Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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“And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. ” Genesis 22:1-2.

One of the best loved bible stories is that of the offering of Isaac by his father Abraham. It is recorded in Genesis 22. It is a story of profound faith on display for the benefit of all succeeding generations. Truly, there is still much to be said about that monumental event, but comments are here confined to the test of Abraham’s faith in God, and its extrapolation to modern day saints.

Let it be noted that the arena of fellowship with God prepared the patriarch for it, and he was not totally blindsided by divine command. In fact, that preparation underscores the nature and the value of daily awareness of, and personal implementation of, the Holy Word, which is the essence of faith.

God had promised the lineage of Abraham’s seed would be perpetuated through Isaac. Thus, Abraham did not just acquiesce to that, but believed it with all his heart. If Isaac were offered up to God, then God had already obligated Himself to raise him from the dead, restore him to his father, and give him children. Had the patriarch been lackadaisical in his relationship with God, and his awareness of His Word, he could not have passed this profound test.

It is sad that in these last days when God’s people have access to the completed Word of God, a great many know less of it than Abraham did. He never owned a copy.

Is it any wonder then that when adversity or some hard thing comes that so many are stopped in their tracks?

Every true Christian has an Isaac test. It is not like that of Abraham, but it is a test of faith just the same. Those who are familiar with the Word, and in daily communication with the Lord pass their Isaac test as did the ancient patriarch. Those who do not read the Bible, and profess to be born-again church members, but miss church meetings more than they attend, find themselves perplexed, amazed, and unable to cope with those tests that come ... and …..they will come! Please know that there is great reward and tremendous joy to those who pass their Isaac test, just as there was to our father, Abraham.

Happy indeed are those who welcome their Isaac test, because they know God’s promises, and are unshakable in “thus saith the Lord.”

FOR THOUGHT: Can you identify at least one Isaac test in your life that you passed because you were without options, and you had to depend on God and the promises of His Word? How do you feel about that now?


Every four years, the country suffers the deluge of political platitudes in sufficient quantity to ensure weariness. It is expected, and among those who think, most of the grand promises promoted are taken with a grain of salt. However, in this context, it is troubling to note an apparent lack of understanding about the history of the nation and its relationship to God. It is often heard that “America needs to return to God!” or some similar statement of the same import, except in recent political rallies where He has been booed. Really?

In the early days of this country, Baptists were imprisoned for nothing more than preaching Bible truth. They were taxed against their will to build church houses of Protestant denominations. To be sure, the Lord’s churches have enjoyed a tremendous degree of freedom here, and flourished therein, but most of those freedoms came about because God blessed the consistent, pressing efforts of His people. Moreover, this also was not without undesirable repercussions. Some were jailed simply for being adamant about their beliefs of God and freedom.

So, in the general context of religious life, America is noted as a “Christian” nation.

However, the persistent rejection of foundational ethics of Judeo-Christian origin, moral, ethical, and religious standards have been more in a nose dive than on a slippery slope.The bottom line is that as a nation, America has never been in step with God. The platitude of “America needs to return to God” would better be stated, “America needs to turn to God.”

It is still true that Satan is the god of this world. His power is such that he offered the kingdoms of this world to Jesus if only He would worship him. Was the offer legit? Surely it was, and had to be in order for it to be a temptation.

But it is demonstrably true that God had, and has, much to do with this country; much more than the country has to do with Him! It is lamentable, but Bible students have peace in this world of turmoil because they have read the last chapter of the Holy Book. The sinking of nations into the cesspools of sin is a precursor to the return of Jesus. Meanwhile, how nice it would be if leaders would learn that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people!” Prov. 14:34

FOR THOUGHT: Do you and your family, or your friends, ever talk about God and politics?

Some say those two topics are so controversial that they are off limits. Why? Are they not the two great forces that affect life here and hereafter? What do you enjoy talking about?



“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34.

There is an old saying that perception perpetrated long enough becomes reality. That principle often dominates in the world of ideas. One tuned in to news of current events, even occasionally, will hear much in the political arena of ideas about our country being a democracy.

That simply is not true. The United States of America as a political system is a Constitutional Republic! There is a difference. It is an important difference.

The diffusion of power in a nation has always been a problem to freedom loving people.

The world has had more than its fill of monarchies, oligarchies, democracies, communism, socialism, fascism, and dozens of aberrations of those forms. The wise founders of this nation wrestled in the world of ideas about how to fashion a government of, by, and for the people to insure the maximum freedom to individuals, and limited, but sufficient powers to government.

Their wrestling and their wisdom paid off big time! In outspoken disdain for democracies with their consistent failures, and obvious disdain for monarchies and oligarchies, a new and far better form of government was hammered out that is under siege today more than most people realize.

Listen, listen. It is not “Constitutional Republic” that rolls off the tongue of would be rulers. Rather it is “Democracy” that one hears. Moreover that is repeated often and purposefully. When the thought pattern of democracy is ingrained enough, the tenants of a republic are set aside. When the government becomes the expression of the majority vote of individuals, all the safeguards of the constitution are negated. It is a case of perception becoming reality.

Resistance to this infringement on the best form of government the world has ever known depends upon education and testimony. It really is incumbent upon every citizen to know what kind of government constitutes his homeland. It really is incumbent upon every citizen to discern error from truth and speak out about it. This nation is a nation of states all of whom have rights, and all of whom ratified the United States Constitution, under which unparalleled freedom is enjoyed. It is the Electoral College that affords all of the states undeniable rights in selecting the executive branch leader of the nation. It is the Constitution of the United States of America that guarantees freedom of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, etc. Let it be proudly announced that we pledge allegiance not to a democracy, but to the republic for which the flag stands. May it ever remain within the crafted confines of freedom until the absolute best ever form of government is initiated by the King of kings.

FOR THOUGHT: Do you appreciate the wisdom of our founding fathers who gave us a republic, “If we can keep it?” Do you agree with the statement: “For evil to reign, all that is required of good men is that they do nothing!”? Do you understand the safeguards of freedom the constitutional republic form of government affords every individual?


The reference to Bible “BE” almost always calls to mind the beatitudes of the beloved Sermon on the Mount of Matthew 5-7. However, there are other important usages of the topic.

One such usage is “Be Perfect!” Think with me about it.

Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matt. 5:48.

Some folks explain this as the ideal, but unachievable. Such reasoning puts Jesus into the context of playing mind games with His hearers. Unthinkable! What then is one to make of this exhortation? Often heard at home, school, and church is: “nobody is perfect.” That is evidence that the term is commonly understood as “being without fault.” However, that is not the usual meaning attached to it in the Bible. Consider some scripture contexts.

Let the reader think “complete” when “perfect (ion)” is read. The mystery then gives way to understanding. It is the will of God that His people achieve a perfect (complete) understanding of the tenants of His Holy Word together with the moral compass it includes.

Hear the writer of Hebrews in 6:1, “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto(completion); not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,” To this, James exhorts, “But let patience have her perfect (complete) work, that ye may be perfect(complete) and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4. Paul told the Philippians in 3:15, “Let us therefore, as many as be, (complete) be thus minded:. . .” It should be noted that Timothy was told in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “Al scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, (completely, or) thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

God knows better than any mortal that sinlessness in human flesh is impossible to all the offspring of Adam. He also knows that spiritual understanding and obedience to that understanding is altogether attainable with the spiritual help of the Lord. Consider how this applies to the faith once delivered to the saints. Aside from mental acquiescence to those tenants, what do you personally know about the hereditary depravity of the total man; salvation by grace alone; eternal security of the believer; the proper method, subject, and administrator of baptism; the nature of the New Testament church? Are these things being left up to the pastor?

If so, such parishioners would make good Catholics. It is not the pastor only who is to go on to perfection, but every true disciple. These things will be underscored in unimaginable ways at the return of our Savior and King.

FOR THOUGHT: Does the Bible meaning of “Complete” associated with the term “Perfect”

change the way you understand many verses of scripture? What do you understand the call to perfection in the Bible to mean to you personally? Will you now evaluate your completeness in ability to analyze the Bible? To enumerate core doctrines of the New Testament?