Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

How deep and how lasting are some gifts to a child? In my early childhood, living conditions went from bad to worse! Coming off the heels of the Great Depression, our country was forced into WWII. Our family had nothing, but the bare necessities of life, love for the Lord, and for one another. So, we were rich!

Once for Christmas, mom managed to save enough to get me a set of small rag-paper Bible story books. How I loved them and managed to keep one of them into adulthood. She bought them from the Jewel Tea man who peddled his goods from a truck.

Another time my Sunday School teacher, Agnes Wolfe, (I think her name was Minton before marrying Charles Wolfe.) taught class in a curtained off section of the one room church building. She gave me and others boys and girls in the class a picture of the Last Supper colorfully printed on hardboard. What a treasure! Now, I am an old man and I still have that picture, and I treasure its meaning more and more, and I will thank Agnes again for it in heaven.

Agnes loved the Lord. She was a very kind lady who, though large, dressed up to come to church as though she were going to a New York banquet. Her gift to me came two years before I was saved. I cannot say how much influence it had on that decision, but I can say it was most impressive that someone would give me something so wonderful, and my heart was always open and tender toward the lovely Lord Jesus Christ.

They say such recollection is strong evidence of growing old. Maybe so. I just like to think of it as a marvelous trip down memory lane that affords so many places to stop and smile, and be thankful for God, and for others who indelibly impressed a little guy in good things along the way.

The world has changed drastically from the days of WWII. Now, the hustle and bustle of persistently overloaded folks might cause them to not give so much as a passing glance at an act of goodness and kindness to a child, but children have not changed. Surely, they have been spoiled with material abundance, but loving kindness, and sincere beneficial love has been all but stifled. Perhaps that is why it is still the deep, lasting impression to which they cling. It is the best gift you can give a child. Give it!

FOR THOUGHT: Do you think many children are spoiled today because parents are determined to give them more than they had? If giving children more material things and less personal attention, love, and training, is that a good thing? Years fly by so swiftly, and children are children for such a little time. Are you letting precious time slip away?


An old adage is: “Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see.” Caution in believing and decision-making is a hallmark of wisdom but in eternal matters should we all subscribe to the motto of Missouri: “show me?” Think with me!

Just because something may not be visible does not mean it is unreal. Worlds of bacteria and viruses affect our health and continued life. These cannot be seen by the natural eye, but they are real. Electrical currents power everyone’s life. They cannot be seen, but they are real. The wind blows and its effects may be seen and felt, but the wind itself is unseen. Still, it is very real. So also is the Spirit of God and the spirit of man. Jesus used this very illustration to teach Nicodemus in John Chapter Three. Moreover, some may guffaw at the unseen in Psalm 34:7, “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.”

Here is a consideration of the case in point. In antiquity, Samaria was under siege by the Syrians. The prophet Elisha’s helper was distraught at the overwhelming numbers of the enemy until the prophet prayed for God to open his eyes so that he might see what the prophet saw.

There encircling the area were the angelic armies of heaven. He then heard Elisha say, “Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with them” 2 Kings 6:16. They were invisible to the natural eye, but very, very real. Thus is the saving, keeping, and teaching power of God in the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, by this power of the Almighty, He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him. Heb, 7:25.

Thank God for an everlasting, know-so salvation. You cannot see it, but it is very real.

Additionally, it is the will of God that all men should be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. Of course, these are matters of faith that are hidden from the natural man, but revealed to all who trust in Christ Jesus and walk in His Holy Word.

Does this make sense to you, dear reader? Does the real, but invisible power of the Creator God live in you and empower you through understanding of His Holy Word? The time is soon coming when that will be unimaginably important

FOR THOUGHT: Name some of the things you use, even depend upon, each day, but do not see? Is it too much then to believe the Creator Who tells us in His Word that we are not alone?

If the Holy Spirit was the energetic force that created the universe, could that same invisible power move human hearts? Has your heart been touched and drawn to Jesus?


“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

Without doubt, iniquity (religious activity beyond the bounds of the teaching of the Holy Word) is reaching its apex in this generation. Because iniquity abounds, the love of many is evaporating, Matt. 24:12. Thus, there is much talk in church circles regarding the nearness of the Day of the Lord. Most equate the phrase “Day of the Lord” to mean the return of Christ to catch away His bride, but those two things are not synonymous (close but not synonymous). Think with me about what the Bible is actually saying about this subject.

“The Day of the Lord,” or “That Day,” as it is sometimes called, is a reference to the mil ennial reign of Christ on this earth. The “one thousand years as a day” finds its roots in the Apostle Peter’s mention of time as it is reckoned by the Lord. It also fits as the fulfillment of typology set in creation: six days to labor, and the seventh day is for rest. Man is given six days to fulfill his purpose on earth (6,000 years), but the seventh day (1,000 years) is the day of rest from the world and its iniquity. It is the righteous reign of Christ Jesus on earth.

Inasmuch as Adam was created approximately 6,000 years ago, it would appear that mankind has had his six days to fulfill his purpose. Surely the seventh day is near. But some ill informed folks had apparently led the church at Thessalonica to believe that the day would come in their lifetime. Thus does the scripture enlighten not only them, but all of God’s people down through the ages with certain specifics. Before Jesus actually returns to earth the following will happen:

First, there will be an apostasy; that is, a turning away from believing and practicing the truth as set forth in the Holy Word. It is obvious that churches are well into the decimation stage.

Many have little to no active members under retirement age, and soon their church will not exist at all unless God intervenes in some way. Youth are not following in the steps of faith of their parents. This will worsen, doubtlessly, but that criteria is literally being seen presently.

Second, there will come about the revealing of the man of sin, the son of perdition. He is described in 2 Thess. 2. God’s people generally think of him as the ultimate antichrist. It is after he has his terrible time of destruction that Jesus literally returns bodily to the earth to judge and to set up His millennial kingdom: the Day of the Lord. Truly, blessed are those who are ready to enjoy that marvelous day of peace with Him. They shall see Jesus as He is because they will be immortal, incorruptible. . . like Him

FOR THOUGHT: Bible prophecy and history point to the extreme nearness of the end of this age. Do you see the marginalization of strict biblical Christianity? Do you notice a propensity of people generally to reject biblical conversations? What is the basis on which some churches are growing in number? Are church members actually learning and growing spiritually, or simply practicing religious unchanging ritual?


“Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” Galatians 3:16.

Visits to middle eastern countries early in my ministry empowered teaching, preaching, and writing about those places. They live in reminiscence helping certain lessons to come alive.

There is a story of one witnessing occasion in Israel which has underscored an important truth through the years. If readers thought by these lines I was going to share it, they are correct.

On one trip, things were so politically sticky that there had to be an Israeli guide on board the vehicle in charge of destinations and information. In predominantly Arab places, an Arab guide was in charge. Sometimes, both would be present when travel included both areas. The Arab guide proudly spoke of the significance of monuments and places. He also emphasized that this land belonged to his Arab people since they were the descendants of Abraham.

When the Jewish guide was in charge, he spoke of the marvelous advancement his people had given the land since 1948. He went on to say that this land belonged to the Jewish people since it was their long ancestral home, and it was given to them by Abraham through Isaac. It was interesting. In a brief period of silence, I spoke to them asking again about ownership of the land.

Each reaffirmed such ownership as they had previously stated. They were both wrong. The truth of the matter is that the land was promised to the seed of Abraham through Isaac. And in the words of Paul, God said not seeds as of many, but as of one, and that seed is Christ Jesus.

Therefore those who are in Christ are the inheritors of the land. Well, one can imagine: that bit of theology went over like a ton of bricks crossing the Atlantic. But it made for a most interesting and provocative conversation. Perhaps no one had brought that to their attention, at least in that way. But it is nevertheless true.

The time is not far away when the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ. His church which has borne the heat of the age in good testimony will inherit with Him, moreover we shall be the inheritance to Him as well.

A number of scriptures in the Old Testament, particularly in Isaiah speak of the details of that marvelous Day of our Lord. On that day, the full promise of boundaries will be given to God’s people. Additionally, they shall rule and reign with Him in a curse-removed earth for a thousand years of peace that will bring unparalleled prosperity and goodness to the whole earth, and to myriads of people multiplied on it. It will be an environment free of satanic influence and extended human life. All will enjoy astronomical agricultural abundance. On that day from pole to pole, and wherever east meets west, the land will be freed from the curse of sin, and blessed for everyone!

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

FOR THOUGHT: Have you studied the land grant God promised to Abraham’s seed to find it much larger than the land currently occupied by Israel? When do you think that land grant will be honored? Do you believe what Paul told the churches of Galatia, that the real inheritor of the Abrahamic promise is Christ Jesus? How does that affect you as participating in the inheritance?


“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14

I am very certain there is good reason, perhaps known only to God the Author, but one wonders just why the word “Enthusiasm” is not in the Bible. Think about it!

The word consists of three parts: “En” (in); “Thus,” (God), and “Ism” (the noun ending denoting state of being). Hence, “enthusiasm” literally means, “The state of being in God.” But what is commonly associated with the term? It is excitement, energy. Is that not what one finds in a close relationship with God? Surely it is! So much the more, then why the word should be in the Bible, as least to the mind of this writer.

However, there are words in the Bible that are synonyms of “Enthusiasm.” Words such as “Fervent,” “Zeal,” “Zealous.” These words come from the ancient Koine Greek term “Zeo”

meaning boiling liquids or glowing hot metals.

Illustrated from childhood experience, a small amount of turpentine dabbed on a cat’s behind would cause the animal to erupt into a racing, super speed. It was a show and tell demonstration of enthusiasm. But that is far afield from what the term should mean, and its synonyms do mean in the Bible.

Enthusiasm in spiritual matters is not self induced excitement or an attempt to create enthusiasm by that means. Such is easily seen and diagnosed. The problem is that it is false, and in reverse of the true process. Enthusiasm in proper spiritual matters may indeed spill over into physical expressions. True happiness shows, and it is detected as being genuine.

So, how may one come to possess a high degree of excitement, and joy that is associated with the term “enthusiasm?” How about simply engaging in the activity that the term specifically denotes? “The state of being in God.” There is no other way to know this blessed state than a specific, complete surrender to God as personal Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Lord.

As the writer of Hebrews pointedly noted, “He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

When sobriety claims the mind and heart; when knowledge of one’s natural state permeates the mind; when realizing the presence of the new birth, and opening the divine presents of faith, hope, love; when basking in the myriad promises so applicable both here and hereafter of peace beyond understanding, then a resounding “Praise the Lord” and “Amen!” will not be sufficient expressions of the soul. Moreover, those will be expressions of enthusiasm that are genuine and acceptable to the saints, and to the One Who gave it!

FOR THOUGHT: Some folks work at being enthusiastic, and some are enthusiastic without working at it. Do you notice the difference? How does each case impress you? Do you think a truly enthusiastic, Christian life is predicated on much study and meditation in God’s Word?


Various media emit a virtual flood of vile information every day about the sins running rampant in this generation. It is not that they are new, quite the contrary, they are almost as old as mankind. But they are multiplied thousands of times over in number and intensity as the age draws to a close. Moreover, the commonality of them all is summed up as “It’s all about me.”

Think with me about this!

One predominating problem is abortion. Why does it exist? It is all about me: what I want, and I will murder to get it! Another is sexual perversion. Homos want acceptation in society the same as hetero-sexual folks. Moreover, men want to become women, and women want to become men. Women want to mate with women, and men want to mate with men. In Disney terms: when Mickey prefers Donald over Minnie, that’s Goofy! Why is this? It is all about me! Still another is the abandonment of responsibility. Whatever may happen, it is somebody else’s fault. Families are abandoned; little children left to whomever may have a heart of compassion for them. Why? It is all about me!

The list goes on. There is addiction to alcohol and various other drugs. People will lie, steal, and even kill to get a temporary high from their drug of choice. Why? It is all about me!

Then enter the quest for material success. Nothing, but nothing must get in the way of material success. It does not matter who is hurt, stepped on, abandoned or thrown overboard. It is all about me! Oh, how about political socialism? As the government dismantles traditional America, masses applaud at the prospect of skimming off the cream of the labors of others as a supposed right. It does not matter if what I have is a tort from those who have prepared themselves, and labored hard for what they have. I want it! Give it to me, and I will vote for you!

Why is this? It is simple. It is all about me!

Enter the world of religion. “The teachings of that book called the Bible are just too harsh. It makes me feel bad. It cramps my style. I want a religion that relates to me in my selfish, sinful pursuits. I will take such a religion if it suits me, or leave it if it doesn’t. After all, it’s all about me!”

Well, this is the world today. But it is not new. It all happened before in the days of Noah, and to it the totally corrupt society of the world is destined to return, because it wants a world devoid of the righteous, Creator God. It is by His grace that they shall have it for a short time, but their arrogant selfishness shall soon turn to cries for rocks of the mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the face of Him who comes. Rev. 6:15-16. I believe all men should understand this and prepare by living in accord with the Word.

FOR THOUGHT: In the ruination of individuals and of society, what can compare to the sin of selfishness? What are you doing to benefit others? Is there a greater benefit or blessing you could be to others than living a credible Christian life before them?


Some folks believe that trusting Jesus, and becoming His disciple is a surrendering of life, and its potential to a static life of religion. Oh, how the devil delights in spreading that lie!

The truth is in Christ, and in Christ life really is all about me! Think with me about this.

Why did God leave heaven and become a man? It was to fulfill the types and promises of the Old Testament, and to pay the penalty of sins on behalf of mankind. He did this for me!

You see, it really is all about me!

Why did He provide an everlasting salvation for all who repent of sins, and trust Him as personal Savior, especially me? Oh, yes, it is all about me!

Why did He create the living organism known as His body, the church? He did it that I might learn of Him, grow in grace and knowledge. Yes, it is all about me! I Timothy 2:4 declares that God will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. That includes me!

Did He not promise His dear children new life, and a new, incorruptible body, even me?

Oh, yes! It is about me!

Does He not give me the opportunity to mature in the faith once delivered to the saints?

Will that not qualify me to rule and reign with Him in the age that is about to happen? Does this include me? Indeed! It is all about me!

Will He show me how an entire universe may be destroyed and return to the unseen state? Will I truly be allowed to view this? Sure enough, it is all about me!

I have the opportunity to see how creation is done. Because once resurrected I will ever be with the Lord. I will have a bird’s eye view of the creation of new heavens and a new earth!

Hallelujah, it is all about me!

Who then will get to live in New Jerusalem on the new earth? It will be his disciples of every age, and that includes me! It is indeed all about me!

Who then has the joy of studying, praying, coalescing the rightly divided Word that takes one from mountaintop to mountaintop? Among others, it is me! Thank the Lord it really is about me!

Dear reader this is for you, too. I claim all these blessings for myself within the constraints of the Blessed Word of God. I hope you will, too.

FOR THOUGHT: Some folks think the idea of being a Christian is “Give, give, give!” Have you considered Christianity to be a “Get, get, get” religion, and that even giving is getting? Do you find great joy as a Christian both in giving and getting that excels things done in the flesh?