Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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News! News! Just what is news? If a dog bites a man, it is not news. However, if a man bites a dog, now that is news! So, it is the unusual, unique, out of the ordinary occurrence that is considered news. In modern society most news is bad news, but there is news that is good beyond words. We celebrate it all year, but especially now.

The Almighty, Creator God of heaven and earth, and all therein, elected to become one of us: the Creator became the created. He lived a sinless life as a God-filled human, fulfilled the humanly impossible law of Moses; paid the penalty of sin for every repentant person by His own death on the cross, and arose again to eternal glory. He remains a story far above the rise and fall of empires or any works of noble and talented men. It is simply the greatest story ever told, or ever will be told. His is the story of righteous love and you! Every human comes from His hand, and bears the image of the Triune God. As a result, His love for you is gigantic!

In addition to Holy Writ, even common sense reasoning underscores this logical conclusion: if God loved you enough to leave heaven, and endure those things which He despised (Heb. 12:1) how ought every one of us to be quick to respond to His love in repentance, faith, open, and joyful acceptance of what He has done, and what He is ready to do with us. Here, my friend is the very heart of the meaning of Christmas. This is why the greatest story ever told was, and is, told!

Oh, the wonder of the Son of God being given to us! It means: the holy gift of forgiveness, life, gladness, and joy to the receiving heart! It is said of our Lord Jesus, He had no servants, Yet they called Him Master; Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher; had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer; had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. Feel honored to know and to serve such an altogether marvelous and loving Savior.

This is why the greatest story ever told was, and is, told! Furthermore, the wonder of the meaning of this greatest story is embodied in the deep, and most often misunderstood, seasonal greeting: “Merry Christmas!”

FOR THOUGHT: Has the story of Christmas become trite to you? If yes, could it be that focus is on the words of the story and not the reality that the meaning of the words convey? What in the universe could compare with the story of Jesus? What?