Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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Easter Sunday, has come and gone, but it evoked questions in the minds of some who would like more information. This is an attempt to provide such for further thought.


Exactly what day of the week was Jesus crucified, and how can one know for sure?

Exactly when was the veil of the Temple torn into two pieces, and just what is that supposed to mean?


Exactly when did the earthquake occur in connection with the crucifixion of Jesus?

Exactly when did the great number of saints arise from the graves to be seen in Jerusalem?


Exactly why did Jesus forbid Mary to touch Him near the garden tomb, yet invited the disciples to freely feel his body?

“And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

On this question number four, the “when” is much easier to answer than other aspects of it. Think with me about it for a minute.

Some have erred in interpretation of these verses in Matthew 27, thinking the resurrection of many saints occurred at the death of Jesus on the cross. The key phrase is “after his resurrection” in verse 53. Jesus went into Paradise upon His death and preached to the spirits of just men awaiting there. 1 Peter 3:18-20. When he arose, He led “captivity captive.”

Eph. 4:8. This teaches us that Paradise was removed from the realm of Hades to the realm of the heavenlies where the departed spirits of the saved go now at physical death.

Intriguing is the statement that the bodies of saints arose, not all, but many. With what body did they come forth, and what might have the criteria been by which they were chosen out of the entire population of Paradise to do this, are two questions of intense interest. If readers anticipated an answer in these lines, all the writer can do is apologize for his inability to give one of firm and logical standing. However, one may be sure it happened just this way, and the resurrection of those saints who were seen by many in Jerusalem is later used as irrefutable proof of the resurrection, both of Jesus and of those who trust in Him: marvelous truth and hope for all which even the Sadducees could not deny on any pretext of scripture.

FOR THOUGHT: Why do you think Jesus allowed some saints who were retrieved from Paradise to appear to the citizens of Jerusalem? Could it be primarily an indisputable proof of resurrection? Isn't resurrection what Easter celebration is all about? Do you have personal hope of being resurrected following death?