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Baikie, James

The Amarna Age

Baikie, James

Lands and People of the Bible

Baikie, James

A History of Egypt (Two Volumes)

Bennett, Charles W.

Christian Archeology

Blackman, A. M.

Luxor and Its Temple

Boscawen, W. St. Chad

The Bible and the Monuments

Boulton, W. H.


Budge, E. A. Wallis

From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt

Budge, E. A. Wallis

Books on Egypt and Chaldaea

Budge, E. A. Wallis

The Literature of the Egyptian


They Wrote on Clay

Clay, Albert T.

A Hebrew Deluge Story in Cuneiform

Clay, Albert T.

Amurru, the Home of the Northern Semites

Cobern, Camden M.

The New Archeological Discoveries

Deissman, Dr. Adolf

Light from the Ancient East

Delitzsch, Friedrich

Babel and Bible

Gadd, C. J.

A Sumerian Reading Book

Gadd, C. J.

History and Monuments of Ur

Gardiner, Alan H.

Egyptian Grammar

Garstang, J.

Burial Customs of the Ancient Egyptians

Garstang, J.

The Land of the Hittites

Goodspeed, George Stephen

A History of the Babylonians and Assyrians

Grenfell, B. P.

Tebtunis Papyri

A. S. Hunt

J. G. Smyly

Grenfell, B. P.

Greek Papyri



Habershon, Ada R.

The Bible and the British Museum

Hilprecht, Herman V.

Recent Research in Bible Lands

Hilprecht, Herman V.

Explorations in Bible Lands During the 19th Century

Hogarth, D. G.

Authority and Archeology, Sacred and Profane

Huffman, Prof. J. A.

Voices from Rocks and Dust Heaps of Bible Lands

Kennedy, Sir Alexander B. W.

Petra, Its History and Monuments

Kenyon, Frederic G.

Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts

King, L. W.

Assyrian Language (Vol. 5)

Koldewey, Robert

The Excavations at Babylon

Kyle, Melvin Grove

The Deciding Voice of the Monuments in Biblical Criticism

Kyle, Melvin Grove

Excavating Kirjathsepher’s Ten Cities

Laurie, Rev. Thomas

Assyrian Echoes of the Word

Layard, Austen Henry

Layard’s Discoveries at Nineveh

Lynch, W. F.

Expedition to the Dead Sea and The Jordan

Marston, Sir Charles

The Bible is True

Marston, Sir Charles

New Bible Evidence

Martin, Percy F.

Egypt—Old and New

Maspero, Gaston

New Light on Ancient Egypt

Maspero, Gaston

Egypt—Ancient Sites and Modern Scenes

Milligan, George

Greek Papyri

Miller, H. S.

General Biblical Introduction

Moulton, James Hope

From Egyptian Rubbish Heaps

Murray, Margaret A.

Egyptian Temples

Nelson, Byron C.

The Deluge Story in Stone

Orr, James

The Bible of the Old Testament

Orr, James

The Bible Under Trial

Petrie, Flinders

Measures and Weights

Petrie, Flinders

Royal Tombs



Petrie, Flinders

Researches in Sinai

Pilter, W. T.

The Pentateuch. A Historical Record.

Politeyan, J.

Discoveries from the Nile to the Tiber

Ramsay, Sir William

St. Paul, the Traveller and the Roman Citizen


Luke the Historian


The Trustworthiness of the New Testament in the Light of Recent Discovery

Rawlinson, Canon

Egypt and Babylonia

St. Clair, George

Creation Records

Smith, George

The Chaldean Account of Genesis

Smith, G. Elliott and Warren R. Dawson

Egyptian Mummies

Stadelmann, H.


Tischendorf, Dr. C.

Codex Sinaiticus

Todd, J. A.

The Banks of the Nile

Weigall, Arthur

The Life and Times of Akhnaton

Weigall, Arthur E. P.

A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt

Wiseman, P. J.

New Discoveries in Babylonia About Genesis

Woolley, Sir Leonard

Abraham. (Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins)

Woolley, Sir Leonard

Ur of the Chaldees

Woolley, Sir Leonard

The Sumerians

Worrell, William H.

A Study of Races in the Ancient Near East

Wright, G. F.

Scientific Confirmations of Old Testament History

Wright, William

The Empire of the Hittites

Publications of the British Museum:

A Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities

The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamesh 

The Babylonian Legends of the Creation and the Fight Between Bel and the Dragon

The Book of the Dead

The Mount Sinai Manuscript of the Bible

The New Gospel Fragments

The Rosetta Stone


The Bearing of Archeological and Historical Research Upon the New Testament. By the Rev. Parke P. Flournoy.

The Witness of Archeology to the Bible. By A. M. Hodgkin.

Biblical History in the Light of Archeological Discovery Since A. D. 1900. By the Rev. D. E. Hart-Davies.

The Value of the Spade. By the Rev. M. G. Kyle.

The Syriac Forms of New Testament Proper Names. By F. C. Burkitt.