Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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Among those who are dedicated followers of Christ Jesus, even extending to those who might be classified as nominal Christians, there is a common desire often expressed and somewhat diligently sought. It is to be a truly spiritual disciple. Tragically, men turn to the devices of flesh in the pursuit of greater levels of spirituality. Those things do indeed generate a considerable amount of religious activity: greater offerings, more determination to wear a clean mind, and abandon common carnal thinking and doing. Many such activities may be commendable, but it is also possible that in spite of some laudable activity, spirituality is being sought in all the wrong places. Are you thinking with me about this?

God’s people should be aware of a certain passage of scripture, and they should put its suggested activity into action. I refer to I Corinthians 14:12, “Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.” What a marvelously simple, but profound idea. Look at it more closely: 1. “Zealous” means to be boiling hot as in an obsessive pursuit.

2. “Spiritual gifts” means the possession of recognized spirituality so bestowed by the Lord.

3. “Seek” means to earnestly diligently search.

4. “Excel” means to do excellently, far above the average.

5. “Edify” means to build up, to enhance reputation.

6. “Church” means the saved, baptized, called out assembly of the Lord Jesus Christ.

With an understanding of the meaning of the terms of this precious verse of scripture, we may restate it in amplified terms in the following manner: “Even so ye (you, plural) are boiling hot in desire and pursuit of spiritual gifts that you and others identify as coming from God, earnestly, diligently search out ways and means to do much more than the average disciple to build up the reputation of the called out assembly of Jesus (the church) as a spiritual institution in the community.” What a wonderful, practical way our Lord has chosen to elevate one’s spirituality. Every church member ought to be so engaged.

FOR THOUGHT: Faith, facts, and feelings play large roles in discipleship. Too often they are out of order. So, what guides your receptions and decisions about eternal things? Is it what makes you feel good? Is it faith, first? Will you seek bedrock truth (facts), then base your faith on that, and allow that to produce the proper joy (feelings)?


On a trip to Australia to be of assistance and encouragement to our missionary, spearheading missionary efforts of the churches of the American Baptist Association to that country, Laura and I found ourselves on a flight with a large number of Australian farmers who were returning from a “round the world” tour of ranches and farms. Their stops in the USA included Amarillo, Texas. They were enamored with the American West. Most of them were wearing bandanas and western boots. One even had a genuine sack of Bull Durham tobacco with the yellow strings hanging out of his shirt pocket. We engaged them in interesting conversation.

As the aircraft approached Australia, I fixed attention on the scenes below with great anticipation. It was then that one of those farmers leaned over my seat and said in a heavy Australian brogue, “Awl ye’l see’s red rooves.” After asking him to repeat the sentence twice, I finally understood what he was saying. He was right, of course, and I was initially disappointed.

I thought the country was sadly lacking in architectural diversity. However, once on the ground that thought changed dramatically. Red tiled rooves may have covered most buildings, but diversity of construction and color pleasantly prevailed.

What an appropriate il ustration of “Christianity” this conveyed. Folks under the umbrella of Christianity are so blessed to be there by the shed blood of Christ Jesus on their behalf. But the way some build their life on that foundation is as diverse as those buildings. The range is from magnificent to shabby; practical to gaudy, but mostly far from being a projection of the biblical blueprint. It was our purpose, as well as those who would follow to build according to the biblical blueprint, and not after the whims of men.

That purpose remains! The apostle Paul wrote to the church of the Living God in Corinth, and by proper extrapolation to us all throughout the age, that the church is the building of God.

He further stated, “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.” I Corinthians 3:9-10.

The apostle went on to write in the following verses just how important it is to build according to the biblical blueprint. Such would be as gold, silver, and precious stones on the day of the Lord. Otherwise, a lot of stained glass and vaulted ceilings where social stability takes precedence over “thus saith the Lord,” wil be revealed as wood, hay, and stubble. Al wil be tried by fire. Which do you think will remain and be rewarded?

FOR THOUGHT: How much responsibility do you think you have for learning and following the Lord properly? Are you looking to religious leaders or the Bible itself? Do you seek harmony in what you hear told or preached with the unity of the Bible? What do you think will be the basis of your eternal reward? Do you believe you must live in eternity forever and the reward of righteous living here and now will be a huge consideration without end?