Documents of the Right Word by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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[1] To wet the hands and rub them gently on mests.

[2] Light, soleless leather boots worn with overshoes.

[3] Kinds of hadîth-i-sherîfs are explained in full detail in the sixth chapter of Endless Bliss.

[4] Nikâh means marriage contract as prescribed by Islam. Mut’a nikâh is a kind of temporary marriage practiced among Shiite Muslims.

[5] Kinds of meat Islam prohibits to consume are called lesh. They include putrifying meat as well as that of an animal killed not in the manner prescribed by Islam.

[6] Commandments that are plainly stated in Qur’ân al-kerîm are called Fard, or Fardh, (pl. Farâidh). If it has not been stated clearly whether something is a commandment, it is called Wâjib. In other words, a wâjib is a kind of commandment next to fard in importance.

[7] Islam’s most important commandment is the namâz, which is performed five times daily and in a manner prescribed by Islam. When a group of Muslims perform namâz together, one of them leads, conducts the prayer, and the others follow his actions. The person who conducts the namâz is called imâm, and the Muslims who imitate his movements are called jamâ’at.

[8] Se’âdet-i Ebediyye (Endless Bliss) has been partly translated into English and published in fascicles. For those who have not had the chance to read that book, we shall make a brief definition of the word mutawâtî: it is an attribute commonly and equally shared by all the members of a species. Like the attributes, or characteristics, of being human or animal. The highest of mankind and the lowest man are equal in being human. For instance, there is no difference between a Prophet and a disbeliever in being human.

[9] As it is explained in the book (Se’âdet-i-Ebediyye), Musheqqiq means an attribute, a quality, a characteristic which does not exist in equal amounts in all the members of a species. An example of this is knowledge, which is possessed in different amounts by learned people. The word teshqiq, used in the text, is the noun form of the adjective musheqqiq. Please see Endless Bliss, Second Fascicle, Chapter 4, Explanation of Wisdom.

[10] Those Meccan Muslims who left their hometown and migrated to Medina with the Messenger of Allah. This migration of the Prophet is called Hijrat (Hegira) and is accepted as the beginning of the Muslim Era.