Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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God is so wonderful! He has done everything necessary for sinful men to be eternally saved spiritually, and to achieve salvation of the mind-life (proper maturity in understanding and employing biblical instructions). His will is so plainly expressed in I Timothy 2:4, “Who wil have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

Somewhere along the long line of history, evangelism has taken on a new, but man-made, reduced meaning. Still, the true meaning of the term must be understood from the biblical presentation of it in action, and there is no shortage of that. A few select instances are herewith cited. New Testament work is built upon repentance from sins in obedience to God, followed by receiving heaven’s authorized baptism. This was begun by John the Baptist, and placed in His church by Jesus Himself. All the disciples of Jesus received it, including our Lord Himself. From that point forward one may note the baptism of Cornelius (Acts 10); the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8); Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9); the Philippian jailer (Acts 16); the group improperly baptized (Acts 19), et., etc. Deep water immersion of each professed believer was administered as the consistent biblical pattern for that time, and throughout the age. It is still God’s approved method of evangelism.

However, what is now largely assigned to the term “evangelism” is simply leading one to profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. At that point, the person is dropped to join whatever may exist under the broad banner of “Christianity.” whether such movement is scriptural or not or even if they do not practice baptism. This is the injection of man’s preferences into the Word of God, and that is iniquity. It will not stand in the Day of Judgment. Some will be shocked to learn that they have been led astray, and others will be shocked that their “good” intentions were the source of leading others astray.

Folks, it should be known that “evangelism” is a Greek term that has been transliterated into English rather than translated. The translation of the term is “good news or good announcement.” Contrary to what many want to believe, the good news or announcement is not simply that men can now be saved. That has been going on since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. Rather it is that lost men may continue to be saved, but now be added to the Lord’s church, the executor of the kingdom of heaven, and achieve a high degree of spiritual maturity under the tutorial leadership of the Holy Spirit given to it. Such will enable those so exercised to rule and to reign with Christ in the upcoming millennial reign. To shortchange evangelism is to cheat men out of this grand opportunity.

FOR THOUGHT: What do you understand by the terms “Evangelism” and “Soul-winning”? Is it a matter of concern that your definitions match those of the Bible? It is possible to find instances in the Bible were people were encouraged to trust the Lord with proper baptism ignored?


“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Someone, no, a lot of folks have said, “you know you are getting old when you look backward in life more than you look forward.” I am guilty! But wait a minute! That does not mean that I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. Still, it is sweet to reminisce about little things that caresses the heart as a sweet piece of pie titillates the tongue and pleases the palette. Bear with me!

The year was 1959, and I was twenty years old. In the spring, I announced to my church, Cavanaugh Missionary Baptist Church in Fort Smith, Arkansas that God had called me to preach the gospel. That stirred a lot of emotions in several people: some very happy, and a few disappointed. But, these asides will now be forgone.

As spring turned to summer, preparations were made to enter Missionary Baptist Seminary in Little Rock, Ark. Although I had been away from home in military camps and basic training, there had always been someone responsible for my living quarters, food, clothing, etc.

Moving to Little Rock from Fort Smith would entail a whole different set of circumstances, including knowing no one there. As August came, it was time to make the move. It would allow some time to find a place to live, and an all-important job to pay those expenses.

To help make things easier, mom put together some necessities for bachelor living: cooking and dining utensils, some non-perishable food items, recipes, and the like. Among those things was her best butcher knife. I had little appreciation at the time how valuable that knife would become. Now, some 60 years later, that knife is still the most used utensil in the kitchen. It is the best peeling knife, melon splitter, bread cutter, butter spreader, etc. It is made of high grade steel so thin one can almost double the blade backwards, but it will peel a potato before quick can get ready. I am protective of that knife. The handle is well-worn hardwood. I will not let it go into the automatic dishwasher. It is always on the kitchen counter, ready to be used for so many different purposes.

Mom and dad are both gone now. Over 30 years have come and gone since they took their flight heavenward, but there is nothing in our household: pictures, dishes, or other things that hold the same sentimental value as momma’s knife. It evokes a picture of her in happy days long ago in her kitchen preparing meals for her family whom she often described as appetites with skin pulled over them.

Sometimes it seems strange what attachment is placed on things others may not notice at all, but momma’s knife reminds me of another knife that God gave to me. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, and . . . is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Thank you, Lord, for that knife!

FOR THOUGHT: Have you been surprised at what sentimental attachments you place on the most unlikely items reminding you of precious people? What do you have, and prize, that reminds you most of God and His grace? Do you protect that?


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” Romans 1:28.

A television news commentator was recently heard to say, "How did we come to this?

How did we slide so far so fast?” It is a question posed by a lot of folks across the country who find their heads reeling with the magnitude and speed of national decline, moral indecency, and widespread corruption. Although multi-faceted, the answer is not complicated. Think with me!

Fast track back over 90 years. Think of the infamous Scopes Trial involving William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow as adversaries over the teaching of Darwinian evolution in public schools. It launched a continuous slide until a near reversal prevailed: it is now unlawful in most schools to teach creationism instead of the evolution of species.

Next came monetary inflation associated with the industrial revolution, and its effect on churches. It was exciting that churches could now have access to funds for building and expansion. So they built. They expanded. They programmed. Soon, it was apparent that anything controversial must be avoided as it would cause a reduction of members, and their offerings so necessary to meet the large debt obligations of material expansion. Doctrine and culture clashes were avoided while children became latchkey kids as both parents worked to keep pace with society’s ever escalating material offerings. Meanwhile, those children were being systematically taught from kindergarten through college that they were a product of evolution. The logical result of that is that if so, they are not accountable to any higher power such as the “Christian Crutch”: God! Christianity was relegated to being a segment of culture, formalistic, ritualistic, non-spiritual, and marginalized by masses of its once proponents.

From this came Roe vs Wade and the annual slaughter of millions of innocents. The prime motivation of life became, nothing must stand in the way of self gratification. Enter the

“normalization” of homosexuality and the labeling of God’s Word as hate speech, and you have arrived at how far, how fast the slide. So, a new generation arose that knew not God! Though similar to ancient Israel in the days of its judges, it is certainly a commentary, description, explanation in part of the slide of Christianity in America. Finally, those who reject God, God rejects, and He turns them over to a reprobate mind to do those things that are evil; whose judgment flies toward them swiftly and certain.

FOR THOUGHT: Have you studied history enough to know that history repeats itself? Do you agree that it repeats itself more quickly on those who forget the past? How much have government schools with tenured instructors been responsible for this slide? How much have parents contributed to the slide by abandoning their children in favor of the workplace?


In the blessed state before time began as we know it, there was only the single dimension of life. I speak of the holy will of God permeating in totality all that then was. In an interesting study of Bible Numerics, it is learned that the number “2” is the number of division, of another viewpoint, of something in addition to the will of God; hence, of sin and evil. This began inexplicably in Lucifer. With the inception of sin, comes the dimension of opposites. Nothing can be thought of in the finite mind that does not have an opposite. Hence, the burden of this article.

Think with me about this.

Christianity is essentially a positive way of life. But to say it is positive admits that there are negatives, by which positives are recognized. But it is most important that the viewpoint of one’s life in Christ be framed correctly. That is: do not try to live the Christian life in the negative, but in the positive. Let me explain. When one attends to the positive life in Christ, his attention and energies will be there. And what a joy it is to bask in the endless blessings they afford. The problem with some folks is that they approach life with attention to the negatives. It is what they do not do that is important to them: they do not curse today, they do not lie, today; they do not steal or slander, today. With all their attention focused on the negatives, they can be sure that they will fall into one or more of them sooner or later, then what? These are the very things that many attend who believe in apostasy; hence, they must be saved all over again due to their failure. Such is not reality at all in the grace of God. It is rather that life should be lived in the Positive/negative mode.

There is so much to learn from the Holy Word that brings true joy to the soul. Moreover, I have observed and learned that the temptation to do evil has no place when one is immersed in thought or prayer about holy things. One will never be tempted to tell a friend a smutty joke if he is seeking the salvation of that friend. Here, then is the essence of proper priority. In the words of Paul to the church at Colossi, “ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” 3:16-17.

When this is done, the negatives will be there, but have no place in the Christian life. It should never be Negative/positive, but always Positive/negative. But what to do if the negatives surface as they surely will? John tells us in his first epistle at 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

FOR THOUGHT: Have entertained the idea that life in eternity will be only positive? Could the elimination of negatives be a part of what is conveyed when it is said of that environment, “The former things are passed away”? How glorious do you think that will be?