Deliverance from Jezebel-Fear, Guilt and Shame Coming out of Babylon by Daniel Wiebrands - HTML preview

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Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

If we understand that there are structures and ranks in the enemies camp we know how to deal better with our adversary.

Once we have dealt with the inner healing side we can cast out lower ranking spirits and demons. The higher ranking ruling demons (Nephilim) and other spirits are then easier to cast out when their houses and structures are dismantled properly and will ensure lasting freedom.

The one being prayed for is better able to live and stay free, because he/she has gone through a process of healing and there is a better understanding how the enemy gained access in the first place. Once the nest is cast out by reading out loud the lists on previous pages, then the ruling spirit of Ahab can be cast out then Jezebel (do one at a time). Sometimes Jezebel throws up her Python (divination) or tries to hide, just bind, loose God's angels, send the dogs of Jezreel after her, send the fire of the Holy Ghost, Read scriptures from 1st and 2nd Kings about her doom. Just be creative with God and stand with Christ’s blood and authority.

Deal with Ahab first, or how the Holy Spirit leads you but I suggest cast them both out on the same day, or Ahab will call Jezebel back. Jezebel left alone without Ahab will be agitated to say the least and will look for ways to get him back as well. Remember these spirits have a personality and are very cunning (not to be played with or underestimated) you will learn to recognize their personality types and through a spirit of discernment will be able to spot them easily manifesting through people.

The following are more ruling demons/spirits - In no particular order for future reference. I don't recommend tackling all these until you have Jezebel and Ahab out of you system... Jezebel and Ahab are the main issue for the Church in this age. You will also need to cast out eventually Leviathon (Pride), Belial (unworthiness), Baal/Moloch (Idolatry; Abortion, sexual immorality, lovers of self).

Jezebel (Baal is lord) type- Athaliah (Jezebels daughter a murderer), Diana, Ast