Devotions From the Pen of Dr. W. A. Dillard by W.A. Dillard - HTML preview

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To some, there is a contradiction in scriptures from the content of Genesis 2:4, 4:26, and Exodus 6:3. A close look at those contents will cause the supposed contradiction to dissipate.

God emphasized to Moses that His name is Jehovah in Exodus 6:3. He went on to say, “And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.” Exodus 6:2-3.

Now, consider that God introduced this name as a compound with Elohim in Genesis 2:4

where it appears in Hebrew as “Jehovah-elohim” “LORD God”. Now, fast forward to Genesis 4:26,

“And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.” “LORD” in all caps in English Bibles distinguishes it as the Hebrew word “Jehovah.”

“Ah-ha” says the skeptic. There it is a clear contradiction.” No, not so fast, for the following reasons: 1) the name “Jehovah” has specific revelatory connotations and denotations. Those connotations…and... denotations associated with that name expose the God Who progressively reveals Himself to His people, and they were about to take on graphic meaning in the contest with Egypt’s gods; indeed, in the entire episodes of the exodus, wilderness wanderings of Israel, and conquest of the Promised Land. No one had previously seen or dared to imagine the seemingly endless string of miraculous displays of power by God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as He revealed Himself as Jehovah to the Hebrew nation. 2) The term “know or known” must be understood. Sometimes in the Bible that term may indicate a conjugal relationship between a man and his wife, or illicitly between an unwed couple. In some contexts, it indicates an approved or disapproved relationship in human and spiritual affairs (as the case may be) yet in other contexts, it means to thoroughly know and understand certain bits of knowledge, or negatively to fail to understand. It is in this last definition that application beckons. While men may have called upon the name of Jehovah as early as Genesis 4:26, there simply was no understanding in their minds of the proper associations indigenous to that name. Those were reserved for the exodus: a special benefit to the Hebrews, and to us upon whom the ends of the world have come.

Finally, the context of Exodus 6:3 refers to its antecedents Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; not to those antediluvians who lived one millennium or more before those patriarchs. It is clear that the conditions of the antediluvian world were such as would hasten the discard of any significant bits of knowledge about God from those very early days of Genesis 4.

So where is the supposed contradiction? It is just that, a supposed one which must fall in the light of correlated truth from the infallible Word of God.

FOR THOUGHT: Now do you appreciate the task of proper, but different translations of the same word according to the context in which it is used? Do you see that such various usages have precedent within the bible itself, as well as in everyday life? What are some words common to your vocabulary that mean different things in different contexts?


Death was introduced to, and inducted into the human species at its fountain head in Eden. English translations of Holy Writ convey death first as “Surely die” (Gen. 2:17). It was the penalty of eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The ancient language uses participial action, and literally translated, it reads “Dying, thou shalt die.” This conveyance is proper, denoting death as a working process that culminates in removal from the earth, and ultimately eternal death in hell (conscious existence apart from the Creator and His blessings).

So it was then; so it is now.

Length of days has varied over the vicissitudes of time, but aging (dying) always continued. At the molecular level science shows that billions of body cells die, and are replaced every cycle of seven years. As they reproduce themselves each ensuing one is affected by free radicals, making it less perfect; hence, the aging (dying) process.

It is this very process which Solomon so eloquently wrote about in Ecc. 12. It is noted as a failure in delight; vision diminished; gloominess and depression increased; teeth (grinders) become few; bending down becomes burdensome and painful; fear of falling and of heights generally dominate; even the grasshopper becomes a burden. Sleeplessness prevails, and the end of it all is the silver cord is loosed, and the golden bowl broken. It is then that the dust (body) shall return to the earth as it was, and the spirit of man will return to God Who gave it. It is a predictable process which cannot be stopped as long as people are in the natural, sinful state of life. Medical science is indeed vaunted in the 21st Century, but it has neither improved upon, nor negated the truth of Psalm 90:10.

However, the progress of man, blessed of God, allows the aged of the age to live a more palatial life. Aids are indeed a blessing from God! No, not the disease, but the devices. Happy indeed are many of us who are the beneficiaries of them all. We have CPAP machines that allow us to get six to seven hours of sleep most every night, maintaining a level of health for productivity to continue. Furthermore, we are blessed with the aid of glasses to correct vision to 20/20, and now the removal of cataracts which allows good vision without glasses. Additionally, hearing aids allow fuller interaction in conversation. With them, it is amazing what one hears, but some things not heard would be a blessing, too.

With all the aids of the age(d), life continues in a largely unabated force, but the cellular breakdown continues, and soon we must all go the way of all the earth. The good news is that there is a marvelous light at the end of that tunnel of death for those who know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. It is none other than Him Who welcomes us into the eternal realm where life is always at its zenith, and aids do not exist. Who could entertain missing that future?

FOR THOUGHT: If you are not now blessed with the aids of the aged, hang on, you will be in time. Aside from these blessings, do you realize that you are, in fact, in the process of dying?

Do you know there is something better than an aid for that? It is replacement of death with the fullness of life in Christ. Have you crowned Him king in the throne room of your heart?


Some noted person has said, “War is hel !” Of course, it isn’t but it may be as close to it as one will encounter in earthly life. War! It is the story of evil versus good. The very first war was fought in heaven between the aggressive insurrection of Lucifer and the righteous forces of the Creator. The very last war will also pit these forces at the end of the millennium. In the ensuing millenniums between, it has been wars, wars, and rumors of wars! Think about it!

The Old Testament is cocked full of accounts of war. From the war of Abraham against five confederated kings to the conquest of the Promised Land, and the countless wars against God’s people once they were settled in the Promised Land. The history of mankind is written in red, blood red with wars and more wars!

Through these wars, forced by evil, God’s plan with man persevered to its predestined goal. Sinful men made righteous by the once-for-offering of God’s Lamb received the fullness of heaven’s instructions; followed them as the ultimate spiritual guide, and finally were in the position of mature sons in the spiritual realm.

But it would not be their lot to avoid war either. But, the warfare of the church is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places, Eph. 6:12. Moreover, it would be a personal warfare deep within each disciple as the flesh wars against the spirit and vice versa. Rom. 7.

The genre was set in the very first war after the Hebrews were liberated from Egypt, and the Amalekites brought battle to them. God instructed Moses to put this in the book for, said He, there will war with Amalek (the flesh) perpetually from generation to generation. 2 Corinthians 10:4 teaches us “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pul ing down of strong holds;)” Thus did Paul admonish Timothy to “. . . war a good warfare” I Tim. 1:18

In the war of influence, the church is being marginalized. It is foretold! Of antichrist it is said that it was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. Dan. 7:21; Rev. 13:7. But that is not the last chapter. God’s people wil be the final victors in Christ, and our Promised Land will be so much more than a land flowing with milk and honey . . . forever!

Rev. 22. At last, we will study war no more!

FOR THOUGHT: Do you see that the conflict of the ages is the conflict of sin vs righteousness?

Where is that conflict carried out if not in the life of every person who accepts Christ Jesus as his personal Savior? Do you have such conflict in your life? Please know that such conflicts handled well through the grace of God has rich, eternal reward.