Did God Create Satan And Demons by Emmanuel Keih - HTML preview

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This is all that Lord God Almighty abhors.

1. People who reject the fact that He is God the creator of all things in the universe. People have to stop getting trapped in trivial debates such as how and when God created the universe.  They have to come to the understanding that all these things are His creation. People have to stop believing in the evolution which was started by a demon possessed Charles Darwin.  The fact that almost all creatures have some more or less  similarities attests to the fact that one creator created them all. Their similarity no matter how big or small, is the signature of God appended upon them.

If human beings were once apes that evolved to human beings, there would never have been apes left for us to see nowadays. What would have caused some not to change while others were busy undergoing a complete change, in the same area under same conditions?

 White polar bears are said to have evolved from brown bears. They both look alike except for their colour and minor changes. It is but intriguing to note that polar dogs and jackals are not as white as polar bears. Did white polar bears really evolve from brown bears or were they just created white?

Human beings and apes are two different creatures. It would have been better if apes had some form of language regardless of how crude it could have been, but people would have ended up speaking it as well. The acid test is the ability to talk. Whatever animal could construct sentences for communication and walk on two legs with arms and hands and lastly be governed by thought processes as opposed to instincts, would without doubt be considered human being.

Apes, without exception, are governed by their instincts just like all other wild creatures. Therefore, that human beings were once apes is an insult. All believing in such a thing despise human beings. This talk befits alien people mocking the human race.

People with dark skins have failed to develop white skins after years spent in cold European places. To this day pure African Americans look like Africans in Africa with all the years spent in Europe or the Americas. Their pigmentation becomes lighter only after miscegenation has taken place between white and black people. Most souls are subjected to a gruesome healing process after death by not believing in God Almighty but in evolution. (E.K.R.)

2. People who fail to honour their parents as well as their elders.

3. Parents who fail to teach their children accepted ways of behaviour and to instill in them appreciation for God Almighty and willingness to worship Him and to strive to be virtuous on earth.

4. Perverts who cause other people to sin.

5. People praying to gods made of wood, clay and rocks. People praying to drawn or painted gods as well as those praying to other human beings.

6. Parents who love their children so much that they could not chastise them for the wrongs they do.

7. Parents who defend their children who have sinned or committed crimes.

8. People who buy stolen property from thieves.

9. People who kill other people.

10. Priests and pastors who practise simony, preaching that blessings from God Almighty are bought with monetary offerings. All monies people offer are for material things here on earth and have nothing to do with heaven. They are for the betterment of that particular church or religious institution as well as for stipends. All things belong to God, and there is nothing a person can give back to Him. That is why all monetary offerings end up in banks or spent to buy things needed by priests, pastors and those authorized to use such funds. God gave everything to human beings and God has no share whatsoever in it. God only needs His soul in each and every human being to be taken care of. (E.K.R.) It is good for a member of a church to give her church as much financial support as possible. That is very good. People who do that are people who know how to worship God Almighty. What is wrong is to say that the more money she gives to the church the more she will get blessing and wealth coming her way. This is simony. No one can buy God Almighty blessings. If someone is stingy when it comes to giving financial support to his church, he must know from now on that he never likes that church. Love shows itself in giving.

11. People who enslave other people. God Almighty is against all forms of slavery. All people are His own creation. (E.K.R.)

12. Children who run away from their homes and become street-kids. Such children are the scum of the world. Families producing street children will suffer the worst soul diseases in the life after death for failing to be good shepherds to their children. Families who had tried all they could to bring their children up well but children on their own turned themselves into street-kids will never suffer diseased souls emanating from deeds of their children. (E.K.R.) 13. An unjust judge, magistrate, headman and king.

14. People who are lazy to perform their duties and cause a lot of suffering to other people.

15. People who practise bestiality.

16. Serial killers, murderers and rapists have the worst diseased souls. (E.K.R.)

17. People who practise sorcery rend their souls to shreds. It will take them countless years to heal after death. (E.K.R.) 18. People who destroy nature by burning down God's land, plants, animals and insects aimlessly defile their souls by bringing about hellish destruction to nature. They as well as their descendants will suffer countless misfortunes here on earth. If a natural force such as lightning burns down the land, plants and animals, as a natural phenomenon it brings about a balance in nature some human beings could not understand. But manmade lightning strikes through sorcery rend the soul of perpetrators to tatters. (E.K.R.) 19. People who never hunt for food but just kill animals as a game abusing God Almighty's wild animals defile their souls. (E.K.R.)

20. Fishermen who fish excessively endangering some aquatic species do what God Almighty abhors and misery will always be upon them and their children in one way or the other here on earth and will also suffer horribly diseased souls after death. (E.K.R.)

21. People who cause wars among people afflict their souls with countless blisters. (E.K.R.)

22. People whose lies cause other people to suffer.

All these are people God almighty abhors and their souls are defiled. They have to repent, join the church of God's worshippers so as to reduce the amount of defilement in their souls. Worshipping God Almighty with joyful singing from ones heart and listening to soul supporting sermons not boastful ones or sermons causing people to lose hope or hurting people's feelings reduces defilement from the soul. Praying to God, if it is personal and for repentance, has to be private not public. Prayers made in churches among other people or by all people in the church have only be for praising Lord God Almighty for the good things He has done for people on earth.

God Almighty never causes people any sufferings here on earth, regardless of how sinful they might be, only the person's poor judgment and bad choices subject him to all sorts of misery and sufferings. (EKR.)

There are people who are favoured by God. Those people love God for what He is. The love for God is similar to the love of a baby for its mother. There is nothing a baby has to do for its mother in order for it to receive her love and care. The mother's love is always brimful for her baby. God has such abounding love for humanity but has no love for sinners and those failing to realise that He has created all which is around us from celestial to earthly creations. All was made by Him and Him alone. Because of His love, God sends out revelations to mankind such as this one. Yet mankind has that tendency to rebel against the Almighty God. God in His mercy has given all His creation freedom. God has caused all His creation to derive sublime elation from that given freedom, be it of speech, movement, respiration, sleep, nourishment of the body and so on and so forth. The freedom God gave to His people and all His creation, causes life to be the most fulfilling to those who are able to apply their minds wisely and care for all that God Almighty created. (E.K.R.)


Almost all Christians are under the deception that their souls could not be defiled and as a result they eat what God Almighty commanded not to be eaten by His people. They also engage in practices God Almighty had barred His people from getting involved in. They claim that those in Jesus Christ could not be defiled. Their claim is not found in the bible. Peter encourages people to keep on purifying their souls by obeying the truth with a pure heart (1 Peter 1: 22-23). Obedience is as good as worshipping God and shunning all evils. It also is the cleansing of the soul. Most Christians are greedy and lack strict self discipline.

Jesus was never served pork, or any meat of animals  that do not divide the hoof, and also do not chew the cud. Jesus  never roasted unclean birds. Jesus had never been served creeping  creatures, such as moles, mice, lizards and reptiles. He also had  never partaken of unclean aquatic animals. Yet on the cross God  found Him defiled.

What defiled Jesus, which even caused God to forsake Him on the cross was that he could not help touching the sick with their discharges and sometimes the dead and could get no time to make Himself clean. God is just, hence He forsook Him on the cross. He definitely had then to descend to Sheol , Sick Soul's Hospital, for purification.

That is why those Christians who might be allowed to gain access into heaven would but look at the throne of God from a distance and the big tent would be erected where they would be and Jesus would make it a point that He watches over them as a shepherd watching over his flock. Why has Jesus to do so? Christians are greedy and curious and could not help it. Jesus therefore has to make sure that no one of them enters the throne. As unclean food became part of their lives it also had left something in their souls which could never be taken out.

God Almighty in His mercy warned the children of Israel never to eat and touch unclean things. Some did previously and their descendents are still doing to this day as God Almighty commanded them to do. Others previously did and their descendents still do as they like even to this day. That is why the prophet Isaiah had to state it loud and clear how serious God Almighty is with all what He says. Read Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (NKJV)

Lord God Almighty has taken His time with Moses telling Him all He wishes His people to know and do. Jesus is on records as saying He has not come to do any amendments to the Laws given to Moses but He has come to fulfill them. Paul is not on records as having said people had to stop circumcision. Paul only warned those who thought the worship of God Almighty is only about circumcision. He made it clear that circumcision is not a barrier. He never instructed the churches to stop it.

Peter never partook of unclean food. That was just a dream. Unclean animals in fact are all the people who were not Jews. They are unclean for eating and involving themselves in unclean activities. John saw it clearly. All the unclean were in robes made white in the blood of Jesus as they stood a distance from the throne of God. Entering heaven is quite a privilege. They will enjoy all heaven has to offer, which is the best God Almighty could do for them regardless of their condition. (EKR)

“If a person does what God detests, he will be barring his soul from entering heaven straight away after death. A soul of such a person is a sick soul. Sick souls will have to be examined and their disease be diagnosed then they will be barred from entering heaven. They would then be subjected to a healing process the duration of which is determined by the severity of a disease. The place where the healing takes place is just a distance from the righteous abode.” (EKR) The Judaic traditional belief of souls undergoing purification in Gehenna was not the least away from the truth.

Such souls are like a piece of metal covered with rust. The severity of the rust on the soul caused by sins of the flesh causes the healing process to be as painful as burning in hell itself. That is why the healing process is accompanied by agony the soul has to bear. To simple onlookers, ( the souls of the righteous who happen to be nearer, just like the soul of Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31) this healing process is always mistaken for punishment and the screams from pain by sick souls as if caused by burning in hell itself. These screams are nerve wrecking.