Discover Your Calling by Kingsley Kelechukwu - HTML preview

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Abilities, talents, potentials and gifts are like tools given to each and every one of us by God to use on earth for the fulfilment of his plan and purpose for our lives. When God gives you an assignment, he empowers you with the right abilities, gifts, ideas and talents to get the work done. The abilities you have, the talents and ideas that are consistent in your mind are all blessings from God, given to you for the very purpose of the work you are born to do on earth. They are like seeds deposited in us by God through which God expects we use in producing /bringing forth quality goods/valuable fruits that will be a blessing to humanity and the world.

The bible said in Genesis 1:27-28 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

There are people who never saw a vision or had a dream, they may not have any form of passion but they are gifted, well talented. They have great ability that is able to sustain them in what they find to do all their days on earth. They are specialists in what they do and well skilled in their crafts. A young man by name Bezalel was gifted and blessed with knowledge in all kinds of craft, to make artistic designs. “Then the Lord said to Moses, “see, I have chosen Bezalel son of Hur, of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of craft-To make artistic designs for work in Gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship.”

You can see that his abilities are a natural gift from God, and with such an ability, he will be gainfully employed all the days of his life because wherever any need for any form of artistic design work is needed, Bezalel will be contacted.

There are so many people God has richly blessed with great talents in this regard, some people are so talented that everyone know them by their talent. And it takes proper refinement of their gifts, a good character and grace of God for this ones to stay relevant an in high demand all the days of their life.

You must understand that God has richly blessed you. You must settle with the truth that God has given you all you need to be and to do all you’re born to do. God has empowered you with right abilities and talents, ideas and interests that are unique and are special to you alone and he said, occupy till I come, meaning you should engage and put your gift/abilities to productive work all your days. God has given abilities to some persons in ways that the abilities given them has the capacity of engaging them productively all the days of their life. Your abilities and ideas are like seed packaged inside of you. The seed in you is what produces the fruit outside of you. When you see an orange tree, what you expect from it and what it delivers to the world are Orange fruits, also when you see an apple tree, it produces apple fruits to the world. You will never see an orange tree producing apple fruits neither do you see an apple tree producing mango fruits. Definitely if you ever see an orange tree producing apple fruits, the tendency is that you will never eat from such a tree, why? Because it’s functioning outside its true identity, it’s working against nature. The fruit it reveals outside is not a product of the seed it holds inside. This scenario is abnormal but in reality, this is the way most people are functioning in the world. I believed that God looks down from heaven and is seeing men functioning abnormally, that is the reason he gave me this assignment, to bring them back to their calling. People who God created and gifted for a special work are misplaced in life, they are busy doing other works far different from the work God has ordained and given them the ability to do, they are functioning outside of their area of grace and by so doing are unable to produce and offer the world products and services of immense value or worth.

Your gift will make room for you

People destined to be architects are working as doctors or pharmacists, those gifted as musicians are busy operating as accountants and bankers, those called to be lawyer or engineer are busy working as pastors or traders, ordained business men and women working as secretaries and civil servants. People are seriously misplaced everywhere and this confusion is causing chaos and troubles in the systems and in the world, frustrations and misery in the lives of many people, poverty and diseases ravaging the society because people are blinded from who God has called them to be and are seriously suffering and confused, doing jobs and works God has not ordained or called them to do, thereby limiting their potentials and sabotaging their great abilities.

God has blessed everyone with a talents, an ability and an idea. There is no one on earth who is empty or barren without a seed for fruitfulness. Everyone has a place in life where God designed for them to use their talents in. Your talent is a seed and it has a ground where it will flourish if planted. When God created humans, he gave gifts to all and the gifts given by God to us all is for our individual assignment. While some persons discovered their own abilities earlier enough in their lives and are busy using them productively in creating meaningful value in their worlds, some others still can’t figure out what their gifts in life is. They can’t actually say specifically what they are good at or what they’ll love to spend their life doing.

Proverbs 18:16 says

“A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” KJV

Your gifts is what you offer, your gift is what you can do, your ability and your talent. Your gift creates opportunities for you. A Good example is a young man named joseph in the bible, Joseph had a revelation of his future, God showed him that he was going to be a great man in the future but God never showed him how he was going to make that to happen in reality, but joseph had two things he knew how to do best, one was good management and the second was interpretation of dreams. These where his gifts, he was so good with management and dream interpretation that when he was in Potiphar’s a house, God prospered Potiphar because of the faithfulness and management of Joseph, when he was wrongly accused and locked up in prison, having lost everything including family, he never lost his gifts. His abilities made him stand out even in prison that he was made head of all the prisoners, he was so good with his gifts that the prison warden left everything in Joseph’s care because Joseph excelled in his management. His gift in dream interpretation was evident that even in prison he used it to serve people. It was in serving his gifts that he interpreted the dreams of two officials of Pharaoh who were put in prison for various offenses. The two officials had separate dreams the same night and work up the next morning looking dejected and when Joseph came to them that morning, this was what he said.

“When Joseph came to them the next morning, he saw that they were dejected. So he asked pharaoh’s officials who were in custody with him in his master’s house,

“Why are your faces so sad today?” We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.” Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.” So the chief cupbearer told joseph his dream…” Genesis 40:6-9a (NIV)

Notice that Joseph saw two people in a distress situation he knew he could help out, he might as well had seen their trouble as a cheap opportunity to make quick money by charging them for the service he was about to render, but no! He saw the situation as an opportunity, a privilege to serve, using his ability and gift to be a solution and an answer to their worries and challenges. It was recorded that after interpreting to them their individual dreams, their dreams happened to them in reality just exactly as Joseph had interpreted for them and after two years, that attitude of using his ability to solve the problem of others, that act of service gave him the opportunity that brought him before king pharaoh to do for the king that which he has the potential and ability to do so well.

“Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.” Genesis


Joseph did not appear before the king by chance, the testimony of his ability and skills have reached the ears of the king that is why he was summoned by the king himself so that he might use that his ability to be a solution to his problem. This is how God functions, when you bless satisfy people with your gift, God will set you up with an opportunity that will move you from where you are presently to where he prepared for you to be in destiny.

You may be talented but until your talent, skills, ability and gifts blesses people, until you subject your abilities to service to humanity, you may not have the opportunity that will navigate you to the destiny that God purposed for your life. If Joseph never used his gift to interpret the dream of the chief cupbearer and the chief baker, he wouldn’t have been known for his ability/gift and no one would have remembered him or given him the opportunity that brought him to his calling in life and in his assignment, he was handed the resources and economy of Egypt to manage. When you are faithful with the little you do with your gift, God brings about your promotion and increase.

Mark Zuckerberg was busy creating several software’s during his days in Harvard University until he found himself in an opportunity that birthed the Idea of Facebook. You create momentum when you apply your gifts, abilities and skills to work, whatever you put to work is what will work for you. People who are prepared are the ones that take hold of opportunities when the need arises. It takes serving your abilities and using your gifts to add value, for one to be available and positioned for opportunities.

David was busy leading his father’s sheep in the desert before God chose him and anointed his as king to lead the people of Israel. David knew how to play the harp so well that he was brought into the service of the king for playing harp. David also knew how to fight battles that he had to kill a lion and a bear, he killed goliath and assumed leader of the Israeli army at a very young age. Whatever you know how to do, get at it and do it with all your heart. Do it so well that it adds great value to people, for in that your service, God will create an opportunity for you that will move you up and bring you into your place of destiny in life. Your gift will make room for you, discover your gift and use it.


A very powerful quote I learnt from a great man of God Bishop David Oyedepo says” There is no mountain anywhere, everyman’s ignorance is his own

mountain”. God’s word in Mathew 7:7 (NIV) says,”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who ask receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

There is no impossibility anywhere, the reason most people are yet to discover/receive their calling is because they’ve not asked from the Holy Spirit who is the reveller of the secret things of God. Whoever asks receives just as we have read and it is my strong conviction that having read up till this very point, I believe that the Spirit of God is opening up something powerful and mind blowing deep within your spirit, stirring up what has been hidden and dormant in you and bringing it to your consciousness. I strongly believe that as you keep reading, the Spirit of God will make clear to you, your own vision, dreams, ideas, missions, and potentials-whatever it is that God has designed and prepared for you will be made known to you.

Your foundation to receiving is by believing. Believe that God has an assignment and a task he created you to perform, acknowledge that you’ve been gifted, that within you lie potentials and abilities waiting to be refined and engaged productively and believe that you have your own place in life, a field prepared for you and a task you’ve been called upon to perform in your field.

The first Action Step to take towards discovering your calling as we’ve stated earlier is to believe that there’s a calling for your life, be certain that God called you on earth for a purpose and in this awareness, you can engage the following in discovery of your calling.


Prayer is an avenue for communicating with God, through prayer you get to reason with the Lord your God, who has called you here for the assignment you seek to discover. He called you for his great purpose and he alone can reveal that purpose to you. There’s non on earth who truly understands you as much as the creator who made you and placed you here on earth. So it is never out of place to go to God in search of the answers concerning his calling upon your life. God himself said

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah33:3)KJV.

And he said also in chapter 29:13

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

When you call on God genuinely with all your heart, desperate for an answer, God surely will respond to you. In this kingdom, your degree of desperation determines the dimension and speed of the responds you get from God. Divine desperation and fervency in prayer brings divine revelation. Ask God to show you the reason why he created you on earth, ask for knowledge of the task you are wired for-the work he prepared for you to do and be confidence that as you’ve asked with all your heart, God will grant you your request and an answer will surely be released to you and when God gives you an answer, you will know it when it’s revealed. You will have the peace and the assurance that comes with God.

For so many years, I’ve hoped and trusted God that someday I would come into my destiny, But the very moment I got my mind made up and had my heart set to know, I went to God earnestly with fasting and prayers waited on the Lord for days for God to reveal my calling to me and the Lord answered me and showed me the path to my great destiny. Likewise, so many others have prayed fervently for the discovery of their calling, and to everyone who earnestly asked, received and each one of them are today living their dreams.

Habakkuk made a decision to wait on God for an encounter and these were his words,

“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” Habakkuk 2:1 (KJV)

Did God answer him, the answer is yes. And this is what God said to him.

“And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Habakkuk2:2(KJV)

If you can make a decision to pray, then be sure God is set to answer you. It is the pleasure of God to reveal his plans to his children, when you fix your heart on God, and you pray to him with all your heart, be sure that God will give you an answer.

When you come to this point in your life where you are fed up with being ignorant of your identity, the best step to take is to come before the Father and ask in prayer for the right direction for your life. The Lord said seek and you shall find. It is better to fast and pray when praying a prayer of enquiry so that your spirit man may be very sensitive to hear what God will say to you.

Men of God in Acts 13:2 fasted and prayed and the Holy Spirit commanded them saying, “Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” Fasting and prayer is one sure powerful principle for tapping into the supernatural for discovery and revelation. Waiting on God in your place of Prayer brings about an open heaven. When you pray to God for the revelation of your true calling in life, He answers. All you need is to be spiritually sensitive for you will surely hear from the Lord.

Mark11:24(KJV) says, Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.

When you approach God in prayers believe that you already have what you seek and surely it will be given to you.


10) “Sing to God a brand-new song, sing his praises all over the world! Let the sea and its fish give a round of applause, with all the far-flung islands joining in. (11) let the desert and its camp raise a tune, calling the kedar nomads to join in. Let the villagers in Sela round up a choir and perform from the tops of the mountains. (12) Make God’s glory resound; echo his praises from coast to coast…… 16) But I’ll take the hand of those who don’t know the way, who can’t see where they’re going. I’ll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country. I’ll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don’t fall into the ditch. These are the things I’ll be doing for them-Sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute.” Isaiah42:10-12, 16 (MSG)

Praise is one act that brings down the presence of God in any situation. A heart devoted praise to God releases the wonder working power of God turning around every impossible situation and making them possible. God is saying in the above scripture that a worthy song of praise should be sang to his name, one full of great joy and life from a grateful and loving heart is what he requires from us. And in return, he will lead you in your path of destiny, he will give you divine direction for your life and the vision for your destiny. God has promised divine understanding to you in addition to all the revelation for your life mission. When you praise the Lord in the beauty of his holiness, there will be nothing that the Lord will withhold from you if only your request is coming from a heart of faith and great love. God never stays quiet on the altar of praise, praise is what the Lord eats and when you give him praise, he answers with his power. Paul and Silas praised God and their prison gates where busted open and their chains broke loose. (Acts16:5-6), the wall of Jericho fell down just as the people praise and echoed the glory of God. (Joshua6:20). In the arena of praise to God, nothing is impossible.

God has promised that on the altar of praise, he will personally lead you in ways you know not and in paths of your life you have not discovered. The way and manner he will get it done for you, is best known to him but has he said it, he will do it. Only have faith in God and praise him always with all your heart and he will show you the place he has called you to function.


Service in the house of God is another guaranteed way to secure your divine calling from God. The truth is that you have been saved to serve and the moment you gave your life to Christ, you’ve signed up for a life sold out for service in the kingdom of God, and the best place to start your manifestation in service is in the house of the Lord. You are designed for service and with your abilities, there is definitely something you can do in God’s house that will contribute value. When you are committed and you serve faithfully in a particular department with all your heart in God’s house, God will through your devotion in service and in promotion for your diligence and faithfulness, release to you an opportunity that will move you to your destined work. God most often, through service in the kingdom, provide for you an idea, a revelation or a vision to run with, depending on his plan for your life. So many in the kingdom have received a call in one area of life or the other, some received a direction to start up a particular business or set up an organization, some discovered their gifts and got insights how to serve it productively, some others received appointments of their dreams and jobs of their passion. Most persons got divine inspiration on how to set up or build functional systems, many others got ideas of various kinds to create products or services. God uses kingdom service to refine believers for the calling upon their lives. This is the reason why when God sees faithfulness and diligence in your service in his kingdom, he promotes you my giving you a discovery which will be to you an assignment. God can do this through revelations, visions, dreams or insights that unfolds his plans. This plans reveals what he wants to do at a specific time and gives you the mandate of executing that which he has revealed by the leading of his Spirit which is in you.

A family friend told me how he came about his invention which is 90% completed as at the time of our conversation. He told me that he went to a particular church and was converted and after given his life to Christ, he joined a service unit and was diligent in service. Then, on a particular day during his spare time, he decided to search for the church online. But to his surprise, the church had no website and had no online presence. He approached the pastor and requested to design a website for the church which the pastor gladly accepted and he went and commenced the design. He told me that on the process of designing that website for the church, he heard clearly in his spirit the voice of God telling him to start up the design and the construction of a particular electronic machine, the voice gave him specific instructions to how the machine would function and everything that will be needed as its components and as the voice instructed, he said he was writing them down and after that encounter, he has done much research and study on how to develop the machine and today, the same project he received from the Lord is very close to completion as the Spirit of God has been leading him in every phase of the work.

Through genuine service in God’s house, so many others have received divine instruction to venture into something much more meaningful, impactful and very profitable that most times is different from what they were initially doing and is today the transformation they enjoy and the value that they serve to their world. Most of the musicians making waves and kingdom impacts in the world today started out as choristers in their local churches, they served with their voices to the praise of God and God in turn blessed them with a message to humanity and songs to sing, and today they are the stars that are celebrated in the world.

The Bible recorded that the boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli (1Samuel3:1). Samuel served in the house of God, He was in charge of opening the doors of the church and when found faithful in service God gave him a vision and commissioned him for a specific task. Genuine service before the Lord positions you for a life transforming encounter. The vision God will reveal to you is the key to your prosperous success and breakthrough in life, it is your own Garden of Eden given to you to work, take dominion, reign and impact your world.


Sacrifice is one act that moves the hand of God and guarantees open heaven in a particular situation. Sacrifice can be done in many ways, it can be done by sowing a financial seed of faith for the release of your expected heart desire. I did this many times in hope and in faith that I will discover and fulfil my calling on earth and God answered my prayers and is still answering me. You can also go all out to do something for God, anything you feel you can do just to show God how much you truly love and desire his will and purpose for your life. The reason it is called a sacrifice is because it will cost you something. When a sacrifice is done with an open heart and in worship, there is always a divine release of heavenly information or ideas in the direction of your request. Sacrifice when done with a pure heart pleases God and brings Gods attention to man’s earnest desire. The sacrifice you offer to God can open up to you a deeper dimension of your destiny. Saul who later became King in Israel, discovered the call of God upon his life when he went to make an inquiry from the prophet of the way he should go. When he went to inquire, he went with a sacrifice in his hand. When you regard God to honour him with a sacrifice, God will regard you to grant you a discovery that will single you out for honour before men. Sacrifice gave Saul a discovery of his calling and his life never remain the same again.

“And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God and he is an honourable man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass: now let us go thither; peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go. Then said Saul to his

servant, But, behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread is spent

in our vessels and there is not a present to bring to the man of God: what have we?

And the servant answered Saul again, and said, behold, I have here at hand the fourth part of the shekel of silver: that will I give to the man of God to tell us our way. (1 Samuel 9:6-8) KJV

This move for an enquiry granted him an encounter that transformed his life. From a person considered to be the list among his people to a person called to be king over the same people he was found to be list among. There is no limit to the dimension of revelation God is set to unveil to you if only you seek to honour Him with an honourable sacrifice. When Abraham sought to discover and to know in details the promise of God’s regarding his destiny, God requested for a sacrifice for that depth of revelation.


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