new

forms of private communication or large crowds that when they

hear these sounds fondest vibrated so much the physical as in the

Spirit leading them to new Awakening Consciousness.

José Cruz


Curators Of Souls