Curators of Souls by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter XIX

Signs of Enlightenment

Some symptoms that led to enlightenment were very diverse.

Through all of these multiple births physical beings of Light, would

admit more light in their Souls that in the last Reincarnation. They

got all the attention that would lead them to feel as part of the

Cosmic Light. These testimonies are always present at times when

human minds softened, passages leading to the Divine Light which

in turn fully lit all the inner being. That could close their eyes to go

through the 3rd to the Astral Plane Vision, becoming aware of

what they were allowed to Preview. These capabilities View

depended very much to be to be. The more trusted your spirits, relax

and have abandoned this Divine Light Spiritual in jurisdiction,

could include more through the eyes of Spirit itself.

In more advanced beings could even view themselves-as if they

stayed in front of a mirror illuminated in part their physical figures.

This was one of the great frontiers to be reached.

Why Being Spiritual in reaching this level was well incorporated

with the Heavenly Light.

Another aspect was to visualize their own auric colors, just closing

your physical eyes giving way to located at the 3rd Spiritual

Vision. The time factor for them was without beginning to feel

important because the Eternal.

José Cruz

Earlier views were just a small point of light when sporadically

closed their eyes. With patience and practice applied, they began to

identify more points of Light In the beginning, only darker color

over time but tended to clarify, to the extent that thoughts ceased

to exist. Later these points of light passing increasingly become

bright, until at some point in the result of this evolutionary process,

ceased to exist altogether giving rise to the full color of Auras.

When the opening was great Spiritual could include all the colors in

the universe, always through the 3rd Vision, witnessing a complete

Open Skies endowed with all these colors, in ways small and large

luminous particles from the entire Cosmos. Featuring vast

Luminosities were not visible to the physical eyes if you could see


Because all the colors from the Cosmos have brightness enhanced

and sensitive than the other reflections of this same light that could

be seen through the eyes of physicists. Therefore as by the Divine

Light that filled them, began to notice that from time to time their

bodies externalized this same light, through the energy centers.

Doing it this way denotes small reflection of that light, in small

matters remained at the top of the crust, especially in the most

crystal clear.

Other identifications as Sacred, was the appearance of the Spiritual

Sun. Almost like the Sun. Only your center stand was pure white

rays their yellows. Illuminating be covering the whole spirit and

soul reaching, this testimony as well as seeing the physical body

itself in Sidereal Plan. It was the culmination of secular demands

made by these beings over all previous Reincarnations. Cosmos was

the sign of admitting a new fully Enlightened Being. That allowed

joining the existing Heavenly Light.


Curators Of Souls