Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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In the sphere of religion, the Lord’s churches have no earthly headquarters.

Comprehending that is difficult for some folks. Churches of the Catholic, Protestant, and some Neo-protestant persuasions do create their earthly headquarters which is often the home of upper echelons of an episcopal (preacher) hierarchy. Yet, there is a spiritual headquarters of a sort on earth to which all scriptural churches are inexorably attached. Think with me!

First, the words of the apostle Paul are noted as he wrote to young Timothy, “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the Living God, the pil ar and ground of the truth.” I Tim. 3:15. Next, the basic meaning of key terms in that verse is determined. The term “Behave” is from the ancient Greek

“Anastrepho” meaning “To turn about” that is, how to conduct oneself in every turn of life or situation one may face. The term “Pil ar” is from “stulos” a prop or support. The term “ground” is from the word, “hedraioma” a stay or support. This word comes from the base word meaning to sit or “seat.”

Two graphic ideas are in play by the usage of the two terms. The idea of “seat” indicates location or place, but apart from any geographical site. It is the centralized and concentrated center. In modern times one may refer to a certain city as the county seat. The city is not so called because of its location, streets, shops, institutions, etc. Rather, it is so known because the centralized concentration of governmental authority with its necessary trappings are there. The second idea is that of a pylon, a main support of a structure.

Finally, the specific ideas conveyed by those terms are taken into account. The something or someone identified in I Timothy 3:15 as being the seat and supporting pillar of truth is the church of the Living God. Consider that it is the special object of love, protection, and predestination in Christ Jesus. It is the Pearl of Great Price, the Treasure Hidden in a Field, the branches of the True Vine; His flock; His commissioned agency among men; His bride, His anointed body. Its purpose is not primarily social or financial, but spiritual. It has a commission to win, baptize, and teach the truth rather than build buildings, little personal kingdoms, or serve as springboards for episcopal (preacher, pastor) popularity. It is the seat and pylon of truth as presented in Holy Writ. One looking for truth must look to the preserved Word that came to men from heaven. One looking for the seat and pylon of that Word among men find it in a true church of the Living God that is a legitimate successor of the apostolic church; one standing for and subjugated to the Word.

OR THOUGHT: Like Israel of old who wanted a king, a lot of religious organizations must have their earthly headquarters, but not so, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their headquarters is in heaven, and their leadership centered on the Holy Spirit. Does that make sense to you? If not, will you seek to understand the Bible about this matter?